Title Racionalizacija mehanizma alokacije pomorskog dobra Republike Hrvatske : doktorska disertacija
Title (english) Rationalisation of maritime domain allocation mechanism of Republic of Croatia : doctoral thesis
Author Borna Debelić
Mentor Marija Kaštelan Mrak (mentor)
Mentor Nenad Smokrović (komentor)
Committee member Zdravko Petak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Kaštelan Mrak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Smokrović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Blanka Kesić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2014-01-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 341 - International law
Abstract Temeljni fokus ovoga rada odnosi se na dokazivanje mogućnosti unapređenja mehanizma alokacije pomorskog dobra kao zajedničkog dobra kroz uvođenje relevantnih dionika pomorskog dobra, što uključuje i same korisnike, u sustav alokativnog odlučivanja, a što doprinosi racionalizaciji tog mehanizma. Racionalizacija se očituje kroz umanjenje imperfektnosti informacija i prevladavanje nedostatnosti specifičnog znanja u vidu nemogućnosti posjedovanja svih relevantnih informacija potrebnih za realizaciju efikasne alokativne odluke od strane javne vlasti. Postizanje tog umanjenja usmjereno je na osiguranje bolje informiranosti donosioca alokativnih odluka u smislu povećanja ukupnosti znanja o važnim lokalnim specifičnostima kroz partnerski odnos relevantnih dionika u sustavu formalnoga alokativnog odlučivanj a. Ovakav partnerski odnos pridonosi mogućnosti uspostave samoregulatornih institucionalnih aranžmana sposobnih da inkorporiraju istaknute mikrolokalne specifičnosti pomorskog dobra, a pristup ekonomskog upravljanja pokazuje se adekvatnim za vrednovanje takvih institucionalnih učinaka. To se ističe i kroz kategorizaciju pomorskog dobra primarno kao zajedničkog dobra u graničnoj poveznici s kategorijom javnih dobara. Pod racionalizacijskim procesima smatraju se i umanjenje, teorijski i empirijski potkrijepljenih, imanentnih nesavršenosti alokativnih odluka donesenih isključivim djelovanjem sustava javne vlasti. Racionalizacija je usmjerena i na unapređenje sustava nadgledanja i kontrole korištenja pomorskog dobra, posebice imajući u vidu umanjenje troškova u procesima nadzora, isključivanja i sankcioniranja prijestupnika u korištenju pomorskog dobra kroz povećanje motiviranosti dionika uključenih u donošenje alokativnih odluka za suradničko djelovanje. Na taj način posljedično smanjenje prekomjerne i nekontrolirane upotrebe pomorskog dobra, koje se javlja zbog karakteristika iscrpnosti sagledanih kao umanjivosti u korištenju raspoloživih jedinica pomorskog dobra te otežane isključivosti u korištenju, može povećati vjerojatnost dugoročne održivosti dobra i osigurati potpunije ispunjenje nacionalnih interesa u tom smislu. Ovakvim se aktivnostima racionalizacije direktno i indirektno povećava i transparentnost i znanstveno-stručna utemeljenost alokativnih odluka, što također ima utjecaj na unapređenje procesa alokacije. To se, u smislu racionalizacije, uvelike ogleda i u smanjenju utroška vremena potrebnog za donošenje i provedbu alokativnih odluka, a što utječe na ubrzanje razvoja pomorskog gospodarstva. Na tome je zasnovan i predloženi model alokacije pomorskog dobra, koji je vrednovan kroz provedeno eksperimentalno istraživanje, čiji rezultati potvrđuju zaključak da je uvođenjem dionika u sustav alokativnog odlučivanja o zajedničkom resursu moguće postići umanjenje intenziteta eksploatacije uz istovremeno povećanje neto koristi i smanjenje troškova, a što pridonosi dugoročnoj održivosti resursa.
Abstract (english) The fundamental focus of this paper refers to the possibility of improving the allocation mechanism of maritime domain as a common good through the introduction of relevant stakeholders of the maritime domain, including the users, into the system of allocation decision-making, and what contributes to the rationalization of the mechanism. Rationalization reflects thru reduction of information imperfections and overcome the inadequacies of specific knowledge in the form of inability to have all the relevant information necessary for the implementation of efficient allocation decisions by public authorities. Achieving this reduction is aimed at ensuring a better informed decision making in terms of increasing the sum of knowledge about important local specificities through a partnership elation of relevant stakeholders in the formal allocation decision making system. This partnership contributes to the possibility of establishing self governing institutional arrangements capable to incorporate prominent micro local specificities of the maritime domain, and economic governance approach demonstrates itself as an adequate approach for evaluation of these institutional effects. It stands out also thru categorization of maritime domain primarily as a common good with its narrower categorization as a public goods. Under rationalization processes are also considered to be reduction of, theoretically and empirically confirmed, inherent imperfections of allocation decisions made solely by action of the public authorities. Rationalization is focused also on improving the monitoring and controlling system of the use of maritime domain, particularly bearing in mind cost reduction in the processes of monitoring, exclusion and sanction of offenders in the use of maritime domain by increasing the motivation of stakeholders involved in the allocation decision-making for collaborative action. In this way, the consequent reduction of excessive and uncontrolled use of the maritime domain, which occurs because of the characteristics of rivalry of consumption perceived as subtractability of use of available maritime domain units and difficulty of excluding potential beneficiaries, can increase the likelihood of long-term sustainability of the good and ensure the complete fulfilment of national interests in this sense. Such rationalization activities directly and indirectly increase the transparency and scientific and technical foundations of allocation decisions which also has an impact on improving the allocation process. In terms of rationalization, this is largely reflected in the reduction of time consumption required for the adoption and implementation of allocation decisions, which affects and stimulates the acceleration of the development of maritime economy. The proposed model of allocation of the maritime domain is based on that, and it has been validated through an experimental study whose results support the conclusion that, thru inclusion of the stakeholders in the allocation decision-making system on the common resources, the reduction of the resource exploitation intensity as well as increase of net benefits and cost reduction can be achieved, which further contributes to the long-term sustainability of the resource.
zajednička dobra
resursi zajedničkih zaliha
javna dobra
mehanizam alokacije
ekonomsko upravljanje
pomorsko dobro
teorija igara
eksperimentalna ekonomija
samoregulacija dionika
morske luke
Keywords (english)
common goods
common pool resources
public goods
allocation mechanism
economic governance
maritime domain
game theory
experimental economics
stakeholders self-governance
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:993479
Study programme Title: Economics and Business Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=U1550609103
Type of resource Text
Extent 214 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 19:36:05