Title Glazbeni diskurz u književnosti Milutina Cihlara Nehajeva i Nedjeljka Fabrija : doktorska disertacija
Author Diana Grgurić
Mentor Ennio Stipčević (mentor)
Mentor Darko Gašparović (komentor)
Committee member Danijela Bačić-Karković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Riman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Estela Banov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Darko Gašparović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ennio Stipčević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Rijeka
Defense date and country 2007-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Art Sciences Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 78 - Music. Musical instruments and accessories
Abstract Intermedijalni odnos književnosti i glazbe je praksa koja je u umjetnosti bez
premca. Posebna je i zanimljiva zbog toga što su medijalna privlačenja u stalnoj izmjeni. Dobiveni rezultati su u pravilu uvijek visoko kreativna i kompleksna umjetnička ostvarenja među kojima se posebno ističu ona koja uključuju glazbu. Glazba i književnost u tom pogledu nemaju premca, ni po opsegu ni po raznovrsnosti.
Glazbeni diskurz u hrvatskoj književnosti je rjeđa, ali svakako prisutna pojava
koja se u odnosu na europsku pokazuje skromnijom. Zato je istraživanje
glazbenosti u književnosti Milutin Cihlara Nehaja (1880-1931) i Nedjeljka
Fabrija (1937) upravo ciljano popunjavanje stanja hrvatske intermedijalne slike. Nehajev i Fabrio su pisanjem glazbenih kritika/kronika nastavili tradiciju koju je započeo August Šenoa. Njihov je, dakle, glazbeno kritički i kronički diskurz centralna tema ovog rada što istraživački, s jedne strane prati književno-strateške planove, a s druge strane glazbeno-historiografske.
Navedeni glazbeni diskurzi su publicistički radovi: Nehajevljeve kritike na
hrvatskom jeziku (pisao je kritike i na njemačkom jeziku) iz Jutarnjeg lista i
Fabriove kronike iz časopisa Republika, kasnije objedinjene u izdanju Maestro i njegov šegrt
U tekstovima kritika i kronika razabire se intermedijalnost telling oblika što znači da se radi o tekstovima u kojima je kroz opis fiksirana slika glazbenog
djela i njegova sudbina koja je bila određena akutuelnim sistemom društvenih
vrijednosti. Međutim, Nedjeljko Fabrio je u svojim kronikama otišao dalje. Pratio je recepciju glazbe u Hrvatskoj kroz publicističku građu, a posebno se bavio i recepcijom hrvatskih pisaca analizirajući glazbene diskurze u njihovoj literaturi. Zbog toga su glazbene kronike Maestro i njegov šegrt izrazito citatno intertekstualizirane.
Obzirom da se radi o verbalno-glazbenom diskurzu koji dolazi iz pera
književnika, glazbenokritičko mišljenje koje predmnijeva glazbenu stručnost
ustuknulo je pred diskurzom koji se predstavlja više kao jednog određenog načina percipiranja i imaginiranja stvarnosti.
Razlučivanje granica kritičarskog glazbenog profila Nehajeva i Fabrija potvrđuju heuristički karakter verbalnog-glazbenog diskurza. U tom smislu
glazbene kritike i kronike ovih autora kreću različitim putovima kako bi došle
do onog mjesta na kojemu se presjecaju putovi imaginacije i logičkog modeliranja raznih kauzaliteta karakterističnih upravo za to i takvo glazbeno
Budući da problem svake metode krije ili nemogućnosti stvaranja novih pojmova i vokabulara, ovaj rad donosi rezultate istraživanja metoda i načina ostvarenog verbalističkog tumačenja glazbe. Izvjesno je da glazbeni diskurzi Nehajeva i Fabrija donose u tom smislu novinu koju je moguće izjednačiti sa umjetničkom kreacijom, ustvari imaginacijom koja je
uvijek zanimljiva produktivna redukcija.
Rad utvrđuje da u umjetničkom diskurzu dvojice pisaca: romani, pripovjetke,
drame i sl. nema većeg intermedijalnog sažimanja. Izuzetak je jedino Fabrijev
roman Berenikina kosa podnaslov familienfuge implicira glazbeni oblik
Ova intermedijalnost modusa showing poseban je i rijedak slučaj u hrvatskoj
literatskoj praksi.
Abstract (bulgarian) Intermediality is a very old artistic practice. It is remarkable and interesting since the attractions among the media are in a state of constant flux. As a rule, the outcome is highly creative and complex artistic output, the most outstanding being that which involves music. In this context, music and literature are unparalleled, in their scope as well as variety.
The music discourse in Croatian literature is quite a rare phenomenon although certainly present, but compared to the European it is indeed a modest one. This is why the research of music in the works of Milutin Cihlar Nehajev (1880- 1931) and Nedjeljko Fabrio (193 7) serves the purpose of filling in the gaps in the area of intermediality in Croatia.
Through writing their mus1c critiques / chronicles, Nehajev and Fabrio
continued the tradition initiated by August Šenoa. It is their discourse of music critique and music chronicles that make up the central topic of this thesis, which deals with literary - strategic planes on one hand, and music- historic ones on the other.
The mentioned music discourses are found in the following publications:
Nehajevs's critical reviews in Croatian language from Jutarnji List (he wrote reviews in German as well) and Fabrio's chronicles from the Republika magazine, published later under the title Maestro and his Apprentice.
Throughout the texts of reviews and chronicles the intermediality of the telling form is evident, which means that these are the texts where through description, the image of the musical piece is fixed as well as its destiny, determined by the current system of social values. However, in his chronicles Nedjeljko Fabrio went even further. He monitored the reception of music in the Croatian publications and was especially concemed with the recepti on of Croatian writers by analysing the music discourses in their work. This is why the music chronicles Maestro and his Apprentice are presented as an intertextually (quotation) complex patchwork.
Since what we are dealing with here isa verbal-music discourse stemming from the writer's pen, the critical opinion which presupposes expertise in music has given way to discourse that presents itself as a testimony of a certain way of perceiving and imagining of the reality.
The distinction of boundaries of the critical and musical profile of Nehajev and Fabrio confirm the heuristic character of the verbal - musical discourse. In this sense, their musical reviews and chronicles go their separate ways to reach the point where the paths of imagination and logical modelling of various causalities characteristic for the very musical work cross over.
Keeping in mind that every critical method bas some weaknesses, i.e. the limitations or inability to create new notions and vocabulary, this work presents the results of the research of means and ways of the existing verbal interpretation of music. It is certain that in this sense, music discourses of Nehajev and Fabrio bring a novelty that equals artistic creation, or actually the imagination, which has always been an interesting productive reduction.
The thesis establishes the fact that in the artistic discourses of the two authors, in their novels, stories, plays etc. there is no significant intermedial crossover. The only exception is Fabrio's novel Berenice' hair, whose subtitle, the familienfuge implies a musical form. This intermediality of the showing mode is a special and rare case in the Croatian literary practice.
teorija intertekstualnosti
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:057217
Promotion 2007
Study programme Title: Publishing and the Media: Publishing and Media Studies in the Context of Global Trends and Croatian Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Identity Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje interdisciplinarne humanističke znanosti)
Catalog URL http://www.svkri.uniri.hr/DUFOVI_files/DUF-638.pdf
Type of resource Text
Extent 234 str; 30 cm
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka Library
Created on 2017-01-19 17:04:34