Title Modeliranje specifične ranjivosti podzemnih voda u uvjetima krša na području Dugopolja : doktorski rad
Title (english) Modelling of a specific groundwater vulnerability in the karst conditions of the Dugopolje area : doctoral thesis
Author Dragana Dogančić MBZ: 302312
Mentor Andrea Bačani (mentor)
Mentor Sanja Kapelj (komentor)
Committee member Zoran Nakić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Kapelj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrea Bačani (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Frankica Kapor (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Loborec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mining, Petroleum and Geology Engineering Geological Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
Abstract Tijekom proteklih pedeset godina javnost je prepoznala potrebu za očuvanjem kakoće i količine podzemne vode kao bitnog izvora pitke vode u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Zbog svojih specifičnosti, kao što su tanak pokrov, koncentrirana infiltracija, ponori te koncentriranje toka u epikrškoj i vadoznoj zoni, krški vodonosnici su poznati po svojoj osjetljivosti na onečišćenje. Zbog svoje reaktivnosti, tlo i sediment predstavljaju značajan čimbenik u zadržavanju i usporavanju potencijalnog onečišćenja na njegovom putu prema podzemnoj vodi.
Za područje istraživanja odabran je širi prostor krškog polja Dugopolja. Polje je smješteno sa sjeverne strane planine Mosor, a pruža se pravcem sjeverozapad-jugoistok i blago je nagnuto prema jugoistoku. Nova gospodarska zona i razvoj cestovne infrastrukture su do tada pretežito ruralni krajolik pretvorili u jedan od najpropulzivnijih krajeva u Hrvatskoj, a broj ljudi koji su ondje pronašli radno mjesto nadmašio je broj stalnih stanovnika tog područja. Zajedno s ekonomskim napretkom, na ovo područje došla je i opasnost od onečišćenja tla i podzemnih voda te je primjećen trend pogoršanja kakvoće vode izvora Jadra i Žrnovnice.
U ovom radu prirodna ranjivost procijenjena je pomoću metode COP u svrhu određivanja najranjivijih područja kojima je potreba posebna zaštita. Na temelju karte prirodne ranjivosti izrađena je karta specifične ranjivosti koja uzima u obzir fizikalna i geokemijska svojstva tla, nezasićene i zasićene zone i procese vezane uz njih, svojstva pojedine vrste onečišćivala i njihovo ponašanje u određenim geokemijskim uvjetima koji vladaju u različitim dijelovima krškog vodonosnika. Na temelju rezultata analiza i mjerenja fizikalnih, fizikalno-kemijskih i kemijskih parametara tla krškog polja i ispune epikrške zone, ocijenjeno je ponašanje pojedinih vrsta onečišćenja u pokrovu krških vodonosnika. Izvršena je prilagodba težinskih faktora koji se koriste u modeliranju specifične ranjivosti podzemnih voda geokemijskim uvjetima koji vladaju u različitim dijelovima hidrogeološkog sustava krškog podzemlja prekrivenog crvenicom. Dobiveni rezultati dali su značajan doprinos poznavanju mogućnosti prihvatnog kapaciteta tla i epikrške zone zaštiti krških vodonosnika, ne samo Dinarida, već i prostora sličnih litoloških, odnosno hidrogeoloških obilježja.
Abstract (english) Over the past fifty years, the public has recognized the need to protect quality and quantity of groundwater from karst aquifers as a source of potable water in Croatia and the world. Due to their specific characteristics, such as a thin soil cover, concentrated infiltration, swallow holes and concentration of flow in the epikarst and vadose zones, karst aquifers are known for their sensitivity to pollution. Contaminants can be transported very fast or even stored depending on the existence of fast or slow flow components in a karst system. Due to its reactivity, soil and sediment represent a significant factor in retardation and attenuation of potential pollution on its way to groundwater.
Dugopolje is a typical karst field located on the northern slopes of the Mosor mountain facing northwest-southeast and sloping slightly toward the southeast. The area consists largely of mesozoic and kenozoic carbonate and clastic rocks. Because of the intensive tectonics, area is intensively karstified with couple of active swallow holes. The soils comprise brown and red soils on limestones and dolomites.
The new economic zone and the development of road infrastructure (mainly Adriatic highway) have so far transformed the rural landscape into one of the most propulsive areas in Croatia, and the number of people who have found work there exceeded the number of permanent residents of the area. Along with the economic progress, came the danger of soil and groundwater contamination that is noticeable in deterioration of water quality of Jadro and Žrnovnica springs.
The intrinsic vulnerability takes into account the geological, hydrological and hydrogeological properties of the area, regardless of the contaminant properties and the means of contamination, whereas specific vulnerability takes into account the properties of each individual contaminant. In this paper, the intrinsic vulnerability was assesed using the COP method to determine the most vulnerable areas that need special protection. Based on the map of the intrinsic vulnerability, a map of specific vulnerability has been developed. It takes into account the physical and geochemical properties of the soil, the unsaturated and saturated zones and processes associated with them, the properties of a particular type of contaminant and their behavior under certain geochemical conditions in different parts of the karst aquifers.
The behavior of certain types of contamination in the karst aquifers was evaluated based on the results of the analysis and measurement of physical, physiochemical and chemical parameters
of karst soil and filling of the epikarst zone. Adjustment of weights factors used in modeling the specific vulnerability of groundwater was performed according to geochemical conditions in various parts of the karstic hydrogeological system covered in red soil. The results of geochemical modeling using PHREEQC directly indicate the ionic form or the method of transport of chosen contaminant species. Arsenic and lead are predominantly related to the suspended soil and sediment particles and nitrates are migrable in the form of ions. Therefore, the mentioned contaminants can be transported over long distances without significant change.
The obtained results have contributed significantly to the understanding of the soil and the epikarst zone storage capacity, not only in the Dinarides, but also in the areas with similar lithological and hydrogeological features.
Steps have been taken in the last ten years to ensure improvements in quality of the spring waters of Jadra and Žrnovnica. A series of collectors and laggons were constructed along the Adriatic highway along with the closed water drainage system and sewage network in the Dugopolje area.
prirodna ranjivost
specifična ranjivost
krški vodonosnik
Keywords (english)
karst field
intrinsic vulnerability
specific vulnerability
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:779431
Study programme Title: Applied Geosciences, Mining and Petroleum Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti)
Catalog URL http://katalog.nsk.hr/F/?func=direct&CON_LNG=ZAG&local_base=ZAG01_WEB&doc_number=000636029
Type of resource Text
Extent 199 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Repository, University of Zagreb
Created on 2018-01-16 10:31:46