Title Prilog modeliranju potencijalnih poplavnih tokova i tokova krupnozrnatog materijala u slivu Rječine : doktorski rad
Title (english) The contribution to the modeling of the potential flood flow and debris flow propagation in the Rječina River catchment area : DOCTORAL THESIS
Author Elvis Žic
Mentor Nevenka Ožanić (mentor)
Mentor Nenad Bićanić (komentor)
Committee member Ranko Žugaj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nevenka Ožanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Bićanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Arbanas (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dalibor Carević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Civil Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
Abstract Doktorski rad razmatra različite teorijske i praktične aspekte modeliranja poplavnih valova i tokova krupnozrnatog nekoherentnog (eng. Debris flow) i sitnozrnatog koherentnog materijala (eng. Mud flow, Earth flow) kao jednih od značajnijih mogućih prirodnih pojava na srednjem i donjem toku vodotoka Rječine. Rad se temelji na prikupljenim meteorološkim, hidrološkim i geotehničkim podacima, te rezultatima matematičkih i fizikalnih modela za različite scenarije kretanja poplavnih vodnih valova, propagacije toka krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala na srednjem i donjem toku Rječine, od akumulacije Valići do urbanog dijela grada Rijeke uključujući i moguće scenarije posljedica tih aktivnosti. Metode istraživanja bazirane su većinom na ulaznim podacima sakupljenim terenskim mjerenjima na području istraživanja. Baza podataka sadrži osnovne informacije o postojećem stanju područja klizišta Grohovo i vodotoka Rječina, uključujući njihovu prirodu, veličinu, lokaciju i povijest, sve dostupne podatke o prethodnim istraživanjima (fotografije, povijesne spise, izvještaje, povratne analize područja i sl.), te podatke u realnom vremenu sa instaliranih mjernih uređaja (meteoroloških stanica, Mini i Baro Diver instrumenata, ombrografa, limnigrafa, ADCP mjerača protoka i sl.) za praćenje promjena na predmetnoj lokaciji. Metode istraživanja uključuju površinska istraživanja, podzemna istraživanja (mjerenje razine podzemnih voda na području klizišta Grohovo), 2D numeričko modeliranje poplavnih valova i tokova krupnozrnatog materijala primjenom SPH 2D simulacijskog programa na bazi SPH (eng. Smoothed Particle Hydrodinamics) metode i SOLFEC (eng. Solver for Finite Element Computation) simulacijskog programa na bazi neglatke kontaktne mehanike (eng. Non Smooth Contact Dynamics - NSCD), te GIS (eng. Geographic Information System) tehnologije. Na osnovi ulaznih hidroloških i geoloških podataka kreirani su numerički modeli tečenja nevezanog krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala. Pri izradi numeričkih modela primijenjene su najčešće korištene empirijske metode erozijskih zakona (erozijski zakon po Egashiri, Voellmyu, Hungru), a predložen je i novi erozijski zakon. Na kraju rada su dane smjernice za analizu hazarda i rizika od djelovanja poplava te tokova krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala na ispitivanom području. Uz pomoć dobivenih simulacijskih prikaza toka krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala kvantificiran je vjerojatan volumen deponiranog materijala, brzine toka, dubine deponiranog materijala, kao i doseg toka takvih tipova tečenja na analiziranom području za nekoliko mogućih scenarija katastrofalnih pojava. Neki od scenarija obrađenih i analiziranih u radu vezani su za posljedice kolapsa brane Valići uslijed unosa flišne klizne mase u akumulaciju, nastanak plimnog vala i njegova propagacija prema urbanom dijelu grada Rijeke, kao i mogućnost formiranja toka krupnozrnatog materijala na srednjem dijelu toka Rječine nastalog uslijed miješanja akumulacijske vode i klizne mase nestabilnih padina. Predmetne analize omogućuju kvantifikaciju pojedinih ulaznih parametara koji iniciraju nastanak tokova krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala. Odnosi definiranih parametara omogućuju uspostavljanje korelacija između geomorfoloških i hidrogeoloških uvjeta, te specifičnosti terenskih uvjeta s parametrima tla karakterističnim za nastanak tokova krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala. Definiranjem kritičnih geomorfoloških i hidrogeoloških parametara tla koji uvjetuju pojavu tokova krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala na flišnom području omogućena je procjena hazarda i mjere za ublažavanje hazarda. Pritom je provedena gruba analiza rizika na srednjem i donjem toku Rječine, pri čemu su definirani glavni elementi rizika. Dodatno su opisani uzroci mogućih nastanka analiziranih prirodnih hazarda, te smjernice za njihovu sanaciju i očuvanje od posljedica mogućih hazarda u budućnosti.
