Title Razvojni aspekti korištenja šumske biomase kao elementa nacionalne šumarske politike
Author Zlatko Benković MBZ: 136986
Mentor Ivan Martinić (mentor)
Committee member Željko Zečić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Stankić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-01-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Forestry
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 630 - Silviculture. Afforestation. Felling. Logging
Abstract U kontekstu pripreme i donošenja nove nacionalne šumarske politike Republike Hrvatske važno je razborito odrediti poziciju te prioritetne ciljeve i mjere vezano za šumsku biomasu. Pritom pitanje šumske biomase treba formulirati tako da se optimalno harmoniziraju socijalni, gospodarski i ekološki aspekti uz uzimanje u obzir globalnih i europskih programa vezano za ulogu šuma i šumarstva u postizanju gospodarskih i okolišnih ciljeva te doprinosa očuvanju bioraznolikosti. Kako bi se utvrdio najprihvatljiviji koncept korištenja šuma i šumskog zemljišta u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao ključnog resursa u proizvodnji šumske biomase u energetske svrhe, provedena su istraživanja Delfi metodom. Kroz dva kruga ispitivanja prikupljeni su stavovi i mišljenja odabranih eksperata, uključenih u kreiranje politika, proizvodnju i korištenje šumske biomase. U prvom krugu istraživanja 58 ispitanika je iznijelo svoje mišljenja na 15 pitanja grupiranih u 4 cjeline: (i) opće promišljanje o budućem razvoju sektora šumarstva te povećanju korištenja šumske biomase u energetske svrhe i s tim povezanim utjecajem na šumarstvo; (ii) moguće plansko povećanje proizvodnje (etata) biomase utemeljeno na razvojnim smjernicama; (iii) povećanje proizvodnje šumske biomase primjenom vrhunskih i energetski i okolišno optimalnih tehnologija i metoda pridobivanja drva te promjenu načina gospodarenja panjačama i (iv) povećanje proizvodnje šumske biomase podizanjem kultura kratkih ophodnji. Slijedom na nalaze prvog kruga, u drugom je krugu definirano šest novih pitanja na koje je odgovorilo 40 ispitanika, a njihovi su odgovori ključan putokaz u formuliranju pitanja šumske biomase pri njezinu uvrštavanju u buduću nacionalnu šumarsku politiku. Nalazi ispitivanja pokazuju da šumska biomasa može osigurati mnogostruke pozitivne učinke na nacionalnoj razini, ali naglašeno i na regionalnoj i lokalnoj razini, gdje može biti snažna poluga razvoja ruralnih područja. Ukupni socijalni i gospodarski učinci potencijalnog i ostvarenog energetskog korištenja šumske biomase važan su kriterij za odabir načina gospodarenja šumama i vrste/oblika njezina korištenja. Na ekonomske aspekte korištenja šumske biomase u energetske svrhe važan utjecaj imaju obujam raspoložive biomase, njezina prostorna distribucija i tehnologija pridobivanja komercijalnih oblika šumske biomase, pri čemu su ekonomski učinci izravno ovisni o sustavu subvencija i modelu kreditiranja. Kako bi se u strukturi nacionalne šumarske politike ostvarila prava mjera pitanja šumske biomase, u procesu pripreme dokumenta treba primijeniti holistički pristup koji podrazumijeva sudjelovanje širokog spektra svih zainteresiranih strana, poštivanje načela participativnog procesa te profesionalno moderiran međusektorski dijalog sa striktnom provedbom monitoringa i evaluacije procesa.
Abstract (english) In the context of the preparation and adoption of the new national forestry policy of the Republic of Croatia, it is important to prudently determine the position and priority goals and measures related to forest biomass. At the same time, the issue of forest biomass should be formulated in such a way that social, economic and ecological aspects are optimally harmonized while taking into account global and European programs related to the role of forests and forestry in achieving economic and environmental goals and contributing to the preservation of biodiversity. In order to determine the most acceptable concept of using forests and forest land in Croatia, as a key resource in the production of forest biomass for energy purposes, research was conducted using the Delphi method. Through two rounds of testing, the views and opinions of selected experts, involved in creating policies, production and use of forest biomass, were collected. In the first round of research, 58 respondents expressed their opinions on 15 questions grouped into 4 units: (i) general reflection on the future development of the forestry sector and the increase in the use of forest biomass for energy purposes and the related impact on forestry; (ii) possible planned increase in production (full-time) of biomass based on development guidelines; (iii) increasing the production of forest biomass by applying top-quality, energetically and environmentally optimal technologies and methods of wood harvesting, and changing the way of management of stumps, and (iv) increasing the production of forest biomass by raising crops of short rotations. Following the findings of the first round, six new questions were defined in the second round, which were answered by 40 respondents, and their answers are a key guide in formulating the issue of forest biomass when including it in the future national forestry policy. The findings of the study show that forest biomass can provide multiple positive effects at the national level, but also at the regional and local level, where it can be a strong lever for the development of rural areas. The overall social and economic effects of the potential and realized energy use of forest biomass are an important criterion for choosing the method of forest management and the type/form of its use. The volume of available biomass, its spatial distribution and the technology of obtaining commercial forms of forest biomass have an important influence on the economic aspects of using forest biomass for energy purposes, where the economic effects are directly dependent on the subsidy system and crediting model. In order to achieve the right measure of the issue of forest biomass in the structure of the national forestry policy, a holistic approach should be applied in the document preparation process, which implies the participation of a wide range of interested parties, respect for the principles of the participatory process, and professionally moderated intersectoral dialogue with strict implementation of process monitoring and evaluation.
šumarska politika
šumska biomasa
energetsko korištenje biomase
strateško planiranje
Delfi metoda
Keywords (english)
forestry policy
forest biomass
energy use of biomass
strategic planning
Delphi method
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:108:328929
Promotion 2023
Study programme Title: Forestry and Wood Technology - postgraduate doctoral study - university Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje šumarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje šumarstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Created on 2023-03-07 10:23:15