FROM 1673 TO 1918
Author Lada Lozančić
Mentor Anđelko Akrap (mentor)
Committee member Robert Skenderović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Pokos (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Ipšić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Dubrovnik Dubrovnik
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Demography Demographic History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract U ovom radu prikazano je povijesno-demografsko kretanje i razvoj stanovništva Župe Bogomolje temeljeno na povijesnim vrelima: popisima stanovnika i matičnim knjigama rođenih/krštenih, vjenčanih i umrlih.
Prema podacima prvog mletačkog Popisa stanovnika otoka Hvara iz 1673. godine i popisima austrijske vlasti od 1857. do 1918. godine prikazano je kretanje ukupnog broja stanovnika u Župi Bogomolje te migracije u Bogomolje i iz Bogomolja. Župa Bogomolje je brdsko naselje na istočnoj strani otoka Hvara, a spominje se već u 15. stoljeću. Intenzivno napučivanje doživjelo je tijekom razdoblja osmanskih osvajanja kolonizacijom prebjeglog stanovništva s kopnenog dijela jadranske obale, većinom iz Makarskog primorja tijekom 17. stoljeća. I u 19. stoljeću doseljavanje stanovnika zbog ekonomskih i egzistencijalnih čimbenika utjecalo je na porast broja stanovnika u Župi Bogomolje.
Analizom matičnih knjiga rođenih/krštenih Župe Bogomolje za razdoblje od 1745. do 1918. godine dobiveni su podaci o broju rođenih i njihovoj spolnoj strukturi, vremenskom intervalu između rođenja i krštenja djece, broju blizanaca i izvanbračnoj djeci. Temeljem tih podataka izračunate su stope nataliteta, ritam začeća, mjesečna i sezonska distribucija rađanja te intervali između datuma vjenčanja roditelja i rođenja prvog djeteta.
Iz matičnih knjiga vjenčanih dobiveni su podaci o broju sklopljenih brakova, broju ponovljenih brakova te dobi mladoženje i mladenke prilikom stupanja u brak. Temeljem tih podataka napravljena je sezonska i mjesečna distribucija vjenčanja i utvrđeni su najčešći dani i ceremonije vjenčanja te ženidbena dob.
Broj umrlih, spol i dob umrlih te uzroci smrti dobiveni su analizom matičnih knjiga umrlih Župe Bogomolje za razdoblje od 1754. do 1918. godine. Prema dobivenim podacima prikazana je spolna i dobna distribucija umrlih, mjesečna distribucija umrlih, prosječna dob umrlih i najčešći uzroci smrti.
Knjiga Stanja duša iz 1832. godine bogata je podacima o stanovnicima Župe Bogomolje za dotičnu godinu te daje uvid o obiteljskoj strukturi (npr. obitelji bez djece, samohrane majke, samohrani očevi), sklopljenim brakovima i doseljenim bračnim supružnicima, redoslijedu sklopljenih brakova i drugi podaci.
Analiza podataka o prirodnom kretanju stanovnika Župe Bogomolje poslužila je za uočavanje obiteljskih običaja tijekom istraživanog razdoblja. Ovo je prvo povijesno- demografsko istraživanje male Župe Bogomolje na otoku Hvaru te predstavlja izvorni doprinos proučavanju cjelokupnog hvarskog stanovništva.
Abstract (english) This thesis presents the historical-demographic transition and development of the population of Bogomolje parish based on historical sources: population censuses and registers of births/baptisms, marriages and deaths.
Based on the data of the first Venetian census of the inhabitants of the island of Hvar from 1673 and the censuses of the Austrian government from 1857 to 1918, the movement of the total number of inhabitants in Bogomolje parish and migration to and from Bogomolje is shown. Bogomolje parish is a hill settlement on the eastern side of the island of Hvar, and it was mentioned as early as the 15th century. It was intensively populated during the period of the Ottoman conquests by the people who fled from the mainland part of the Adriatic coast, mostly from the Makarska coast during the 17th century. During the 19th century, immigration of inhabitants due to economic and existential factors influenced the increase in the number of inhabitants in Bogomolje parish.
The analysis of birth/baptism registers of Bogomolje parish for the period from 1745 to 1918 yielded data on the number of births and their gender structure, the time interval between the birth and baptism of children, the number of twins and illegitimate children. Based on these data, birth rates, conception rates, monthly and seasonal distribution of births, and the intervals between the date of the parents' wedding and the birth of the first child were calculated.
Data on the number of marriages, the number of repeated marriages, the age of the bridegroom and the bride at the time of marriage were obtained from the marriage registers. Based on these data, the seasonal and monthly distribution of weddings was calculated, the most common days and ceremonies of weddings and the marriageable age were determined.
The number of deaths, the gender and age of the dead and the causes of death were obtained by analyzing the registers of the dead in the Bogomolje parish for the period from 1754 to 1918. Based on the obtained data, the gender and age distribution of the deceased, the monthly distribution of the deceased, the average age of the deceased and the most common causes of death are shown.
The book Stanje duša from 1832 is rich in information about the inhabitants of Bogomolje parish for the year in question and provides insight into the family structure (e.g., families without children, single mothers, single fathers), marriages and immigrated spouses, order of marriages and other data. The analysis of data on the natural movement of the inhabitants of Bogomolje parish served to observe family customs during the researched period. This is the first historical demographic research of the small parish of Bogomolje on the island of Hvar and represents an original contribution to the study of the entire population of Hvar.
Župa Bogomolje
prirodno kretanje stanovnika
strukture stanovništva
Keywords (english)
Bogomolje parish
natural population movement
population structure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:155:954267
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: History of Population Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom) (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (određeno matičnom strukom))
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Dubrovnik
Created on 2022-10-06 09:32:59