Title Utjecaj kroničnog stresa i okluzijske interferencije na bol maseteričnog mišića : doktorski rad
Title (english) Influence of chronic stress and occlusal interference on masseter muscle pain
Author Sunčana Simonić-Kocijan
Mentor Ivone Uhač (mentor)
Committee member Sonja Pezelj-Ribarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Melita Valentić-Peruzović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalia Kučić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 239812
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2010-07-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616 - Pathology. Clinical medicine
Abstract Uvod: Temporomandibularni poremećaj (TMP) je muskoloskeletalni poremećaj koji
obuhvaća niz kliničkih stanja karakteriziranih promjenama žvačne muskulature,
temporomandibularnih zglobova (TMZ) i pridruženih struktura. Najčešći prisutan
simptom je bol lokalizirana u žvačnim mišićima. Etiologija mišićne boli nije u potpunosti
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati utjecaj kroničnog stresa, okluzijske interferencije te
njihovog zajedničkog djelovanja na bol maseteričnog mišića. Također, cilj je bio utvrditi
utjecaj ispitivanih čimbenika na sistemsku i lokalnu razinu interleukina-6 (IL-6) te
utvrditi moguću povezanost razine IL-6 s mišićnom boli. Cilj je bio utvrditi doprinos
kroničnog stresa, okluzijske interferencije, razine IL-6 u tkivu i plazmi na bol
maseteričnog mišića te utvrditi doprinos kroničnog stresa i okluzijske interferencije na
razinu IL-6 u plazmi i tkivu maseteričnog mišića.
Materijali i metode: U eksperimentalnom radu korišteno je 50 muških Wistar štakora.
Životinje su podijeljene u pet skupina od 10 štakora. Skupine sačinjavaju: skupina
izložena kroničnom stresu; skupina izložena okluzijskoj interferenciji; skupina izložena
kroničnom stresu i okluzijskoj interferenciji; kontrolna skupina slobodna od kroničnog
stresa i okluzijske interferencije i apsolutna kontrola koju formiraju životinje slobodne od
bilo kakve procedure ili dobivanja ikakve tvari. Životinje su bile podvrgnute
eksperimentu 56 dana. Zadnjeg eksperimentalnog dana životinjama se procjenjivala
mišićna bol nakon čega su žrtvovane, te su sakupljeni uzorci krvi i masetera, iz kojih su
enzimskim imunotestom određivane vrijednosti IL-6.
Rezultati: Životinje izložene zajedničkom učinku okluzijske interferencije i
kroničnog stresa pokazuju statistički značajno veću reakciju na bolni podražaj u
usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (p=0,023). Također, utvrđena je značajno viša razina IL-6 maseteričnog mišića u skupini izloženoj zajedničkom učinku okluzijske
interferencije i kroničnog stresa u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (p=0,012).
Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija između razine IL-6 maseteričnog mišića i boli (r =
0,62; p<0,001). Multiplom regresijskom analizom utvrđeno je da okluzijska
interferencija pridonosi 14,01% boli maseteričnog mišića, a razina IL-6 u tkivu
masetera 29,31% boli maseteričnog mišića. Kronični stres objašnjava 15,65%, a
okluzijska interferencija 14,94% varijabilnosti razine IL-6 u tkivu maseteričnog
Zaključci: Podatci dobiveni istraživanjem sugeriraju da jedino kombinacija
okluzijske interferencije i kroničnog stresa utječe na pojačanje boli maseteričnog
mišića i na povišenje razine IL-6 maseteričnog mišića. Okluzijska interferencija i IL-6
maseteričnog mišića su čimbenici koji doprinose boli žvačnih mišića.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a musculoskeletal disorder that
involves various clinical conditions of masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints
and accompanied tissues. The most prominent symptom is pain in masticatory
muscles. The etiology of TMD is poorly understood.
Objectives of this study were to examine the individual effect of chronic stress and
occlusal interference, as well as their combined influence on masseter muscle pain.
The study also aimed to investigate influence of proposed etiological factors on
systemic and local level of interleukine-6 (IL-6) and to find possible correlation
between IL-6 and muscle pain. The aim was to estimate the contribution of chronic
stress, occlusal interference and IL-6 levels on masseter muscle pain and to estimate
contribution of chronic stress and occlusal interference on IL-6 levels.
Material and methods: Experiments were performed on 50 male Wistar rats.
Animals were divided in five groups of 10 rats. Groups were as follow: chronic
stressed group, group with occlusal interference, group with both chronic stress and
occlusal interference, control group free of chronic stress and occlusal interference
and absolute control group free of experimental procedures and formalin injection.
Experimental procedure, for all animals, lasted 56 days. On last experimental day
muscle pain was evaluated. Animals were decapitated and blood and tissue samples
were collected to determine IL-6 levels.
Results: Animals submitted to combination of occlusal interference and chronic stress
showed statistically significant difference of nociceptive behavioral response
comparing to the control group (p=0,023). Also, tissue level of IL-6 in group of animals submitted to both occlusal interference and chronic stress were significantly
higher than in the control group (p=0,012). A positive correlation between the tissue
IL-6 level and the masseter muscle pain was established (r=0,62; p<0,001). By the
means of the multiple regression analyses it was determined that the occlusal
interference contributed 14,01% and muscle level of IL-6 29,31% in the
developement of masseter muscle pain. Chronic stress contributed 15,65% and
occlusal interference 14,94% on the variability of tissue level of IL-6.
Conclusion: These findings suggest that only combination of occlusal interference
and chronic stress influences masseter muscle pain and level of muscle IL-6. Occlusal
interference and muscle IL-6 are factors that contribute in development of masseter
muscle pain.
Dentalna okluzija
Maseterični mišić
Orofacijalna bol
Keywords (english)
Dental occlusion
Masseter muscle
Orofacial pain
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:829453
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1120729062
Type of resource Text
Extent 78 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Pohranjen je cjeloviti tekst rada bez slika.
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 17:58:53