Title Sustav ranog upozorenja na strateške rizike u međunarodnom poslovanju
Title (english) Early warning system of strategic risks in international business
Author Josip Kereta
Mentor Ivo Andrijanić (mentor) MBZ: 117570
Committee member Marko Kolaković (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 227662
Committee member Ivo Andrijanić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 117570
Committee member Dinko Primorac (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 288741
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Granter Libertas International University Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-01-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy
Abstract Ova doktorska disertacija teorijski je i praktični doprinos razumijevanju sustava ranog
upozorenja na strateške rizike u poduzećima koja posluju na međunarodnim tržištima, koji treba
ukazivati na prijetnje i na prilike. Problem u ovoj disertaciji je uspješnost poslovanja hrvatskih
poduzeća u međunarodnom poslovanju, a predmet istraživanja je doprinos sustava ranog
upozorenja kao dijela efikasnog sustava upravljanja rizicima povećanju uspješnosti poslovanja
hrvatskih poduzeća na međunarodnom tržištu. Uvodno su razmatrani suvremeni uvjeti
poslovanja koje karakterizira dinamika i kompleksnost okruženja (turbulencija) te sve veća
diferencijacija unutar poduzeća. Takvi uvjeti poslovanja otežavaju sagledavanje posljedica
budućih poslovnih događaja i situacija, te povećavaju neizvjesnost u svakom segmentu
poslovanja. Od menadžmenta se zahtijeva „pogled unaprijed“, odnosno sagledavanje
budućnosti i proaktivno djelovanje, te se menadžment sve više usmjerava na problematiku
upravljanja poslovnim rizicima. A upravo sustav ranog upozorenja jedan je od načina
previđanja budućnosti i time upravljanja strateškim poslovnim rizicima. U teorijskim
dijelovima disertacije obrađeno je pojmovno određenje strateških rizika u međunarodnom
poslovanju i sustava ranog upozorenja, opisan proces i prikazana sinteza teorije i praktičnih
primjera sustava ranog upozorenja. U istraživačkim dijelovima disertacije prikazani su rezultati
empirijskog istraživanja provedenog putem anketnog upitnika na uzorku hrvatskih poduzeća
koja posluju na međunarodnim tržištima. Time su ispunjeni ciljevi disertacije, te je pri
ispitivanju razvijenosti sustava ranog upozorenja u hrvatskim poduzećima koja posluju na
međunarodnim tržištima ustanovljena niska razina razvijenosti sustava, odnosno da je sustav
razvijen tek u velikim poduzećima. Na temelju odgovora ispitanika o važnosti pojedinih
potencijalnih komponenti sustava ranog upozorenja, odnosno stavova ispitanika o indikatorima,
metodama, tehnikama sustava ranog upozorenja, provedeno je rangiranje prioriteta te je
formuliran sustav ranog upozorenja na strateške rizike u međunarodnom poslovanju za hrvatska
poduzeća. Postavljene hipoteze nedvojbeno su potvrđene na temelju čega se zaključuje da je
model održiv u duljem razdoblju.
Abstract (english) This PhD thesis represents a theoretical and practical contribution towards understanding the
early warning system of strategic risks in companies operating in international markets, which
should indicate to both threats and opportunities. The problem in this PhD thesis is the efficacy
of Croatian companies in international business, and the subject of the research is the
contribution of the early warning system as an integral part of an effective risk management
system to increasing the efficacy of Croatian companies in the international market.
Introductory discusses contemporary business conditions characterized by the dynamics and
complexity of the environment (turbulence), and the increasing differentiation within
companies. Such business conditions make it difficult to see the consequences of future
business events and situations, and increase uncertainty in each segment of the business.
Management is required to look ahead, ie to look into the future and act proactively, and
management is increasingly focusing on business risk management. The early warning system
is one way of foreseeing the future and managing strategic business risks. The theoretical
chapters of the PhD thesis explain the conceptual definition of strategic risks in international
business and the early warning system, describe the process and present a synthesis of theory
and practical examples of early warning systems. The research chapter of the PhD thesis present
the results of an empirical survey conducted through the survey on a sample of Croatian
companies operating in international markets. This fulfilled the goals of the PhD thesis, and
while examining the development of the early warning system in Croatian companies operating
in international markets, a low level of system development was found, that is, the system was
developed only in large companies. Based on the respondents' response about the importance
of certain potential components of the early warning system, ie the respondents' views on
indicators, methods, techniques of the early warning system, a ranking of priorities was made
and an early warning system of strategic risks in international business was formulated for
Croatian companies. The hypotheses were without doubt confirmed, based on which it is
concluded that the model is sustainable over a longer period.
indikatori ranog upozorenja
međunarodno poslovanje
rano upozorenje
slabi signali
strateški rizici
upravljanje rizicima
Keywords (english)
early warning indicators
international business
early warning
weak signals
strategic risks
risk management
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:721748
Study programme Title: Joint postgraduate doctoral study International Relations Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanost, polje interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz područja društvenih znanost, polje interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 315 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2020-08-31 11:36:03