Title Unaprjeđenje gospodarenja privatnim šumama u Republici Hrvatskoj modeliranjem poduzetničkih pothvata
Title (english) Modeling of entrepreneurial startups to improve managing of private forests in Republic of Croatia
Author Matija Bakarić
Mentor Ivan Martinić (mentor)
Committee member Stjepan Posavec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kolaković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology (Institute of Forest Engineering) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-06-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Forestry
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 630 - Silviculture. Afforestation. Felling. Logging
Abstract Različita pitanja vezana uz gospodarenje privatnim šuma postala su zadnjih godina jedan od najinteresantnijih i najdinamičnijih aspekata hrvatskog šumarstva. Privatne šume zauzimaju približno dvadesetak posto (581 770 ha) ukupne šumske površine u R. Hrvatskoj, njima gospodari blizu 600.000 vlasnika na oko 1.500.000 parcela, što čini prosječnu veličine posjeda od 0,76 ha (Izvjšće o stanju šuma i šumskog zemljišta u Republici Hrvatskoj 2013). Uzrok veće zainteresiranosti vlasnika i posjednika privatnih šuma za aktivan odnos spram njihovih šuma treba tražiti u povratu šuma, mogućnostima korištenja sredstava iz EU fondova za unapređenje gospodarenja te u većim izgledima novčanog prihodovanja iz privatnih šuma radi povećanog interesa drvne industrije za otkupom drva iz privatnih šuma. Sve navedeno stvara nove okolnosti u kojima se pokretanje poduzetničkih startup projekata čini vrlo izglednom poslovnom opcijom za različite sudionike šumarskog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj, prije svega za šumarske stručnjake. U poslovnom smislu upravo su oni najmotiviraniji da privatnim šumovlasnicima kao korisnicima kroz inovativne ideje povećavaju učinke u različitim aspektima gospodarenja šumoposjedom. Od ključnih povoljnih okolnostizastartupoveuprivatnom šumovlasništvuRepublike Hrvatske, prva se odnosi na veliku brojnost zainteresiranih privatnih šumovlasnika, drugo na mali broj dosad otvorenih poduzetničkih niša, treće na velik broj područja koja su u razvijenim europskim zemljama već razvijena u privatnom šumovlasništvu. Sve to upućuje na okvir koji ima potencijal brzog rasta i velike domete, prije svega kroz inovativne tehnološke pristupe kakvi odlukuju startup poduzetništvo. Ideja je doktorskog rada ispitivanjem i analizom interesa šumovlasnika razviti startup modele za one proizvode i usluge koje u postojećim uvjetima
poduzetničke klime osiguravaju značajne doprinose rastu vrijednosti privatnog šumoposjeda, te čine široko primijenjive i standardizirane poslovnemodele,profitabilnezanositeljestartup-ova.Analizainteresnih područja zanimljivih šumoposjednicima obuhvatit će različite mogućnosti poboljšanja vezane za edukaciju, transfer znanja, certificiranje, osposobljavanje, planiranje, primjenu novih tehnologija i dr. Kao ključni pokazatelji rasta ekonomije šumoposjeda razmatrati će se prihodi i smanjenje jediničnih troškova, povećanje vrijednosti posjeda i dr. Radi ocjene povoljnosti trenutačne poduzetničke klime analizirat će se legislativni okvir, financijski instrumenti te socijalni i drugi aspekti vezani za privatne šume u RH. Prema preferencijama šumovlasnika u pogledu novih usluga i proizvoda za konkretne uvjete poduzetničke klime modelirat će se startup koncepti koji će sadržavati razradu projektne ideje, identifikaciju nositelja i partnera, moguće akceleratore i izvore financiranja, očekivane učinke za korisnike te očekivanu zaradu nositelja startupa. Za obradu podataka će se koristiti programski paket Microsoft Excel te statistički program Statistica 18. Na temelju ukupnih nalaza i rezultata izradit će se smjernice za osnivanje i pokretanje uspješnog startup-a
Abstract (english) Various issues related to management of private forests have become in recent years one of the most interesting and dynamic aspect of Croatian forestry. Private forests cover about 20 % (581,770 ha) of the total forest area in Republic of Croatia, and they are managed by about 600,000 owners on approximately 1.5 million parcels, which makes the average sizeofforestproperty0.76ha(Izvješćeostanjušumaišumskogzemljišta u Republici Hrvatskoj 2013). Causes of bigger interest of the owners of private forests for their active attitude towards the forest is in return of forests, possibilities of using EU funds to improve the management and the prospects of higher cash revenue generation from private forests increased interest of wood industry for purchase wood from private forests. All of the above creates new circumstances in which the initiation of entrepreneurial startups looks very likely a business option for various stakeholders of the forestry sector in Croatia, primarily for forestry experts. In business terms, they are the most motivated for private forest owners as customers through innovative ideas to enhance the effects of various aspects of forest ownership. The key perspective conditions for startup's in the private forest ownership of the Croatian is: first the large number of interested private forest owners, second a small number of previously outstanding entrepreneurial niches, and the third on a number of business activities in European countries which already has been developed in the private forest ownership. All this points to a framework that has the potential of rapid growth and great achievements, primarily through innovative technological approaches which distinguish startup entrepreneurship. The idea ofthedissertation is, through examination and analysis of the forest owner interests, development of startup models for
those products and services that in the current business climate provides significant contributions to the growth of the private forests value, and makes broad, applicable and standardized business models profitable for startup holders. Analysis of areas interesting for forest owners will cover the different improve related options for education, know-how transfer, certification, training, planning, implementation of new technologies and others. Key indicators of economic growth of forest property will be discussed through revenues and reducing unit costs, increase value of the property and others. In order to asses the benefits of the current business climate legislative framework, financial instruments, social and other aspects related to private forests in Croatia will be analyzed. According to the preferences of forest owners, in terms of new services and products to the specific requirements of entrepreneurial climate, new startup concepts will be modeled; which will include development of project ideas, identify holders and partners, possible accelerators and sources of funding, expected effects for users and the expected earnings for startup holders. For the processing of data Microsoft Excel, Statistica 8 software packages will be used. On the basis of the overall findings and results drafted guidelines will be made for establishing and running a successful startup in private forestry sector.
privatne šume
Keywords (english)
private forests
forest owner
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:108:309762
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Forestry and Wood Technology - postgraduate doctoral study - university Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje šumarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biotehničkih znanosti, polje šumarstvo)
Type of resource Text
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Repository University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Created on 2022-11-25 08:00:12