Title Model implementacije sustava morskih autocesta u funkciji zaštite okoliša : doktorska disertacija
Title (english) Model of implementation of the motorways of the sea system in function of environmental protection : doctoral thesis
Author Marijan Cukrov
Mentor Alen Jugović (mentor)
Mentor Tomislav Mrakovčić (komentor)
Committee member Tomislav Mrakovčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalija Kavran (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Jugović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Senčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlado Frančić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-11-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract Promet, pogotovo cestovni prijevoz kao jedan dominantnih sustava prijevoza,
uzrokuje iznimno negativan utjecaj na okoliš i društvo. Očituje se kroz učestala
prometna zagušenja, povećani rizik od prometnih nezgoda, povećanu razinu buke,
povećani stres svih sudionika i društva općenito, velike količine štetnih ispušnih
plinova koje prijevozna sredstva direktno ispuštaju u okoliš te one koje su ispuštene
u procesu proizvodnje pogonskog goriva.
Morske autoceste su pomorski servisi integrirani u logistički lanac od vrata do
vrata koristeći održive, redovite, učestale, visokokvalitetne i pouzdane short sea
shipping veze. Morske autoceste praktičan su primjer definicije kombiniranog
(održivog) prijevoza. Radi se o prijevozu intermodalnim načinom gdje je pomorski dio
veći dio puta. Sustav morskih autocesta ne zahtjeva značajne infrastrukturne
investicije u lukama, ali se za uspješnost servisa podrazumijeva izvrsna integracija s
ostalim sustavima prijevoza, u prvom redu željezničkim i cestovnim sustavom
prijevoza. Činjenica da se u luci događa interakcija s različitim načinima prijevoza čini
luku iznimno važnom karikom u postizanju konkurentnosti i učinkovitosti sustava
morskih autocesta. Jednako je bitna komunikacija i protočnost interakcije s brodom,
željezničkim ili cestovnim sustavom jer ukoliko samo jedna veza nije besprijekorna,
to se prenosi na pouzdanost i kvalitetu cjelokupnog prijevoznog sustava.
U odnosu na trenutni model funkcioniranja prometnog sustava u Republici
Hrvatskoj, gdje je razvoj lučkog i gravitacijskog prometnog sustava prepušten svakoj
luci samostalno (šest samostalnih luka), te gdje ne postoji sustavno specijaliziranje
svake luke ili pravca, rezultati analize su poražavajući. Oni svjedoče da je trenutni
model lučkog sustava Republike Hrvatske neprimjeren za implementaciju sustava
morskih autocesta i da ne postoji niti jedan element koji bi opravdao njegovo
zadržavanje. Analiza upućuje na zaključak da se znanstvenim pristupom koji
uključuje identifikaciju svih relevantnih čimbenika, analizu stanja cjelokupne
prometne infrastrukture te identifikacijom kriterija koji utječu na funkcioniranje
sustava morskih autocesta, može sigurno i točno odrediti koji je model optimalan za
uvođenje održivog sustava morskih autocesta, ali i ocjenu postojećeg modela. Iz
analize utjecaja svakog od kriterija zasebno, te svih kombinacija, može se zaključiti
da kod implementacije održivog sustava na primjeru prometnog sustava Republike
Hrvatske mogu se izdvojiti dva scenarija (modela) kao optimalni izbor. Radi se o
modelima dvije luke i tri luke.
Abstract (english) Transport, especially road transport as one of the modes and a dominant one,
has a negative impact on the environment and the society. This is manifested
through frequent transport congestions, increased risk of accidents, increased noise
levels, increased stress for all stakeholders and the society in general, large amounts
of exhaust gas from vehicles that is emitted directly into the environment and fumes
discharged in the process of motor fuel production.
Motorways of the Sea are maritime services integrated in the door-to-door
logistic chain by using sustainable, regular, frequent, high-quality and reliable short
sea shipping connections. Motorways of the Sea are a practical example of the
definition for a combined (sustainable) transport. It is intermodal transport mode
where maritime transport covers the largest part of the route. Motorways of the Sea
system does not require significant infrastructure investments in ports, but success of
the service presupposes excellent integration with other transport modes, notably rail
and road. The fact that interaction with various transport modes takes place in a port,
makes the port a significant factor in the formation of a competitive Motorways of the
Sea system. Equally important is the communication and the flow of interaction with a
ship, railway or road system because if only one link is not impeccable, it will be
reflected in the reliability and quality of the entire system and service.
In relation to the current model of the transport system functioning in the
Republic of Croatia where development of port and gravity transport system is left for
each port independently (six individual ports), and where systematic specialization of
each port and route does not exist, the results of an analysis are devastating. The
results testify that current model of the Motorways of the Sea implementation is
entirely inappropriate and there is no element that would justify its retention. Analysis
implies that scientific approach which includes identification of all relevant factors,
state of the art analysis of entire transport infrastructure and identification of criteria
which affect the functioning of the Motorways of the Sea system, can safely and
accurately determine which model is optimal for the introduction of sustainable
Motorways of the Sea system and can determine the evaluation of the current model.
From the impact analysis of each individual criteria and all the combinations, it may
be concluded that two scenarios (models) may be recognized as optimal choices for
the implementation of a sustainable system on the example of the transport system
of the Republic of Croatia. These two models are: a model of two ports and a model
three ports.
morske autoceste
morske luke
zaštita okoliša
intermodalni prijevoz
lučki sustav
emisije ispušnih plinova
eksterni troškovi prijevoza
postojeći infrastrukturni kapaciteti
održivi razvoj
energetska učinkovitost
Keywords (english)
motorways of the sea
environment protection
intermodal transport
port system
harmful gas emissions
external costs of transport
current state of infrastructure
energy efficiency
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:269236
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: Postgraduate university (doctoral) study Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent X, 162 str. ; 31 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering
Created on 2020-10-26 14:14:05