Title Privatizacija preoblikovanjem zdravstvene ustanove i prijenosom poslovnog udjela
Title (english) Privatization by conversion of health institution and transfer of share in Ltd.
Author Vedran Kruljac
Mentor Tomislav Jakšić (mentor)
Committee member Sunčana Roksandić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-03-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Commercial and Company Law
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 303 - Methods of the social sciences
Abstract Ovaj doktorski rad predstavlja doprinos pravnoj znanosti prvenstveno kroz prizmu prava trgovačkih društava analizom: privatizacije u zdravstvu, obavljanja zdravstvene djelatnosti, ciljeva privatizacije u zdravstvu, primjera privatizacije u zdravstvu, preoblikovanja javne zdravstvene ustanove u društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za obavljanje zdravstvene djelatnosti i prijenosa poslovnoga udjela u društvu s ograničenom odgovornošću za obavljanje zdravstvene djelatnosti na privatnog ulagatelja. Analitički prikaz privatizacije u javnom zdravstvu proveden je prethodnim sagledavanjem općih pojmovnih određenja privatizacije i posebnosti privatizacije u ovom dijelu javnog sektora. Sagledavanje obavljanja zdravstvene djelatnosti uključilo je analizu pružatelja usluga zdravstvene zaštite koji je predmet privatizacije, kako njegovog pravnog oblika, tako i načina prijenosa udjela u njemu. Ciljevi privatizacije javnog zdravstva određeni su kao gospodarski, tj. zaustavljanje stvaranja poslovnih gubitaka javnih zdravstvenih ustanova i kao socijalni koji se sastoje u osiguranju trajnosti pružanja usluga zdravstvene zaštite i postavljanju standarda kvalitete usluga zdravstvene zaštite. Primjeri privatizacije u zdravstvima država članicama Europske unije odvojeno su analizirani od prikaza takvih postupaka u Republici Hrvatskoj, počevši od činjenice da Europska unija nema utjecaja na privatizaciju javnih zdravstvenih ustanova u državama članicama jer u pravnoj stečevini Europske unije (franc. acquis communautaire) nema odredaba o privatizaciji javnog zdravstva. S ciljem prilagodbe pravnog oblika pravne osobe koja je predmet privatizacije pravnom obliku primjerenom privatnom ulagatelju, preoblikovanje javne zdravstvene ustanove u društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za obavljanje zdravstvene djelatnosti utvrđeno je kao preduvjet: 1. omogućavanja isplate dijela dobiti društva (dalje: dividenda) i 2. upravljanja pravnom osobom na način prilagodljiviji pravilima slobodnog tržišnog natjecanja. Preoblikovanje javne zdravstvene ustanove u društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za obavljanje zdravstvene djelatnosti razmotreno je kroz: 1. opće pravno-teorijsko razumijevanje i prikaz obilježja preoblikovanja, 2. objašnjenje preoblikovanja javne zdravstvene ustanove u društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću za obavljanje zdravstvene djelatnosti kao i 3. opis postupka preoblikovanja ustanove u društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću. Naposljetku, u vezi s prijenosom poslovnoga udjela u društvu s ograničenom odgovornošću, analizom mjerodavnih zakonskih i podzakonskih odredaba koje predstavljaju temelj za prodaju poslovnoga udjela: 1. prijenos poslovnoga udjela u društvu s ograničenom odgovornošću općenito je sagledan sa zakonskog i teorijskog stajališta, 2. objašnjen je razlog takvog prijenosa te su 3. razdvojene radnje koje je potrebno poduzeti za takav prijenos.
Abstract (english) This doctoral thesis presents a contribution to legal science primarily through the prism of corporate law by analysis of: privatization in healthcare, performance of healthcare activities, goals of privatization in healthcare, examples of privatization in healthcare, conversion of a public health institution into a healthcare limited liability company and transfer of business share in a healthcare limited liability company to a private investor.
Analytical presentation of privatization in public healthcare has been carried out by previously looking at the general definitions of privatization and the particularities of privatization in this part of the public sector. In this sense, an attempt has been made to define the concepts of privatization as well as those of privatization in healthcare concisely and sufficiently comprehensively.
Looking at the performance of healthcare activities included an analysis of the healthcare service provider that is the object of privatization, both its legal form and the method of transfer of shares in it. The emphasis has been placed on the acquisition and consumption of profits of different legal forms of healthcare service providers with the conclusion that precisely this distinction in the disposal of profits represents the core of the privatization of public healthcare and the choice for the privatization. As part of this, a definition of a health institution has been given, which has not been fully established by the Croatian legislation yet.
Considering the fact that the privatization of public healthcare can be manifested as: 1. a part of general processes that are triggered by poor management of public health institutions and 2. as a prerequisite for competitive and market-oriented quality healthcare, the goals of such privatization are determined as 1. economic, i.e. stopping the generation of business losses of public health institutions and 2. social which consist of ensuring the durability of the provision of healthcare services and of setting the standards for the quality of healthcare services. Examples of privatization in healthcare have been analyzed separately by presenting of such procedures in other European Union member states and in the Republic of Croatia, starting with the fact that European Union has no influence on the privatization of public health institutions in the member states because the acquis communautaire has no provisions on the privatization of public healthcare.
With the aim of adapting the legal form of a legal entity that is the object of privatization to a legal form suitable for a private investor, the conversion of a public health institution into a healthcare limited liability company has been established as a prerequisite for: 1. enabling the payment of dividends, and 2. management of the legal entity in a way more adaptable to the rules of free market competition.
Clarifications of Croatian legal literature and recent examples of such procedures in the practice of Croatian courts and administrative bodies have been compared with solutions in other European Union member states, mostly with the provisions of German law.
Conversion of a public health institution into a healthcare limited liability company has been considered through: 1. general legal-theoretical understanding and presentation of the characteristics of conversion, 2. explanation of the conversion of a public health institution into a healthcare limited liability company, and 3. a description of the process of conversion of the institution into a limited liability company. The aim of this is to: 1. determine the meaning of the conversion of a public health institution into a healthcare limited liability company, 2. propose the legal basis for the conversion of public health institutions into healthcare limited liability companies in the Republic of Croatia, and 3. point out de lege lata and de lege ferenda to the articles of Croatian law applicable in the privatization of public health institutions.
Finally, in connection with the transfer of a share in a limited liability company, by analyzing the relevant legal and by-law provisions that represent the basis for the sale of a share: 1. the transfer of a share in a limited liability company has been generally considered from a legal and theoretical point of view, 2. the reason for such a transfer has been explained and 3. the actions that need to be taken for such a transfer have been distinguished.
zdravstvena zaštita
zdravstvena ustanova
trgovačko društvo
poslovni udio u društvu s ograničenom odgovornošću
prodaja i prijenos poslovnoga udjela
Keywords (english)
health institution
trade company
share in a limited liability company
sale and transfer of share in a limited liability company
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:783227
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Company Law and Commercial Law (Postgraduate doctoral study programme in Legal Sciences) Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pravo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje pravo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository Faculty of Law University of Zagreb
Created on 2024-03-27 14:06:27