Title Studija slučaja rada nedjeljom u Hrvatskoj kroz analizu internetskih portala
Title (english) Case study of Sunday work in Croatia through analysis of internet portals
Author Damir Mravunac
Mentor Ivana Brstilo Lovrić (mentor)
Committee member Gordan Črpić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran-Pavel Šantek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miriam Mary Brgles (član povjerenstva)
Granter Catholic University of Croatia Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Sociology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 316 - Sociology
Abstract U doktorskom radu sociološki se problematizira tema rada nedjeljom u Hrvatskoj na primjeru istraživanja internetskih portala tijekom recentnog pokušaja njegove zakonske regulacije u trgovačkom sektoru. U radu je korištena koncepcija valova kao kronološkog opisa strukturalnih nastojanja rješavanja tog pitanja, a kroz koje se uočava polariziranje interesa i argumenata različitih aktera, prvenstveno predstavnika poduzetničkog sektora te predstavnika civilnog, sindikalnog i crkvenog kruga u hrvatskom društvu. Teorijski okvir naslonjen je na teoriju umreženog društva i tipologiju identiteta (Castells, 2000b, 2002); koncept društvene drame i društvene krize (Turner, 1996); sukobljenost poduzetničkog i političkog kapitalizma uz koncept radikalnog egalitarizma (Županov, 1995; 2002); pristupe modernizaciji u hrvatskom društvu (Rogić, 2000; 2011; Mardešić, 1997; 2007; Črpić, 2011); perspektivu nedjeljnog kapitalizma (Brstilo Lovrić i Mravunac, 2022). Metodologija istraživanja uključuje kvalitativni dizajn (Denzin, i Lincoln, 2018) temeljen na konstruktivističkoj paradigmi i studiji slučaja kao strategiji istraživanja. Korišten je namjerni uzorak od pet najpopularnijih internetskih portala u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2022. do 2023. godine. Temeljem deduktivnih i induktivnih kodova provedena je analiza multimodalnih karakteristika članaka na internetskim portalima, detektirani su i opisani profili i pozicije aktera u odnosu na stav o radu nedjeljom te preferirani model rada nedjeljom, a potom i korištenu argumentaciju, razine i strategija djelovanja. Analiza je pokazala da akteri koriste složene strategije i pozicije djelovanja u virtualnom prostoru koje karakteriziraju različite tipologije identiteta te antagonizirane argumentacije i interesi. U doktorskom radu naglašena je važnost kvalitativnog pristupa fenomenu rada nedjeljom u hipertekstnom prostoru internetskih portala kao suvremenoj areni u kojoj se kreira društvena zbilja i javno mnijenje. Temi se pristupilo kroz opću sociološku perspektivu komplementarnu s interdisciplinarnim znanostima čime se uvažila njezina složenost i širina. Ujedno se provedbom istraživanja u realnom vremenu tijekom posljednje zakonske regulacije rada nedjeljom u trgovačkom sektoru omogućilo sagledavanje njezinih odraza na suvremeno hrvatsko društvo.
Abstract (english) This dissertation sociologically researches the issue of Sunday work in Croatia by means of investigation of online portals during the recent attempt for its legal regulation within the commercial sector. The dissertation employs the concept of waves as a chronological description of the structural efforts to resolve this issue, highlighting the polarization of interests and arguments among various stakeholders, primarily representatives of the entrepreneurial sector as well as those from civil, union, and church circles within the Croatian society. The theoretical framework draws on the theory of the network society and identity typology (Castells, 2000b, 2002); the concepts of social drama and social crisis (Turner, 1996); the conflict between entrepreneurial and political capitalism alongside the concept of radical egalitarianism (Županov, 1995; 2002); approaches to modernization in Croatian society (Rogić, 2000; 2011; Mardešić, 1997; 2007; Črpić, 2011); and the perspective of Sunday capitalism (Brstilo Lovrić and Mravunac, 2022). The research methodology includes a qualitative design based on the constructivist paradigm and the case study as the research strategies. A purposive sample of the five most popular online portals in Croatia was used during the period from 2022 to 2023. By using deductive and inductive coding, a multimodal analysis of the articles on the online portals was conducted, the profiles and positions of stakeholders regarding their attitude to Sunday work and their preferred Sunday work model were identified and described, along with their attitudes towards argumentation, levels, and strategies of action. The analysis revealed that stakeholders employ complex action strategies and positions within the virtual space, characterized by different identity typologies as well as antagonistic arguments and interests. The dissertation emphasizes the importance of a qualitative approach to the phenomenon of Sunday work in the hypertextual space of online portals as a contemporary arena for shaping social reality and public opinion. The topic is approached from a general sociological perspective, complemented by interdisciplinary sciences, acknowledging its complexity and breadth. Additionally, conducting research in real-time during the latest legislative regulation of Sunday work in the commercial sector provided insight into its impacts on the contemporary Croatian society.
hrvatsko društvo
internetski portali
nedjeljni kapitalizam
rad nedjeljom
trgovački sektor
Keywords (english)
Croatian society
online portals
Sunday capitalism
Sunday work
commercial sector
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:224:491829
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Sociology: Values, Identity and Social Changes in Croatian Society; specializations in: Values, Identity and Social Changes in Croatian Society Course: Values Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti (doktor znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Digital Repository of the Catholic University of Croatia
Created on 2024-11-22 10:13:09