Title Polimorfizam TNF-a gena (TNF-a 308) i TNF-a 238) u bolesnika s primarnim karcinomom pluća : doktorska disertacija
Author Veljko Flego MBZ: 242203
Mentor Anđelka Radojčić-Badovinac (mentor)
Committee member Anđelka Radojčić-Badovinac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Smiljana Ristić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubomir Pavelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2008-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616 - Pathology. Clinical medicine
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Karcinom pluća je najčešći maligni tumor. Čimbenik nekroze
tumora alfa (TNF-) je citokin koji sudjeluje na više načina u patogenezi mnogih
upalnih bolesti i malignih tumora. Dosadašnja istraživanja o ulozi polimorfizma
TNF- gena u bolesnika s karcinomom pluća dala su različite rezultate. U ovom
istraživanju cilj nam je bio vidjeti da li TNF--308 i TNF--238 polimorfizmi utječu
na podložnost i/ili težinu karcinoma pluća u hrvatskoj populaciji. Ovo je prvo
istraživanje u kavkaskoj etničkoj skupini, koje uključuje ova dva polimorfizma, u
svim tipovima karcinoma pluća.
Ispitanici i metode: Ispitano je slučajnim odabirom 230 bolesnika s primarnim
karcinomom pluća, uključujući karcinome pluća ne-malih stanica (NSCLC) i
karcinom pluća malih stanica (SCLC). Kontrolna skupina sačinjavala je 230
zdravih, nesrodnih ispitanika, uparenih po dobi i spolu. Nakon izolacije DNA iz
periferne krvi učinjena je genotipizacija pomoću lančane reakcije polimerazom
(PCR) i identifikacije polimorfizma duljine restrikcijskih fragmenata (RFLP).
Rezultati: Nismo našli statistički značajne razlike u frekvenciji genotipova i alela
za TNF--308 i TNF--238 polimorfizme između bolesnika s karcinomom pluća i
kontrolne skupine. Nismo utvrdili povezanost između genotipova i kliničkog stadija
karcinoma pluća, kao ni za pojedine patohistološke nalaze, kada smo promatrali
ukupno sve bolesnike. Medutim, usporedbom genotipova i stadija bolesti u
podskupinama karcinoma pluća utvrđeno je da je genotip GG TNF--238 statistički
znacajno češći (p=0,02) u odnosu na genotipove GA i AA u proširenoj fazi
karcinoma pluća malih stanica, dok u skupini karcinoma pluća ne-malih stanica
nije bilo te razlike. Ispitujući korelaciju između genotipova i laboratorijskih nalaza krvi nađen je
statistički značajan međusoban odnos samo za povišene vrijednosti neutrofilnih
granulocita i snižene vrijednosti ukupnih proteina periferne krvi i TNF--308 A
alela. Za navedene parametre u krvi TNF--308 A alel je predisponirajući, dok je
-308 G alel protektivan. Analizom genotipova bolesnika u kojih je primarni
karcinom pluća bio drugi ili treći primarni maligni tumor ustanovljeno je da su svih
28 imali TNF--238 GG genotip (p=0,000).To govori da je G alel TNF--238
predisponirajući za ovo ponavljanje maligne bolesti.
Zaključak: Utvrđeno je da TNF--308 i TNF--238 polimorfizmi nemaju utjecaja
na podložnost za bilo koji tip karcinoma pluća u hrvatskoj populaciji. Također,
navedeni polimorfizmi ne utječu na klinički stadij bolesti u karcinoma ne-malih
stanica, dok je G alel TNF--238 značajno češći kod težeg oblika karcinoma pluća
malih stanica. Isto tako G alel TNF--238 ima predisponirajuću ulogu za karcinom
pluća, kada je taj tumor drugi primarni maligni tumor u istog bolesnika.
Abstract (english) Objectives: Lung cancer is the most frequent malignant tumor. Tumor necrosis
factor- (TNF-) is cytokine involved in many way in the pathogenesis of various
inflammatory diseases and malignant tumor. Previous studies investigating the
role of the TNF- gene polymorphisms in lung cancer patients have generated
different results. In the present study, the aim was investigated whether the TNF-
-308 and TNF--238 polymorphisms influence on the susceptibility and/or
severity of lung cancer in Croatian population. This is the first study in Caucasian
population which include this two polymorphisms in all types of lung cancer.
Patients and Methods: In this randomised study 230 lung cancer patients was
investigated. Non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer
(SCLC) were included. Control group was 230 appropriate age and sex-matched
healthy controls. After DNA isolation from peripheral blood that were genotyped by
the polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism method,
results are statistically analysed.
Results: There were no significant differences in the genotype and allele
frequencies for the TNF--308 and TNF--238 polymorphisms between lung
cancer patients and controls. We did not detect any association between the
genotypes, different stages of lung cancer and the pathohistological findings, when
we observed all the patients. Meanwhile, when the genotypes were compared
between stages of lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung
cancer, GG TNF--238 in small cell lung cancer was statistically significantly more
frequent (p=0,02), than genotypes GA and AA in extensive disease of small cell
lung cancer. In the group of NSCL there was not any differences. Investigating laboratory blood findings in correlation with genotypes frequencies, a significant
statistically correlation was found only for high level of neutrophil granulocytes and
low total proteins in the peripheral blood and TNF--308 A allele. For these blood
parameters in the patients the TNF--308 A allele is risky, whereas -308 G allele is
protective. We analysed also genotypes of patients in which lung cancer was the
second or third primary malignant tumor. TNF--238 GG genotype was presented
in all of them (28) (p=0,000). It mean that G allele TNF--238 has promotive effect
for lung cancer development as a second primary tumor.
Conclusion: The present study indicates that the TNF--308 and TNF--238
polymorphisms do not influence susceptibility to or severity of lung cancer in
Croatian population, when we take into consideration all patients together.
Moreover, when we formed NSCLC and SCLC group, G allele TNF--238 take to
more severe form of SCLC. As well, G allele TNF--238 had promotive effect for
lung cancer when this tumor was the second primary malignant tumor in the same
karcinom pluća
kavkaska etnička skupina
podložnost za karcinom
stadij tumora
TNF- polimorfizam
vrste tumora
Keywords (english)
cancer susceptibility
caucasian population
lung cancer
tumor stage
tumor type
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:306683
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1111205049
Type of resource Text
Extent 137 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 19:31:22