Title Interpolacijski polinomi i izvedene nejednakosti za konveksne funkcije višeg reda
Title (english) Interpolation polynomials and derived inequalities for the higher order convex functions
Author Gorana Aras-Gazić
Mentor Ana Vukelić (mentor)
Committee member Julije Jakšetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Varošanec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Vukelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-03-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 51 - Mathematics
Abstract U disertaciji su promatrani Lidstoneovi i Hermiteovi interpolacijski polinomi te Eulerovi integralni identiteti koji proširuju dobro poznatu formulu za razvoj funkcije preko Bernoullijevih polinoma danu u [31]. Istraživanje je provedeno za konveksne funkcije višeg reda. Korištenjem Lidstoneovih i Hermiteovih interpolacijskih polinoma s uvjetima na Greenovu funkciju te Eulerovog identiteta dobivene su generalizacije Jensenove nejednakosti i njezinog obrata za regularnu realnu (s predznakom) Borelovu mjeru, te kao posljedica generalizacije Hermite-Hadamardove nejednakosti. Također, iz teorema majorizacije, Lidstoneovih i Hermiteovih interpolacijskih polinoma i uvjeta na Greenovu funkciju, dobiveni su rezultati vezani za diskretnu i integralnu Jensenovu nejednakost i njen obrat te diskretnu Jensen-Steffensenovu nejednakost. Dane su i ocjene za identitete povezane s ovim nejednakostima korištenjem Čebiševljevog funkcionala te nejednakosti tipa Grüssa i Ostrowskog za ove funkcionale. Razmatrajući Cauchyjeve reprezentacije greške interpolacijskih polinoma, izvedene su generalizacije Hermite-Hadamardove nejednakosti. Kao specijalni slučaj, kod Hermiteovih interpolacijskih polinoma, promatrane su i generalizacije za čvorove ortogonalnih polinoma. Dane su i ocjene za ostatak u kvadraturnim formulama Hermiteovog tipa razmatranjem integralne reprezentacije greške Hermiteovih interpolacijskih polinoma te korištenjem Hölderove nejednakosti i nekih nejednakosti za Čebiševljev funkcional. Korištenjem dobivenih generalizacija konstruirani su linearni funkcionali te su promatrani teorem srednje vrijednosti, n-eksponencijalna konveksnost, eksponencijalna konveksnost i log konveksnost za ove funkcionale. Dano je nekoliko primjera familija funkcija koje nam omogućuju konstrukciju velike familije eksponencijalno konveksnih funkcija te sredine Stolarskyjevog tipa koje imaju svojstvo monotonosti.
Abstract (english) The thesis deals with the Lidstone and Hermite interpolating polynomials and Euler's integral identities which extend the well known formula for expansion of function with Bernoulli polynomials, which is given in [31]. The research is presented for the higher order convex functions. After the Introduction, the thesis is divided into five chapters. The basic concepts which are used in the thesis are given in the first chapter. In the second chapter, using Lidstone's and Hermite's interpolating polynomials with conditions on the Green functions, and also Euler's identity, generalizations of Jensen's inequality and converses of Jensen's inequality for regular, real (signed) Borel measure are obtained, and as a consequence Hermite-Hadamard inequality is presented. In the third chapter, using majorization theorems, Lidstone's and Hermite's interpolating polynomials and conditions on the Green function, results concerning Jensen's inequality, its converses and Jensen-Steffensen's inequality is also developed in both the integral and discrete case. Using Chebyshev functionals, bounds for identities related to these inequalities are observed and Grüss type inequalities and Ostrowsky type inequalities for these functionals are obtained. Considering Cauchy's error representation of the interpolation polynomials, corresponding generalizations of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality are also obtained. As a special case, for Hermite's interpolating polynomials, generalization of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality for the zeros of orthogonal polynomials is considered. By using these generalizations, at the end of second, third and fourth chapter, linear functionals are constructed and mean value theorems, n-exponential convexity, exponential convexity and log-convexity for these functionals are discussed. Furthermore, some families of functions which enable us to construct a large families of functions that are exponentially convex and also Stolarsky type means with their monotonicity are given. In the last chapter, integral error representation related to Hermite's interpolating polynomial is also considered and some new estimations for the remainder in quadrature formulae of Hermite type is derived by using Hölder's inequality and some inequalities for the Chebyshev functional.
Lidstoneovi interpolacijski polinomi
Greenova funkcija
n-konveksna funkcija
potpuno konveksna funkcija
Jensenova nejednakost
Hermite-Hadamardova nejednakost
teoremi srednje vrijednosti Cauchyjevog tipa
n-eksponencijalna konveksnost
eksponencijalna konveksnost
Hermiteovi interpolacijski polinomi
Jensen-Steffensenova nejednakost
Čebiševljev funkcional
nejednakost Grüssovog tipa
nejednakost tipa Ostrowskog
ortogonalni polinomi
kvadraturne formule
Hölderova nejednakost
Keywords (english)
Lidstone interpolating polynomial
Green function
n-convex function
completely convex function
Jensen's inequality
Hermite-Hadamard inequality
Cauchy type mean value theorems
n-exponential convexity
exponential convexity
Hermite interpolating polynomial
Jensen-Steffensen inequality
Chebyshev functional
Grüss type inequality
Ostrowsky type inequality
orthogonal polynomials
quadrature formulae
Hölder's inequality
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:530078
Study programme Title: Mathematics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje matematika (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje matematika)
Type of resource Text
Extent vi, 127 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2019-03-06 12:30:16