Title Upravljanje sustavom financiranja olimpijskih igara
Author Damir Škaro
Mentor Nije poznat mentor (mentor)
Committee member Halid Konjhodžić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Stipetić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 56594
Committee member Josip Deželjin (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 9656
Committee member Mirko Puljić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Boras (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2009-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Komercijalizacija olimpijskih igara sve je jača. Ekonomska načela
racionalnosti dolaze sve više do izražaja. Profesionalizacija sporta, koja se
dogodila tijekom 20. stoljeća, imala je dubok utjecaj i na Olimpijske igre.
Proces nije završen, ali analiza zadnje trećine prošlog stoljeća je pokazala
da se Olimpijske igre organiziraju kao organizacija mega-igara. Poduzetnici
su na čelu, profesionalci se nadmeću u povećanju dobiti kod pojedinih
prihodnih stavaka i svi oni traže dobit od igara. Olimpijski odbori prema
zemljama postaju također profesionalna tijela, koja ili pripremaju
potpomažući sportaše za olimpijska natjecanja ili (u slučaju da su preuzeli
organizaciju Olimpijskih igara) financiraju kao poslovne organizacije.
Vrhunski sport pretvorio se u natjecanje profesionalaca koji, motivirani
visokim nagradama, postižu vrhunske rezultate. Nadmetanje tih
profesionalaca pruža užitke milijunima gledatelja i na taj se način vrhunski
sport pretvara u industriju zabave.
Gradovi koji se kandidiraju za organizaciju Olimpijskih igara,
ekonomsku prednost imaju veliki gradovi. Veći dio potrebnih objekata oni
već imaju, pa su građevinski troškovi izgradnje borilišta osjetno manji. Sve
se teškoće organizacije i financiranja potenciraju kod zimskih olimpijskih
igara, koje imaju manji broj sportova i sportaša, a samim time imaju manje
gledatelja i interesa za oglašavanje velikih korporacija. Najznačajniji
pojedinačni prihod Olimpijskih igara je prodaja televizijskih prava. Ti
prihodi pokazuju stalni rast zahvaljujući tome što je televizija ušla u sve
domove, a građani sve više gledaju sportske događaje putem ekrana.
Evidentan je porast prihoda koji se pokazuje na stavkama sponzorstva i
oglašavanja, a uočljiva je i tendencija stalnog smanjivanja financiranja
Olimpijskih igara iz javnih sredstava.
Stoljetna evolucija Olimpijskih igara, začete kao tradicionalne tvrđave
amaterizma, u potpuni poduzetnički proizvod i profesionalizam, što
uvelike odskače od amaterskog idealizma Pierra de Coubertina i teži
nadmetanju profesionalaca isključivo za novčane nagrade i vlastiti ugled,
bacajući time negdašnje ideale u neki sasvim drugi plan.
Abstract (english) Commercialization of the Olympic Games is getting stronger every day.
Economic principles of rationality are being increasingly manifested.
Professionalization of sport, which occurred during the 20th century, had a
profound impact on the Olympic Games, too. The process is not completed,
but analysis of the last third of the last century has shown that the Olympic
Games have been organized as the organization of Mega games.
Entrepreneurs are at the head, the professionals compete in profit increase
in individual revenue items, and all of them seek profit from the games.
Olympic Committees are also becoming professional bodies towards the
countries. These bodies either contribute by preparing athletes for Olympic
competitions, or (in case they took over the organization of the Olympic
Games) finance as business organizations.
Top sport turned into a competition of professionals who, motivated by
high rewards, achieve top results. Competition of those professionals gives
pleasure to the millions of viewers and that way top sport turns into
entertainment industry.
Among cities that are candidates for the organization of the Olympic
Games, large cities have the economic advantage. They already have most
of the necessary facilities so the arena construction costs are significantly
smaller. All difficulties of organization and financing are being emphasized
in case of the Olympic Winter Games, which have less sports and athletes
and therefore have less spectators and less interest in advertising by large
corporations. The most significant individual revenue of the Olympic
Games derives from the sale of television rights. Those incomes show
steady growth due to the fact that television entered all homes, and people
increasingly watch sporting events through the screen.
The revenue increase in sponsorship and advertising items is evident,
and there is a noticeable tendency of permanent reduction of financing the
Olympic Games from public funds. Centuries long evolution of the
Olympic Games, conceived as a traditional fortress of amateurism, into
complete entrepreneurial product and professionalism, which largely
stands out from the amateur idealism of Pierre de Coubertin and strives to
the competition of professionals only for bonus payment and personal
prestige, thereby throws the former ideals in a completely different plan.
Olimpijske igre
ekonomika sporta
poslovne financije
javne financije
Keywords (english)
Olympic Games
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:166811
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1120323078
Type of resource Text
Extent 487 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-08-24 09:53:50