Title Keramika tankih stijenki s područja rimske Murse
Title (english) Thin-walled pottery from roman Mursa
Author Mirna Crnković
Mentor Miroslav Glavičić (mentor)
Committee member Igor Borzić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Glavičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zrinka Šimić-Kanaet (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-10-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 902/904 - Archaeology
Abstract Doktorski rad sadrži znanstvenu obradu jedne keramičke skupine, koja dolazi s novih istraživanja Murse koja su se provodila u razdoblju od 2001. – 2014. godine na području sveučilišnog kampusa i Obrtničke škole u Osijeku. Tema keramike tankih stijenki proizašla je iz težnje za dobivanjem novih informacija vezanih za rane faze Murse, koje se točnije odnose na razdoblje prije osnivanja kolonije. Ovaj aspekt povijesti općenito je slabo istražen na području Donje Panonije iz razloga što je većina ranih slojeva uništena aktivnostima kasnijih razdoblja. Analizirano je 740 nalaza podijeljenih u 34 fabrikatne skupine na osnovu kojih je napravljena podjela na keramičarska proizvodna područja koja se odnose na sjevernoitalske, hispanske, galske i germanske, panonske radionice te keramičarski proizvodni centar u Mursi. U posebnu su kategoriju izdvojeni i nalazi čiji centri proizvodnje nisu određeni, no prema zaključcima proizašlim iz ostalog analiziranog materijala, nalazi ove skupine vjerojatno su se odnosili na radionice sjevernoitalskog, srednjoitalskog te panonskog područja. Najraniji nalazi vežu se upravo za import koji zasigurno započeo već u 1. stoljeću pr. Kr. što je vidljivo prema nalazima čaša na Učiteljskom fakultetu pronađenim u kasnolatenskim slojevima. Upravo ovi nalazi svjedoče o trgovačkim aktivnostima koje su se odvijale s lokalnim autohtonim stanovništvom Murse i prije rimskih vojnih osvajanja. S impotom se, posebno sa sjevernoitalskoga područja, nastavilo i tijekom julijevsko – klaudijevskoga razdoblja, a vrhunac se odnosi na razdoblje Flavijevaca, točnije u vremenu vladavine careva Vespazijana i Domicijana, koje se također veže uz utvrđivanje i uspostavu vojnih logora na Limesu. U isto vrijeme jačaju utjecaji južno panonskih radioničkih centara od kojih Sirmij zauzima jednu od glavnih uloga šireći svoje proizvode sjeverno rijekom Dunavom te također i u kontinentalni dio provincije te Norik. Krajem 1. stoljeća po Kr. količina importa keramike takih stijenki u Mursi uvelike se smanjuje, a razlog je lokalna proizvodnja. Na lokalitetu Poljopriredni fakultet pronađene su keramičarske peći koje su direktan pokazatelj lokalne proizvodnje. Smještene su unutar objekata obrtničko – trgovinskoga karaktera koji su se nalazili uz jednu od glavnih prometnica (decumanus) kroz grad. Proizvodnja tankih stijenki bazira se na formama čaša kakve su se proizvodile na galskom i germanskom području te u centrima na području doline rijeke Rajne. Riječ je o formama loptastih čaša i čaša s konkavnim udubljenjima čija je karakteristika premaz s nabacanim česticama gline na vanjskoj površini stijenki. Isključivo panonski tip predstavljaju i redukcijski pečene konične čaše kakve su poznate i na drugim lokalitetima u Panoniji te istočnim provincijama – Daciji i Meziji. Ove su čaše po prvi puta u ovome radu uvedene u skupinu keramike tanih stijenki što je učinjeno na osnovu tehnoloških karakteristike i forme koja je determinirala i samu funkciju posude. Osim navedene tipološko – kronološke determinacije nalaza i istražene provenijencije posuda koje su ukazale na gospodarska strujanja tijekom različitih razdoblja u ovome dijelu rimske države, doktorski rad rekonstruirao je određene aspekte života Murse od kojih su od posebnog značaja oni koji se odnose na njezine, do sada najslabije istražene, najranije faze.
Abstract (english) The thesis is based on a scientific analysis of one pottery group, which comes from new archaeological research of Mursa, carried out between 2001 – 2014 on six sites in the area of the University Campus and Obrtnička škola in Osijek. The theme of thesis Thin – Walled Pottery from Roman Mursa has been chosen from the tendency of gaining new information related to the early stages of Mursa, which are more specifically related to the period before the founding of the colony. This aspect of history is faintly investigated, generally in the area of Pannonia Inferior, because most of the early strata were destroyed by the activities of later periods. A total of 740 findings are divided into 34 groups based on their fabric, which has later created divisions based on the pottery production areas related to northern Italic, Hispanic, Gallic, Germanic and Pannonian workshops as well as pottery manufacturing center in Mursa. In a separate category, the findings of undefined centers of production are presented, which at the moment cannot be precisely defined but according to the findings arising from all the analyzed material, this group is probably related to the workshops of northern and middle Italic as well as Pannonian regions. The earliest finding are linked precisely to the imported material which certainly started in the 1st century BC., evident from the findings of beakers found at the University of Education in the late La Tène strata. Precisely these findings testify to the commercial activities that have taken place with the local indigenous population of Mursa before Roman military conquests. With impoted material, especially from the northern Italic areas, from the Julio - Claudian period, and during the peak of trade in the Flavian period, specifically in the reign of the emperors Vespasian and Domitian, is associated with the determination and the establishment of Roman military camps on the Danube Limes. At the same time, the influence of the southern Pannonian workshop centers is strengthening, of which Syrmium occupies a major role by distributing its products north of the Danube River and also in the continental part of the provinces of Panonnia and Noricum. At the end of the 1st century AD. the amount of import material of thin – walled pottery is greatly reduced, and the reason is local production. At the site of Faculty of Agriculture pottery kilns were found, which are a direct reflection of local production. They were located within the facilities of an artisan - mercant character that were placed along one of the main city roads (decumanus). The production of thin – walled pottery is based on the forms of beakers which were produced in Gaelic and Germanic areas and in the centers of the Rhine Valley. These are forms of spherical beakers and beaker with concave recesses which are covered in coating with clay particles on the outer surface of the walls. Pannonian types are also represent by a reduction – fired conical beakers, known in other sites in Pannonia and eastern provinces – Dacia and Moesia. These beakers are for the first time in this thesis introduced to a group of thin – walled pottery which is based on its technological features as well as form that determined the very function of these vessels. Apart from the typological and chronological determination of findings and research of their provenance that have pointed to the economic flow during different periods in this part of the Roman Empire, the dissertation has reconstructed certain life aspects of Mursa form which are of special importance those related to her earliest stages.
keramika tankih stijenki
rimska keramika
Keywords (english)
thin-walled pottery
roman pottery
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:831863
Study programme Title: Humanities Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje arheologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje arheologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University of Zadar Institutional Repository
Created on 2018-06-11 09:46:50