Title (english) Rad ne sadrži naslov na drugom jeziku.
Author Veljko Kondić
Mentor Ivan Samardžić (mentor) MBZ: 165270
Mentor Leon Maglić (komentor) MBZ: 190275
Committee member Antun Stoić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 190286
Committee member Goran Šimunović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 212233
Committee member Željko Ivandić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 193585
Committee member Pejo Konjetić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 247881
Committee member Marko Dunđer (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 272471
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2021-04-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Autor u radu prikazuje svoje istraživanje koje je obavio u sklopu okončanja poslije diplomskog doktorskog studija na Strojarskom fakultetu u Slavonskom Brodu. Istraživanje se odnosilo na iznalaženje mogućnosti poboljšanja rezultata proizvodnih procesa uz primjenu Lean principa na primjerima malih i srednjih poduzeća. U uvodnom dijelu rada opisuju se motivacija za izbor teme istraživanja, dosadašnje spoznaje o problemu istraživanja, navodi se cilj i hipoteza samog rada, metoda za istraživanje, struktura rada i očekivani znanstveni doprinos. Nakon uvodnog dijela opisuju se temeljne karakteristike Lean metodologije i to kroz opis pojma Leana, povijesti Leana i suvremenih načela Leana, te sagledavanja doprinosa gurua u području Lean koncepcije. Pojam i principi poboljšavanja u proizvodnim procesima opisuju se u posebnom poglavlju, kao aktivnost vrlo je bitna u samoj koncepciji Leana. Kroz sagledavanje potreba za poboljšanjima, postupcima i čimbenicima poboljšanja, posebno se uočava specifični oblik sugestija, kao aktivnosti vrlo značajne za pokretanje i realizaciju poboljšanja. Istražujući ovu problematiku u radu se navodi dosta primjera vezanih za različita iskustva iz japanskih i američkih poduzeća, kao i iz drugih zemalja. U poglavljima 4 i 5 obrađuju se gubici u proizvodnim procesima i Lean tehnike koje se najčešće koriste u postupcima realizacije konkretnih aktivnosti. Definiranjem pojma gubitaka u proizvodnim procesima i kratkim opisom svakog gubitka autor je nastojao prikazati njihov značaj ali i naglasiti još veći značaj „borbe“ protiv tih gubitaka. Ukratko se opisuju najčešće korištene tehnike (alati i metode) Lean koncepcije. Ukazuje se, kao i kod gubitaka na potrebu daljnjeg istraživanja i analiziranja. U poglavlju 6 autor prikazuje rezultate svoga istraživanja koje je obavio u hrvatskim malim i srednjim poduzećima te u akademskoj zajednici RH i izvan RH. Iz velikog broja informacija i podataka autor u radu prikazuje istraživanje vezano uz izbor prioritetnih gubitaka, istraživanje vezano uz primjenu Lean tehnika te istraživanje vezano uz prepoznavanje dominantnih barijera koje se nameću kao prepreka sustavnijoj primjeni Lean koncepcije u malim i srednjim tvrtkama. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja poslužili su za oblikovanje specifičnog modela Lean koncepcije (MSP –LK) u malim i srednjim poduzećima. Model je koncipiran kroz 8 modula koji zahtijevaju primjenu u postupcima implementacije. U poglavlju 7 autor opisuje ove module i njihove specifičnosti, te iznosi neke od stvarnih primjera primjene u realnom sektoru. U zaključku se navodi da su provedeno istraživanje i verifikacija istraživanja potvrdili mogućnost prilagodbe i primjene metodologije Leana u malim i srednjim poduzećima RH. Predloženi model temelji se na suvremenim načelima Lean koncepcije, iskustvima velikih poduzeća, značajkama malih i srednjih poduzeća te iskustvima do kojih je autor došao tijekom istraživanja i izučavanja velikog broja znanstvene literature. Autor rada je uvjeren u uspješnost ponuđenog modela u malim i srednjim poduzećima proizvodnog tipa, kao i u poduzećima drugih djelatnosti, uvažavajući specifičnosti poslovanja i uvođenja nužnih prilagodbi.
Abstract (english) In his thesis the Author presents research which he conducted as part of his final postgraduate doctoral studies at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod. This research related to the search for opportunities to improve production process results through the application of Lean principles on small and medium-sized enterprises. The introductory part of this thesis defines the motivation for choosing this research topic, current knowledge about the research problem, the goal and hypothesis of the thesis itself, the research method and work structure applied and the expected scientific contribution. Following the introductory chapter, the basic characteristics of Lean methodology are outlined through a description of the term of ‘Lean’, the history and the modern principles of Lean and an appraisal of the contribution of ‘gurus’ within the Lean concept. The term and principles of improving production processes are described in a separate chapter as this is an extremely important activity within the Lean concept. A specific form of a suggestion has been specifically indicated in the analysis of the needs for improvements, procedures and improvement factors, as this activity is very important for initiating and implementing improvements. Whilst exploring this issue the thesis cites many examples that relate to the different experiences of Japanese and American companies, as well as those of other countries. Chapters 4 and 5 relate to losses in the production processes and those Lean techniques that are used most often in implementation procedures for specific activities. By defining the term of ‘losses’ in production processes and providing a brief description of each loss the Author has tried to show their importance, and also emphasise the even greater importance of ‘fighting’ these losses. The most common techniques (tools and methods) used in the Lean concept are briefly outlined. As is the case for losses, they indicate the need for further research and analysis. In Chapter 6 the Author presents the results of research conducted on Croatian small and mediumsized enterprises and in the academic community within the Republic of Croatia and abroad. By analysing a large amount of information and data the author presents research relating to the selection of priority losses, research related to the application of Lean techniques and research related to the identification of dominant barriers presenting obstacles to the more systematic application of Lean concepts in small and medium-sized enterprises. The results of this research were used to design a specific Lean concept model (MSP–LK) for small and medium-sized enterprises. This model was conceived through 8 modules that require application in implementation procedures. In Chapter 7 the author describes these modules and their specific features and presents some of the real examples of their application in the real sector. The Conclusion states that the conducted research and verification of the research confirmed the possibility to adapt and apply Lean methodology to small and medium-sized enterprises within the Republic of Croatia. The proposed model is based on the modern principles of the Lean concept, the experiences of larger companies, the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises and the experiences gained by the author during the course of this research and the study of an extensive range of scientific literature. The author is convinced of the successful potential of the proposed model for small and mediumsized enterprises involved in production in addition to those companies involved in other activities, taking into account the necessity to adjust to the specifics of these businesses.
mala i srednja poduzeća
tehnike Leana
model Lean koncepcije za mala i srednja poduzeća
Keywords (english)
small and medium-sized enterprises
Lean techniques
Lean model concepts for small and medium-sized enterprises
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:581526
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Repository repository.unisb.hr
Created on 2024-11-28 11:08:32