Title Model transporta potencijalno toksičnih elemenata kroz nesaturiranu zonu na području regionalnoga vodocrpilišta Kosnica : doktorski rad
Title (english) Transport model of potentially toxic elements through unsaturated zone at regional wellfield Kosnica : doctoral thesis
Author Stanko Ružičić
Mentor Marta Mileusnić (mentor)
Mentor Kristijan Posavec (komentor)
Committee member Goran Durn (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marta Mileusnić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristijan Posavec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Nakić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Husnjak (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 43893
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Zagreb
Defense date and country 2013-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Geology Mineralogy and Petrology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 55 - Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology
Abstract Predmet istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije je nesaturirana zona na području regionalnog
vodocrpilišta Kosnica. Ciljevi ovog doktorskog rada bili su: (i) identificirati dominantne
procese transporta u nesaturiranoj zoni; (ii) odrediti parametre toka vode i transporta
onečišćivala nesaturirane zone; (iii) odrediti geokemijsko ponašanje potencijalno toksičnih
elemenata u nesaturiranoj zoni; (iiii) izraditi prognozni model toka vode i transporta
potencijalno toksičnih elemenata (olovo, kadmij, cink) kroz nesaturiranu zonu. Temeljem
brojnih laboratorijskih analiza svojstava tla i eksperimenata definirani su parametri toka vode
(kapacitet tla za vodu, hidraulička vodljivost) i transporta onečišćivala (sorpcija, disperzija,
volumna gustoća, koncentracija potencijalno toksičnih elemenata). Brojnim kemijskim i
eksperimentalnim analizama uzoraka iz nesaturirane zone određeno je geokemijsko ponašanje
potencijalno toksičnih elemenata. Za primjenu numeričkih simulacija korišten je program
HYDRUS-1D. Kapacitet zadržavanja vode u tlu najveći je u A horizontu i iznosi ~45%. Na
temelju istraživanja hidrauličke vodljivosti utvrđene su najniže vrijednosti za A i IVGso/Gr
horizonte. Veće vrijednosti hidrauličke vodljivosti određene su u donjem dijelu profila u
kojima je zastupljena pjeskovito-šljunkovita i šljunkovita tekstura. U AC-IC horizontu je
određena manja vrijednost disperzivnosti koja iznosi 1 cm, dok je za horizont IIC/Gso
određena veća vrijednost i iznosi 1,7 cm. Utvrđene su male razlike u sorpciji između
pojedinih elemenata. Analizom otopina porušenih uzoraka dobivenih digestijom zlatotopkom
utvrđene su najveće koncentracije elemenata (Cd, Pb i Zn) u najplićem dijelu profila. Na
temelju dobivenih parametara toka vode i transporta potencijalno toksičnih elemenata kreiran
je prognozni model na istražnoj lokaciji. Ukoliko se usporede koncentracije potencijalno
toksičnih elemenata dobivene s prognoznim modelom transporta na dnu profila tla odnosno
na granici s otvorenim vodonosnikom s MDK granicama pravilnika za iste elemente onda se
može zaključiti da postoji velika opasnost od onečišćenja na istražnoj lokaciji. Mehanizmi
sorpcije imaju glavni utjecaj na transport elemenata u saturiranu zonu. Uslijed akcidentnih
situacija izlijevanja koncentracije potencijalno toksičnih elemenata od 1000 mg/l, rizik od
onečišćenja vodonosnika s time i regionalnoga vodocrpilišta Kosnica je visok. Ovim
istraživanjima nesaturirane zone na lokaciji Kosnica definirani su parametri toka i transporta
potencijalno toksičnih elemenata te je napravljen numerički model kao osnova za buduća
istraživanja akcidentnih situacija.
