Title Analiza mjera za prevenciju katastrofalnog požara u cestovnim tunelima : doktorska disertacija
Title (english) An analysis of the measures for prevention of catastrophic fire in road tunnels : doctoral thesis
Author Aleksandar Regent MBZ: 111264
Mentor Bernard Franković (mentor)
Mentor Vladimir Medica (komentor)
Committee member Zmagoslav Prelec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Bernard Franković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vladimir Medica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Bjegović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Polajnar (član povjerenstva) VIAF: 305589035
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2012-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Road and Rail Transport
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 614 - Public health and hygiene. Accident prevention
Abstract U radu je napravljen pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja i testiranja tunelskih požara, većih
akcidenata koji su se dogodili tijekom posljednjih 60 godina, europskih projekata usmjerenih
prema povećanju razine sigurnosti od požara u tunelima, te uspoređeni zahtjevi međunarodno
priznatih i nekih važnijih nacionalnih standarda i preporuka o sigurnosti tunela. Analizirani su
mogući opasni događaji u cestovnim tunelima i različiti scenariji događanja, a posebna pažnja
posvećena je interakciji između tih događaja i tradicionalnih metoda odgovora na njih, uz
naglasak na istraživanje požarnih događaja. Dokazano je da je tradicionalnim pristupom, bez
primjene stacionarnog sustava za gašenje/supresiju/kontrolu požara, u pravilu nemoguće
spriječiti razvoj požara prema katastrofalnom scenariju ako postoje odgovarajući uvjeti za
takav razvoj. Također je dokazano da vatrogasne postrojbe koje su nadležne za gašenje
pojedinih tunela redovito na raspolaganju imaju nedovoljne količine vode i pjenila za
uspješan odgovor na veći požar po dolasku na požarište. U osnovnim crtama prikazan je
prijedlog stacionarnog sustava s pjenom za gašenje/supresiju/kontrolu požara u tunelu, te
prijedlog novog požarnog testa za međusobnu usporedbu svih vrsta stacionarnih sustava. Ovaj
prijedlog može poslužiti kao baza za izradu standardne procedure za testiranje primjenjivosti i
učinkovitosti pojedinih stacionarnih sustava za gašenje/supresiju/kontrolu požara. Takva
standardna procedura predstavljala bi alat uz čiju bi se pomoć mogle jasno eksperimentalno
utvrditi i međusobno usporediti mogućnosti sustava raspršene vode, pjene i vodene magle pri
reprezentativnim požarnim scenarijima. U tom smislu predloženo je da se na europskoj razini
potakne daljnji razvoj istraživanja, posebno eksperimentalnih, koja bi dovela do razvoja
sigurnosno optimalnih, a ekonomski prihvatljivih rješenja za sprječavanje i/ili ublažavanje
najvećeg broja potencijalno katastrofalnih akcidentnih situacija.
Abstract (english) In this thesis a review of past research and test experiments with tunnel fires, of major
accidents which have happened during the past 60 years, European projects directed towards
improving the level of fire safety in road tunnels, comparison of internationally recognized
and some major national standards and recommendations on tunnel fire safety have been
presented. Dangerous accidents and various risk event scenarios in road tunnels have been
analysed, with the particular attention being devoted to the interaction between these events
and traditional response methods. Main subject of research have been fire accidents. It has
been proven that with traditional approach only, without the application of a stationary system
capable of fire extinguishment/suppression/control, it is generally hardly possible to prevent
the development of fire towards a catastrophic scenario if favourable conditions leading to
such a development prevail at the accident site. The other conclusion which is deemed to have
be proven is the fact that fire services in charge of fire protection of the majority of tunnels
mainly do not have adequate quantities of water and foam concentrate available at the
accident site, which would enable them to successfully tackle a major fire upon their arrival.
Outlines of a fixed foam firefighting system in a tunnel as well as the outline of a new
standard testing procedure for comparing the characteristics of various types of FFFS have
been presented. This proposal could be used as a basis for the development of standard
procedure for testing of the applicability and efficiency of various stationary systems for fire
extinguishment/suppression/control. Such a standard procedure is expected to become a valuable tool capable of
providing experimental evaluation and comparison of the capabilities
of waterspray, foam and watermist systems at the representative fire scenarios. It has been
proposed that further research work, mainly experimental, should be initiated and encouraged
on the European level, which would open the way to development of the optimal safety and
financially acceptable solutions for preventing and/or resolving the majority of potentially
catastrophic accident events.
cestovni tunel
katastrofalni požar
tehničke mjere
sustavi gašenja
stacionarni sustav
požarni test FFFS
Keywords (english)
road tunnel
catastrophic fire
technical measures
extinguishing systems
fixed systems
fire test FFFS
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:756557
Study programme Title: Postgraduate university (doctoral) study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1130118099
Type of resource Text
Extent 236 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:40:25