Author Igor Pus
Mentor Goran Šimunović (mentor) MBZ: 212233
Mentor Krešimir Buntak (komentor) MBZ: 215745
Committee member Ivan Samardžić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 165270
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2023-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 617 - Surgery. Orthopaedics. Ophthalmology
Abstract Suvremene galopirajuće tehnološke, društvene, ekonomske i političke promjene kreiraju sve
složenije, nepredvidljivije i nestabilnije životno i radno okružje. U cilju konkurentnog
poslovanja, organizacije se moraju kontinuirano prilagođavati novim uvjetima, te između ostalog
pravovremeno adaptirati svoju organizacijsku strukturu. U okviru doktorskog rada provedeno je
istraživanje znanstvene literature s ciljem utvrđivanja dosadašnjih spoznaja o problematici i
mogućim rješenjima kontinuirane prilagodbe malih i srednjih poduzeća na turbulentne promjene
poslovnog okružja. Utvrđena je nužnost stalnog prilagođavanja organizacijskih čimbenika
poduzeća na promjene konteksta, međutim nisu pronađena adekvatna sustavna praktična rješenja
koja bi to omogućila. U reprezentativnom uzorku malih i srednjih hrvatskih proizvodnih
poduzeća provedena su istraživanja u cilju utvrđivanja njihove mogućnosti prilagodbe na
promjene poslovnog okružja s aspekta aktivnosti, kompetencija i informacija. Ispitivanja su
provedena putem polustukturiranih intervjua te uvidom u operativnu dokumentaciju i poslovne
aktivnosti poduzeća. Analizom i statističkom obradom dobivenih podataka utvrđeno je da
poduzeća nemaju odgovarajuću prilagodljivost. Na temelju rezultata dobivenih iz svih
provedenih istraživanja oblikovan je dinamički model organizacije, koji je potom implementiran
u nekoliko hrvatskih srednjih proizvodnih poduzeća te je validacijom potvrđena njegova
praktična upotrebljivost. Upotrebom dinamičkog modela organizacije omogućeno je malim i
srednjim proizvodnim poduzećima da na dinamičan način prilagođavaju svoju organizacijsku
strukturu i time osiguravaju kontinuirani odgovor na promjene koje nastaju uslijed vanjskih i
unutarnjih utjecaja.
Abstract (english) Contemporary galloping technological, social, economic and political changes create an
increasingly complex, unpredictable and unstable living and working environment. For the
purpose of a competitive business-doing, companies have to continuously adapt to new
conditions, and, among other things, adapt their organizational structure in time. Within the
framework of the dissertation, the research of scientific literature has been carried out with the
aim of determining the current knowledge about the problem and possible solutions of continuous
adjustment of small and medium-sized enterprises to turbulent changes in the business
environment. The necessity of constant adaptation of the organizational factors of the company
to changes in the context has been determined, however, no adequate systematic practical
solutions have been found that would enable this. The research has been conducted in a
representative sample of small and medium-sized Croatian production companies in order to
determine the possibility of their adjustment to the changes of a business environment from the
viewpoint of business activities, competences and informations. Examinations have been carried
out by means of semi-structured interviews and through the insight into the operational
documentation and business activities of the company. Through the analysis and statistical
processing of the obtained data, it has been determined that companies do not have an adequate
adaptability. On the basis of the results obtained from all the conducted research, the Dynamic
Organization Model has been designed, which has afterwards been implemented in a few
Croatian middle-sized production companies and its practical applicability has been confirmed
by means of validation. The use of the Dynamic Organization Model has enabled small and
medium-sized production companies to adjust their organizational structure in a dynamic manner
and thereby ensure a continuous response to changes arising from external and internal
Dinamički model organizacije
MSP – mala i srednja poduzeća
Organizacijska struktura
Oblikovanje organizacije
Kontekst organizacije
Keywords (english)
Dynamic Organization Model
SME - Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Organizational Structure
Organizational Design
Organizational Context
Organizational Competence
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:760635
Promotion 2023-09-29
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Study Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Modern Manufacturing Processes, Modern Production Management, Design and Numerical Modelling of Products Course: Modern Manufacturing Processes Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository repository.unisb.hr
Created on 2023-10-31 09:05:37