Title Viktimizacija : kulturno-antropološka analiza subjekta invaliditeta u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Victimization : anthropological analysis of the subject of disabilty in Croatia
Author Atila Lukić
Mentor Senka Božić Vrbančić (mentor) MBZ: 277851
Mentor Hariz Halilovich https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8930-3152 (komentor)
Committee member Tea Škokić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 219911
Committee member Tomislav Oroz (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 309810
Committee member Duško Petrović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 319403
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2022-03-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Ethnology and Anthropology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 342 - Public law. Constitutional law. Administrative law
Abstract Ovo se istraživanje bavi analizom javnih politika prema osobama s invaliditetom u Hrvatskoj. Krećući se od različitih modela invaliditeta te različitih dokumenata (poput UNove Konvencije o ljudskim pravima osoba s invaliditetom i Međunarodne klasifikacije funkcioniranja, onesposobljenosti i zdravlja itd.), analiziraju se pravni te medicinski mehanizmi stvaranja onog što se u radu naziva subjekt invaliditeta. Ovaj se subjekt invaliditeta ne oblikuje samo kao rezultat modela invaliditeta ili jednostrani učinak javnih politika, već mu se u istraživanju pristupa kao problemu (Foucault) koji se prati kroz odnos javnih politika i države te u područjima aktivizma, samopomoći i humanitarnim akcijama. Kroz navedena područja problematizira se subjekt viktimizacije koji u vlastitom stvaranje slobode postane vezan uz uvjete vlastitoga postojanja. Isprepletenost države i procesa subjektivizacije je fokus istraživanja rada. Teorijski je rad informiran mišlju Michela Foucaulta i Wendy Brown. Od Foucaultova koncepta političke racionalnosti koja istovremeno individualizira i totalizira tijela osoba s invaliditetom te doprinosa Brown, koja ističe posljedice usmjerenosti emancipatornih politika prema državi za artikulaciju političke subjektivnosti. Ovaj rad ne pokušava samo primijeniti, već i reinterpretirati navedene teorijske okvire, kako bismo omogućili promišljanje procesa političke subjektivizacije u području koje je rijetko analizirano, ne samo u Hrvatskoj veći i šire. Koristeći antropologiju javnih politika, dokumentima javnih politika prema osobama s invaliditetom pristupilo se, ne samo kao nositeljima normativne funkcije, već dokumentima koji odražavaju i utječu na odnose moći. Rad ukazuje na to kako, unatoč proklamiranim ciljevima, javne politike neraskidivo vežu osobe s invaliditetom kao subjekte u svojoj slobodi za državu.
Abstract (english) This research deals with the analysis of public policies towards persons with disabilities in Croatia. Starting from different models of disability and different documents (such as the UN Convention on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, etc.), the legal and medical mechanisms of creating what is called disability subject are analyzed. This subject of disability is formed not only as a result of a disability model or unilateral effect of public policies, but in research it is approached as a problem (Foucault) that is monitored through the relationship between public policies and the state, and in the areas of activism, self-help and humanitarian actions. Through these areas, the „subject of victimization“ is problematized, which in its own constitution of freedom becomes tied to the conditions of its own existence. The intertwining of the state and the process of subjectivization is the focus of this research. The theoretical work was informed by the research of Michel Foucault and Wendy Brown; from Foucault’s concept of political rationality that simultaneously individualizes and totalizes the bodies of people with disabilities, and Brown’s contribution, which highlights the consequences of emancipatory policy orientation toward the state for articulating political subjectivity. This paper not only tries to apply but reinterpret the stated theoretical frameworks in order to enable reflection on the process of political subjectivization in an area that is rarely analyzed not only in Croatia but beyond. Using the anthropology of public policies, public policy documents towards persons with disabilities were approached not only as holders of a normative function but also as documents that reflect and influence power relations. The paper does indicate how, despite the proclaimed goals, public policies inextricably link persons with disabilities as subjects in their freedom to the state.
subjekt invaliditeta
politička racionalnost
javne politike
antropologija javnih politika
Keywords (english)
subject of disability
political rationality
public policies
anthropology of public policy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:719399
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje etnologija i antropologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje etnologija i antropologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2022-04-05 07:47:47