Title Predromanička kamena liturgijska skulptura na području Pulske biskupije
Title (english) Pre-Romanesque Stone Liturgical Sculpture in the Diocese of Pula
Author Nikolina Belošević
Mentor Marina Vicelja-Matijašić (mentor) MBZ: 151081
Mentor Pavuša (Pavao) Vežić (komentor) MBZ: 202796
Committee member Vladimir Peter Goss (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 256960
Committee member Maja Petrinec (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 294082
Committee member Marina Vicelja-Matijašić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 151081
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-02-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History of Art
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 73 - Plastic arts
Abstract Uvidom u stanje istraženosti predromaničke kamene liturgijske skulpture Istre nametnula se potreba za revidiranjem starijih teza te za cjelovitom analizom ulomaka, ponajprije s južnog dijela poluotoka, odnosno područja koje je u ranom srednjem vijeku pripadalo Pulskoj biskupiji. Ti ulomci predstavljaju kvantitativno najveći segment ukupnog istarskog korpusa ranosrednjovjekovne skulpture pa je jedan od osnovnih ciljeva ovoga rada bila izrada sveobuhvatnog kataloga relevantnih ulomaka kamene liturgijske skulpture toga dijela poluotoka. S obzirom na količinu i heterogenost fragmenata te kontekst njihova nastanka unutar mediteranskoga kruga utjecaja, uz katalošku se obradu provela pomna interpretacija skulpture s posebnim fokusom na njihovu provenijenciju slijedeći komparativnu analizu i bliske primjere s drugih prostora. Detaljnom analizom likovno-morfoloških, ikonografskih i tehničko-izvedbenih osobina, interpretacijom i komparacijom reljefno ukrašenih dijelova liturgijske skulpture te uočavanjem elemenata sličnosti, odnosno “rukopisnih” karakteristika pojedinih klesara, izdvojeno je i imenovano šest radioničkih krugova čijim su djelima opremane crkve južnog dijela poluotoka u razdoblju između zadnje četvrtine 8. i kraja 9. st. Skulptura obuhvaćena istraživanjem i detaljnom kataloškom obradom potječe sa šezdeset lokaliteta, a razvrstana je u četiri veće prostorne cjeline. Prva obuhvaća grad Pulu i područje neposredno uz srednjovjekovne gradske zidine, dok se preostala tri područja okvirno poklapaju s granicama današnjih dekanata: Pulskog, Vodnjanskog i Rovinjskog. Broj lokaliteta unutar navedenih poglavlja varira ovisno o njihovu značaju i količini pronađenih ulomaka skulpture. Za svaki je lokalitet sastavljen kratak opis trenutnog stanja i povijesnih faza transformacije (ukoliko ih je bilo), donosi se pregled relevantne literature, a u nastavku se kataloški dokumentiraju, interpretiraju te stilski analiziraju i tehnički definiraju ulomci pripadajuće skulpture.
Abstract (english) The insight into the state of research of the pre-Romanesque stone liturgical sculpture of Istria boosted the need for revision of the existent theses and a more thorough analysis of fragments, primarily from the southern part of the peninsula or areas that were within the borders of Pula Diocese in the early Middle Ages. They represent the largest collection within the Istrian corpus of early medieval sculpture, therefore one of the main goals of this thesis was to compile a comprehensive catalogue of relevant fragments of these stones. Considering the quantity and heterogeneity of the fragments as well as the context of their appearance within the Mediterranean influential area, the catalogue provides a complete and accurate descriptive and visual record with specific focus on their origin and comparative analyses in reference to the fragments of other areas in the region. Based on a detailed analysis of visual, morphological, iconographic and technical features, and the comparison of relief fragments of the liturgical sculpture along with distinguishing comparable elements or the so called "visual language" of individual sculptors, six workshops were defined. These workshops operated in the southern part of the peninsula producing liturgical furnishing for the churches in the period between the last quarter of the 8th and the end of the 9th century. According to the research results sixty churches were recognized as the original sites of the total of 494 stone fragments that are catalogued within four larger units conforming to territorial division. The first unit includes the city of Pula and the area close to the medieval city walls, while the remaining three areas roughly correspond to the borders of today's dioceses of Pula, Vodnjan and Rovinj. The number of sites within these areas varies. For each site, a brief description of the current situation and the historical phases of transformation (if any) is presented. A list of the relevant literature is provided, and in the catalogue the stone fragments are documented, analysed and interpreted.
kamena liturgijska skulptura
Pulska biskupija
Keywords (english)
stone liturgical sculpture
Pula Diocese
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:745088
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest umjetnosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest umjetnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2019-03-28 13:41:42