Title Lička toponimija
Title (english) Toponymy of Lika
Author Ivica Mataija
Mentor Dunja Brozović Rončević (mentor) MBZ: 120174
Committee member Domagoj Vidović (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 262975
Committee member Dunja Brozović Rončević (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 120174
Committee member Kristijan Juran (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 271095
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-06-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 81 - Linguistics and languages
Abstract U ovome se radu onomastički istražuje lička povijesna i suvremena toponimija. Riječ je o korpusu od 4409 toponima, i to u prvome redu ojkonima, hidronima, oronima i speleonima koji su ekscerpirani iz povijesnih i suvremenih zemljovida te povijesnih i ostalih dostupnih vrela. Dio toponimijske građe prikupljan je terenskim istraživanjima, a dio građe naknadno je ciljano provjeravan na terenu, primjerice svi etnici i ktetici te veći dio hidronimije. Toponimi su analizirani na motivacijskoj, strukturnoj te na razini jezičnih nadslojavanja, svaki toponim posebno i u okviru toponimske skupine. Opisane su povijesne, zemljopisne, jezične i demografske osobitosti ličkoga područja, potom procesi naseljavanja i oblikovanja naselja od predslavenskog do suvremenog doba. Obradba povijesnih i suvremenih toponima uključila je opis i analizu svih dostupnih relevantnih jezičnih i izvanjezičnih elemenata koji su utjecali na oblikovanje imenâ kako bi se rasvijetlila njihova etiologija i povijesni kontinuitet. Sveobuhvatna analiza obrađivanih toponimskih skupina omogućila je izdvajanje onomastičkih osobitosti povijesne i suvremene ličke toponimije. Posebna je pozornost posvećena proučavanju imenskoga kontinuiteta, prenošenju pojedinog imena na druge zemljopisne referente te analizi jezičnih i toponimijskih nadslojavanja kako bi se istaknule osobine svake toponimske skupine i ličke toponimije u cijelosti. Pri tomu su se razine opisa, posebice povijesnih, zemljopisnih, arheoloških, etnoloških, demografskih i drugih izvanjezičnih podataka prilagođavale potrebama onomastičkoga opisa. S obzirom na bremenitost ličke povijesti, detaljnije su istražena vrela koja nam pružaju uvid u administrativno normiranje ličke toponimije kao i opise imenovanja i preimenovanja poglavito ličkih naselja, planinskih vrhova i speleoloških objekata. Ovaj je rad prvi sustavan opis povijesne i suvremene ličke toponimije, a u njemu su obuhvaćena dosadašnja dostupna znanja o toponimiji ličkoga prostora. Svojim opsegom i razinom obradbe definirane teme disertacija omogućuje uvid u povijesni razvoj, stukturu i tipologiju zemljopisnih imena na ličkom prostoru.
Abstract (english) The topic of this dissertation is the onomastic research of Lika’s historical and contemporary toponymy. This refers to the corpus of 4409 toponyms, mainly oikonyms, hydronyms, oronyms and speleonyms, which were excerpted from historical and contemporary maps and historical and other available sources. Part of the toponymy database was collected through field research, and part was collected through subsequent targeted verification in the field – for example, all inhabitant names and adjectival forms of place names and a large part of hydronyms. Toponyms were analysed at a motivational, structural and linguistic layering level, each toponym separately within the scope of a toponym group. The analysis included the description of Lika’s historical, geographical, linguistic and demographic peculiarities, as well as population and settlement formation processes from Pre-Slavic to contemporary age. The processing of historical and contemporary toponyms included the description and analysis of all available relevant linguistic and extra linguistic elements, which influenced the formation of names in order to clarify their aetiology and historical continuity. The comprehensive analysis of processed toponym groups has allowed the separation of onomastic characteristics of historical and contemporary toponymy of Lika. Special attention was dedicated to the study of name continuity, the transmission of a determined name to other geographical references and the analysis of linguistic and toponymy layering in order to identify the characteristics of each toponymy group and Lika’s toponymy as a whole. Therefore, level descriptions especially of historical, geographical, archaeological, ethnological, and demographical and other extra linguistic data were adjusted to the requirements of onomastic description. Considering the tumultuous history of Lika, sources that allow the examination of administrative norms regarding Lika’s toponymy as well as the description of naming and renaming, especially of Lika’s settlements, mountain tops and caves have been examined in detail. This paper is the first systematic description of Lika’s historical and contemporary toponymy, and it includes all available knowledge of Lika’s toponymy so far. The scope and processing level of the defined topic in the dissertation allows the examination of the historical development, structure and typology of geographical names in the area of Lika.
lička naselja
Keywords (english)
Lika’s settlements
and hydronymy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:068861
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2019-09-04 09:44:36