Abstract (english) The subject of this thesis is the unsaturated zone in the area of the regional water well
Kosnica. The objectives of this thesis were: (i) to identify dominant processes in the
unsaturated zone; (ii) to determine water flow and solute transport parameters in the
unsaturated zone (iii) to determine geochemical behaviour of potentially toxic elements in the
unsaturated zone; (iiii) to build prognostic water flow and the transport model of potentially
toxic elements (lead, cadmium, zinc) through the unsaturated zone.
The research was conducted in the area of the Kosnica water well, dominated by Fluvisol soil
type. In order to better understand the water flow and the transport of the potentially toxic
elements through an unsaturated zone detail field, laboratory analyses and experiments were
made. For numerical simulation HYDRUS-1D program was used. The program models the
water flow using Richard's equation. The transport of potentially toxic elements is described
using the advection and dispersion equation.
Based on the laboratory analyses of soil properties, the parameters of water flow and solute
transport are defined. The bulk density rises with depth while the water holding capacity is the
largest in the A horizon due to particle size distribution. Minimum values of hydraulic
conductivity were determined in the A and IVGso/Gr horizons. The experimental results of
the sorption processes were used for the determination of correlation coefficients for
individual elements. The order of decreasing correlation coefficients was: Pb> Zn> Cd. Small
differences in sorption were found between the individual elements. The soil column
dispersivity was 1 cm for AC-IC horizon, and 1.7 cm for horizon IIC/Gso.
The higher cation exchange capacity, determined in the top of the profile, indicates the
possibility of more pronounced sorption of elements in shallow horizons. The highest element
concentrations, extracted by aqua regia, were found in the A and AC-IC horizons (for Zn 70
mg/kg and for Pb 51 mg/kg). The lead concentration obtained using sequential extraction
analysis is mostly bound to the organic fraction, while zinc is mostly bound to the residual
fraction. Illitic material is the most common mineral phase in the fraction <2 μm and
correlates with the sorption of lead in top horizons (A and AC-IC).
Measured values of water content in the soil using TDR probes for the period from September
1, 2011 to October 31, 2012 were used for the water flow model calibration. The comparison
of water simulations’ results and the measured data was performed using the HYDRUS 1D
software. The simulated water content was less variable than the measured values.
Low correlation (~ 0.40) was revealed between the measured and the simulated values of the
water content. Such a low correlation between the measured and the simulated water content
in the soil could be a consequence of the difference between the meteorological data obtained
from a weather station located 3.5 km from the investigated location. Based on the chloride
tracer experiments on soil columns in the laboratory, the calibration of the solute transport
model was made. The best correlation of the measured and the simulated values of tracer
concentration is 0.43 for AC-IC and 0.74 for IIC/Gso horizon.
Based on the parameters of the water flow and the transport of potentially toxic elements, the
prognostic model was created at the investigation site. If the concentrations of potentially
toxic elements, obtained by the transport prognostic model at the bottom of the soil profile are
compared with the MAC limits ordinance for the same elements, it can be concluded that
there is a high risk of contamination at the investigative site. Sorption mechanisms have a
major impact on the transport of potentially toxic elements in the saturated zone. In case of an
accidental spill of potentially toxic elements with concentrations of 1000 mg/l, the risk of
contamination of the aquifer is high. This research of unsaturated zone at the Kosnica location
defined the water flow and the transport of potentially toxic elements’ parameters and
designed a model for the future research and accident mitigation.
tok vode
transport potencijalno toksičnih elemenata
nesaturirana zona
numeričko modeliranje
Keywords (english)
water flow
transport of potentially toxic elements
unsaturated zone
numerical modeling
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:169:450087
Promotion 2014-07-06
Study programme Title: Applied Geosciences, Mining and Petroleum Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti (doktor znanosti/doktorica znanosti)
Catalog URL http://katalog.nsk.hr/F/?func=direct&CON_LNG=ZAG&local_base=ZAG01_WEB&doc_number=000572981
Type of resource Text
Extent XIV, 149 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Repository, University of Zagreb
Created on 2017-12-08 13:16:19