Abstract (english) The doctoral thesis discusses the different theoretical and practical aspects of flood waves modeling and propagation of coarse incoherent materials (debris flow modeling) and fine-grained cohesive material (mud flow modeling) as two potentially significant natural phenomena in the middle and lower part of the Rječina River. This doctoral thesis was based on the collection of meteorological, hydrological and geotechnical data, and consequently the development of physical and mathematical models for different movement scenarios of flood water waves, debris and mudflow
propagation on the Rječina River, from the position of Valići accumulation to the urban part of the Rijeka City, including possible result scenarios of these activities. Research methods are based on the input data collected from terrain
measurements in the defined area. The database contains basic information on the current state of Grohovo landslide area and Rječina River, including their nature, size, location and history, all available information on previous research (photographs, historical documents, reports, feedback analysis of areas, etc.), as well as real-time
information from the built-measuring devices (meteorological stations, Mini and Baro Diver instruments, ombrografs, limnigrafs, satellite, radar, ADCP flow meter, etc.) to track changes at the location. Research methods include surface and underground research (measuring of groundwater levels in the area of the Grohovo landslide), 2D numerical modeling of flood waves and debris flows propagation (application of Smoothed Particle Hydrodinamics method (SPH) and SOLFEC (Solver for Finite Element Computation) simulation program based on Non Smooth Contact Dynamics - NSCD), and GIS (Geographic Information System) technology. Based on the input of hydrological and
geological data, numerical models for debris flow and mudflow propagation were created. In developing numerical models, most commonly used empirical methods of the erosion law (Egashira, Hungr, and Voellmy erosion law) have been applied, as well as the implementation of the new erosion law. Based on that were given the guidelines
for hazard and risk analysis of the flash-flood and debris flow effects on the investigated area. With the help of the debris and mudflow simulation display we quantified the volume of deposited materials, the flow velocity, the depth of the deposited materials, as well as run-out distance of debris and mudflow on the analyzed area for several possible scenarios of catastrophic phenomena. Some of the scenarios processed and analyzed in this doctoral thesis are related to the consequences of the Valići dam collapse (due to input flysch sliding mass into the accumulation), the formation of a
tidal wave and its propagation to the urban part of the Rijeka City, as well as the possibility of forming the debris flow propagation in the middle part of the Rječina River due to mixing of water from the accumulation and initiating the sliding mass on the unstable flysch slopes. This analysis enables the quantification of individual input parameters that initiate the formation of debris flow and mudflow. The relationships of defined parameters allow the establishment of correlations between geomorphological and hydrogeological conditions, as well as the specifics of terrain conditions with the
parameters of the soil characteristic for the formation of debris flow and mudflow. The definition of critical geomorphological and hydrogeological parameters of soil that encourage the emergence of debris flow and mudflows in flysch area enabled the assessment of hazards and hazard mitigation measures for the investigated area. In this
regard a rough risk analysis of possible consequences on the middle and lower part of the Rječina River was conducted, whereby the main elements of risk were defined. Additionally, the causes of possible occurrence of natural hazards were described, as well as guidelines for their rehabilitation and preservation of the possible hazard consequences in the future.
numeričko modeliranje
fizikalni model
metoda hidrodinamike glatkih čestica (SPH metoda)
SOLFEC simulacijski program
tok krupnozrnatog i sitnozrnatog materijala
sliv vodotoka Rječine
klizište Grohovo
akumulacija Valići
Keywords (english)
numerical modeling
physical model
Smoothed Particle Hydrodinamics method
Solver for Finite Element Computation algorithm
flash floods
debris flow
Rječina Catchment Area
Grohovo landslide
Valići accumulation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:660705
Study programme Title: Civil Engineering; specializations in: Hydrotechnics and geotechnics, Mechanics Course: Hydrotechnics and geotechnics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1160520080
Type of resource Text
Extent 268 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 17:06:38