Title Three-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamic Time History Analysis of Seismic Site and Structure Response : doctoral thesis
Author Saša Mitrović
Mentor Joško Ožbolt (mentor) MBZ: 89560
Mentor Vanja Travaš (komentor)
Committee member Mehmed Čaušević (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 202164
Committee member Joško Ožbolt (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 89560
Committee member Damir Lazarević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 624/625 - Civil and structural engineering. Civil engineering of land transport. Railway engineering. Highway engineering
Abstract In the present thesis a three-dimensional finite element model for non-linear dynamic analysis of
(1) seismic site and structure response and (2) soil-structure interaction with contact discontinuity
is proposed and discussed. Accordingly, two numerical studies are presented, each consisting
of a series of analyses of a coupled structure - foundation - soil system.
In the first study a series of numerical examples are presented which include modelling of a
reinforced concrete frame with a portion of the ground consisting of various horizontal layers
resting on rigid bedrock. The influence of the ground layer configurations on the structure
response due to seismic loads is investigated and discussed.
In the second study the influence of various parameters governing the structure response, with
emphasis on sliding and rocking of the structure, are investigated by assuming discontinuity in
the soil - foundation interface.
The spatial discretisation is performed by a combination of linear tetrahedral (ground) and
hexahedral (structure) finite elements. The time integration is carried out by explicit integration
using the leap-frog method. Total Lagrange formulation is adopted to account for large rotations
and large displacements (geometrical non-linearity). To account for cracking and damage of the
concrete, the frame structure is modelled by the microplane model (material non-linearity).
Damage and cracking phenomena are modelled within the concept of smeared cracks. Plasticity
model is used for the modelling the reinforcement and the ground adopting the Von Mises and
Drucker-Prager yield criteria, respectively. The usual continuum assumption when treating the
soil-foundation interface is replaced with a contact discontinuity approach in order to be able
to capture foundation sliding and/or uplifting and rocking (contact non-linearity). Coulomb
frictional model is adopted in the contact resolution.
The proposed finite element code demonstrate the possibilities of advanced numerical approaches
in simulation of complex engineering problems. Comparative analysis shows the importance of
the local site conditions and influence of material non-linearity in seismic structural design. With
the implemented microplane model, which is aimed to be used for fracture and damage analysis
of concrete, it is possible do assess the sustained structural damage. Furthermore, for extreme
scenarios with highly geometrically non-linear behaviour, as sliding and rocking, the proposed
model of foundation - soil interface is more adequate than usual continuum approach with spring
- dashpot elements and at the same time maintains a reasonable computational efficiency.F
Abstract (croatian) U ovoj dizertaciji predložen je i analiziran numericki prostorni model s konacnim elementima
za nelinearnu dinamicku analizu (1) odziva lokalnog tla i konstrukcije i (2) interakciju tla i
konstrukcije s kontaktnim diskontinuitetom. Sukladno tome, predstavljene su dvije numericke
studije od kojih se svaka sastoji od niza proracuna sklopa konstrukcija - temelj - tlo.
U sklopu prve studije prikazan je niz numerickih primjera koji ukljucuju modeliranje armirano
betonskog okvira s temeljnim tlom koje se sastoji od razlicitih horizontalnih slojeva položenih na
krutu osnovnu stijenu. Istražen je utjecaj konfiguracije slojeva tla na odziv konstrukcije uslijed
potresnog djelovanja.
U sklopu druge studije istražen je utjecaj raznih parametara na odziv konstrukcije, poglavito na
klizanje i rocking, pretpostavljajuci diskontinuitet na kontaktu tla i temelja.
Prostorna diskretizacija izvržena je tetraedarskim (tlo) i heksaedarskim konacnim elementima
(konstrukcija). Integracija jednadžbe gibanja provedena je eksplicitno metodom leap-frog. Total
Lagrange formulacija je primijenjena kako bi se uzeli u obzir veliki pomaci i rotacije (geometrijska
nelinearnost). Pukotine i oštecenja u betonu konstrukcije modelirane su mikroravninskim modelom
unutar koncepta razmazanih pukotina (materijalna nelinearnost). Teorija plasticnosti primijenjena
je za modeliranje armature i temeljnog tla koristeci Von Mises i Drucker-Prager kriterij
tecenja. Uobicajeni pristup modeliranja kao kontinuuma zamijenjen je kontaktnim diskontinuumom
kako bi se moglo opisati klizanje temelja i/ili odizanje i rocking (kontaktna nelinearnost).
Pri rezoluciji kontakta korišten je Coulomb-ov model trenja.
Predloženi racunalni kod s konacnim elementima pokazuje mogucnosti naprednih numerickih
pristupa u simulaciji složenih inženjerskih problema. Komparativna analiza pokazuje važnost
lokalnih uvjeta tla i materijalne nelinearnosti u proracunu konstrukcija na potresna djelovanja. S
implementiranim mikroravnimskim modelom, koji je razvijen s ciljem opisivanja pojava pukotina
i oštecenja u betonu, moguce je ocijeniti posljedicna strukturna oštecenja. Povrh toga, kad je
važna geometrijska nelinearnost, kao što je u slucaju pojave klizanja i rocking-a, predloženi model
veze sklopa temelj - tlo primjereniji je od klasicnog modela s oprugama.
finite elements
microplane model
contact mechanics
time history analysis
soilstructure interaction
seismic performance assessment
Keywords (croatian)
konacni elementi
mikroravninski model
mehanika kontakta
analiza odziva zapisima u vremenu
interakcija tla i konstrukcije
utjecaj lokalnih uvjeta
procjena seizmičkih performansi
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:606262
Promotion 2015
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Hydrotechnics and geotechnics, Mechanics Course: Hydrotechnics and geotechnics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/unilib.cgi?form=D1130716060
Type of resource Text
Extent 112 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:15:34