Title Primjena računalnih vizijskih sklopova u dizajniranju i izradi ortopedskih pomagala
Title (english) Implementation of computer vision assemblies in the design and manufacture of orthopedic aids
Author Josip Nižetić
Mentor Pero Raos (mentor) MBZ: 121221
Mentor Goran Šimunović (komentor) MBZ: 212233
Committee member Ivan Samardžić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 165270
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 617 - Surgery. Orthopaedics. Ophthalmology
Abstract Ortoze su ortopedska pomagala kojima se nadoknađuje nedostatak funkcije pojedinog dijela
lokomotornog sustava čovjekova tijela, a koji je posljedica traume, ozlijede i/ili prirođene bolesti.
Izrada ortoza složen je postupak koji obuhvaća velik utrošak materijalnih i ljudskih resursa, a za
čiju su izradu često potrebne posebne vrste alata. Navedene činjenice posebno se ističu u
klasičnom, ručnom postupku izrade kalupa ortoza, što je najčešće korišten postupak izrade ortoza.
Na temelju navedenog, postoji potreba za razvojem i primjenom digitalnih rješenja, koja su
posljednjih godina omogućila napredniju izradu ortoza. Uz to, digitalna rješenja potrebna su za
izradu personaliziranih ortoza koje uključuju definiranje površine dijela tijela na koji će se ortoza
primijeniti, a čija će funkcija biti potpomognuta ortozama. Također, u ortotici postoji potreba za
razvojem naprednih digitalnih rješenja jer je područje snimanja često veliko i zahtjevno za klasični
postupak. Nadalje, potreba za brzim rješenjem velika je, budući da pacijent ne može dugo biti bez
ortoze, a prilikom uzimanja otiska za izradu ortoza pacijent treba biti potpuno statičan te u
prisilnom položaju tijekom skeniranja, što predstavlja nelagodu za pacijenta. Međutim, unatoč
velikoj potrebi, digitalna rješenja nisu dovoljno zastupljena. Razlog tome je taj što digitalna
rješenja još uvijek nisu pristupačna, skupa su, složena su za korištenje i često zatvorena za vanjsko
Glavni cilj ovog doktorskog rada jest izrada digitalnog rješenja kojim se ostvaruje optimalna
provedba trodimenzionalnih snimanja dijela tijela za potrebe konstruiranja ortoza te provedba
trodimenzionalnih mjerenja koja su potrebna u procesu kalibracije proizvodnog sustava. U sklopu
rada proveli su se razvoj i izrada digitalnog sklopa za provedbu trodimenzionalnog snimanja tijela
s potrebnim programskim modulima, kao i razvoj digitalnog sklopa za provedbu
trodimenzionalnog snimanja izratka/pripremka. Uz sklop razvijen je i sustav programske podrške
za umjeravanje numeričkog stroja. Nakon provedenog ispitivanja funkcija sklopa i programske
podrške, uspoređujući podatke izrade ortoze na ispitanicima s predloženim postupkom i onim
klasičnim, zaključuje se da je navedeno rješenje, razvijeno u sklopu doktorskoga rada, naprednije
u odnosu na klasično rješenje izrade istog. Novim rješenjem ostvarena je brza, beskontaktna izrada
personaliziranih ortoza za pojedinog ispitanika te predloženo rješenje ima potencijal unaprijediti i
ortotiku i struku.
Abstract (english) Orthoses are orthopedic devices that restore function to a specific area of the locomotor system of
the human body that has been rendered inoperative by trauma, injury, or congenital disease. The
process of making orthoses is labor-intensive, expensive in terms of materials, time-consuming,
and frequently necessitates the use of specialized tools. This is particularly true for the traditional,
manual procedure of creating molds for orthoses, which is the method most frequently used. Given
the foregoing, there is a need for the creation and implementation of digital solutions, which have
recently made it possible for orthoses to be produced at a larger scale. To create personalized
orthoses, which include specifying the surface of the body part to which the orthosis will be put
and whose function the orthoses will support, digital solutions are required. Also, because the
screening area is frequently extensive and demanding for the conventional technique, there is a
need for the development of sophisticated digital alternatives. The patient cannot go without an
orthosis for an extended period of time, and since the patient must remain completely still and in
a forced position during the scan in order to take an impression for the orthosis, this represents a
discomfort for the patient and there is a great need for a quick solution. Digital solutions are not
well represented, despite the significant need. The reason for this is that digital solutions are still
prohibitively expensive, difficult to use, and frequently closed to outside intervention. The main
goal of this doctoral thesis is the creation of a digital solution that realizes the optimal
implementation of three-dimensional scanning of a body part for the purposes of constructing
orthoses and the implementation of three-dimensional measurements that are necessary for
calibrating the production system. As part of the work, the development and creation of a digital
circuit for the implementation of three-dimensional scanning of the body with the necessary
program modules was carried out, as well as the development of hardware modules for the
implementation of three-dimensional scanning of the workpiece. In addition to the assembly, a
software support system was also developed for all defined modules. After testing the functions of
the hardware and software support, comparing the data with the existing solution and testing the
orthosis on patients with this proposed procedure and the classic one, it has been concluded that
the solution, developed as part of the doctoral thesis, is more advanced than the classic solutions.
With the new solution, a quick, non-contact production of personalized orthoses for an individual
patient was achieved, and the proposed solution has the potential to improve orthotics as a
Računalni vid
Računalne tehnologije
3D Digitalizacija
3D Rekonstrukcija
Računalni vizijski sklopovi
Keywords (english)
Computer vision
Computer technologies
3D scanning
3D reconstruction
Computerized Numerical Control
Computer vision circuits
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:577328
Promotion 2023-09-30
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Study Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Modern Manufacturing Processes, Modern Production Management, Design and Numerical Modelling of Products Course: Modern Manufacturing Processes Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository repository.unisb.hr
Created on 2023-10-30 12:21:20