Title Model generatora slatke vode : doktorska disertacija
Title (croatian) Fresh water generator model
Author Predrag Kralj
Mentor Dragan Martinović (mentor)
Committee member Željko Kurtela (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mato Tudor (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2012-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 629 - Transport vehicle engineering
Abstract U radu su obrađeni kriteriji za odabir optimalne izvedbe uređaja za proizvodnju slatke vode iz
morske ili bočate vode te analizirane postojeće metode, odnosno utrošak i oblik energije
potrebne za rad uređaja. Pored toga, ponuđeni su dodatni kriteriji za odabir stacionarnih i
brodskih uređaja.
Razvijeni su matematički modeli za analizu pojava pri procesu vakuumske destilacije, metode
koja je najzastupljenija na brodovima velikih nosivosti te termodinamičkih svojstava morske
vode ovisnih o temperaturi i slanosti. Slijedom toga analizirani su procesi prekidnog i
neprekidnog isparavanja što je rezultiralo izradom matematičkog modela ovisnosti kapaciteta
uređaja za proizvodnju slatke vode o ekspolatacijskim uvjetima. U radu su prikazani dvo i
trodimenzionalni dijagrami promjene koncentracije soli u vodi, tj. slanosti, tijekom procesa
destilacije. Matematički model ovisnosti kapaciteta o eksploatacijskim uvjetima, tj. slanosti i
temperaturi ulazne morske vode, količini dovedene topline te postignutom podtlaku u uređaju,
omogućuje razmatranja o optimalnom ponašanju časnika stroja ili optimalnoj izvedbi sustava
upravljanja uređajem. Ispravnost modela provjerena je anketnom metodom te usporedbom s
radom simulatora strojarnice renomiranog svjetskog proizvođača. Simulirane su promjene
eksploatacijskih uvjeta te potvrđen, matematičkim modelom postavljen, utjecaj na rad
uređaja, odnosno kapacitet i slanost destilata.
Pored modela kapaciteta uređaja analizirana je primjena sustava automatskog upravljanja te
su kao rezultat toga ponuđena dva modela. U prvom se slučaju radi o potpuno
automatiziranom postrojenju, dok drugi slučaj predstavlja jednostavniju izvedbu s manje
elemenata, ali koja u potpunosti prati matematički model kapaciteta uređaja.
Abstract (english) The criteria necessary to determine the optimal fresh water production equipment design are
presented in the doctoral thesis. The existing methods, the shape and the consumption of
energy in the process of operation are analyzed. Additional criteria used for the selection of
both the stationary and the marine fresh water producing equipment, are given as well.
The mathematical models describing the processes that occur during vacuum distillation, the
method most commonly in use on board large ships, are developed, as well as the models of
the sea water thermodynamic properties depending on the temperature and the salinity.
Furthermore, the processes of a continuous evaporation and of evaporation in charges have
been analyzed, which led to the development of the mathematical model of fresh water
producing equipment capacity dependence on the exploitation terms. The two and three
dimensional diagrams showing changes of the salt concentration in the water, i. e. salinity,
during the distillation process are given. The mathematical model of the capacity dependence
on the exploitation terms, i. e. the sea water salinity and its entry temperature, the quantity of
the heating energy and, the vacuum in the vessel, allows further considerations on the marine
engineer optimal behavior or, the optimal design of the distillation equipment control system.
The validity of the model has been confirmed through the poll method and by comparing it
with the engine room simulator of one of the world most distinguished producer. The
exploitation terms changes have been simulated thus confirming, by a set mathematical
model, its influence on the equipment, namely the capacity and the distillate salinity.
Besides the equipment capacity model, the application of the automatic control system has
been analyzed, which resulted in the two suggested models. In the first case, it is a fully
automated plant, while the second case represents a slightly simplified version with fewer
elements but completely in accordance with the equipment capacity mathematical model.
matematički model
model sustava upravljanja
Keywords (english)
mathematical model
control system model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:694983
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1130228055
Type of resource Text
Extent 211 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 18:10:17