Title Modeli odnosa s javnošću tijekom pandemije COVID-19 na primjeru hrvatskih muzeja
Title (english) Models of public relations during COVID-19 pandemic based on the example of Croatian museums
Author Romana John
Mentor Majda Tafra-Vlahović (mentor)
Committee member Jadranka Lasić-Lazić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Darijo Čerepinko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mato Brautović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University North Koprivnica
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 378 - Higher education. Universities. Academic study
Abstract Gotovo svi aspekti djelovanja u suvremenom društvu su se izmijenili 2020. godine pojavom
svjetske zdravstvene krize uzrokovane pandemijom koronavirusa. Te iznenadne, neplanirane i
jedinstvene okolnosti su značajno utjecale na izmjenu ustaljenih komunikacijskih praksi koje
su dotad primjenjivale muzejske institucije. Ovaj rad donosi detaljnu analizu komunikacijskih
aktivnosti hrvatskih muzeja na reprezentativnom uzorku (N=162) kako bi se ustanovilo na koji
način su se muzejske institucije prilagodile novonastalim okolnostima i na koji način
komuniciraju u online okruženju u svrhu izgradnje i održavanja odnosa sa svojim ciljnim
javnostima. Suvremeni odnosi s javnošću teže temeljiti se na dvosmjerno-simetričnoj
komunikaciji s ciljem uspostavljanja, izgradnje i održavanja dugoročnih kvalitetnih odnosa
organizacije i njezinih javnosti. Razvojem i primjenom novih tehnologija i komunikacijskih
alata spomenuti odnosi postaju sve složeniji. Muzejski sektor je u kratkom vremenu morao
izmijeniti planirane aktivnosti i pronaći način daljnjeg djelovanja i ispunjavanja svoje misije u
društvu, pa je tako potreba izmjene dotadašnje, najčešće jednosmjerne komunikacije prema
dvosmjernoj, postala nužnost. Rad donosi kombinirani pregled literature iz odnosa s javnošću
i muzeologije, interdisciplinarnih grana informacijskih i komunikacijskih znanosti. Provedena
je analiza sadržaja muzejskih mrežnih stranica, ali i društvenih mreža muzejskih institucija, te
nakon detaljne statističke analize i interpretacije trendova u području, slijedom metodološke
triangulacije, provedeni su i dubinski intervjui s praktičarima odnosa s javnošću u muzejskim
institucijama. Prikupljeni i analizirani podaci, uz teorijske postavke iz odnosa s javnošću i
muzeologije, ali i praktične preporuke brojnih međunarodnih muzejskih organizacija, doveli
su do prijedloga nadopune postojećeg normativnog modela odnosa s javnošću specifičnog za
muzejske institucije u online okruženju.
Abstract (english) Almost all aspects of activity in the modern society have changed in 2020 with the
emergence of the global health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. These sudden,
unplanned and unique circumstances had a significant impact on changing the established
communication practices used by museum institutions up to that point in time. This paper
provides a detailed analysis of the communication activities of Croatian museums on a
representative sample of museum institutions (N=162) in order to establish how museums
have adapted to the new circumstances and how they communicate in the online environment
in order to build and maintain relationships with their target audiences. Modern public
relations tend to be based on two-way, symmetrical communication with the aim of
establishing, building and maintaining long-term quality relations between the organization
and its publics, and these relations are becoming more and more complex with the
development and application of new technologies and communication tools. In a short time,
the museum sector had to change its planned activities and find a way to further act and fulfill
its mission in the society, so the need to change the previous, usually one-way
communication to a two-way communication became a necessity. The paper provides a
combined review of literature in public relations and museology. Research started with
content analysis of museum websites and social networks, and after a detailed statistical
analysis and an interpretation of trends in the field, following methodological triangulation,
in-depth interviews were conducted with public relations practitioners in museum
institutions. Collected and analyzed data, along with the theoretical framework from public
relations and museology, but also practical recommendations of numerous international
museum organizations led to adaptation of the existing normative model of public relations,
specific for museum institutions in an online environment.
odnosi s javnošću
dvosmjerno-simetrična komunikacija
Keywords (english)
public relations
two-way symmetrical communication
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:122:372559
Promotion 2022-07-14
Study programme Title: Media and Communication Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: dr.sc. (dr.sc.)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository University North Digital Repository
Created on 2023-04-04 08:35:48