Title Ekogeografija invazivne flore Hrvatske
Title (english) Ecogeography of the invasive flora of Croatia
Author Nina Vuković
Mentor Sven Jelaska (mentor)
Committee member Božena Mitić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Seletković (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 232823
Committee member Maja Šćepanović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 284792
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Science (Department of Biology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Biology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 57 - Biological sciences. Physical anthropology. Biodiversity
Abstract Na globalnoj razini, invazije stranih organizama predstavljaju jednu od najvećih prijetnji bioraznolikosti. Iz tog razloga, u posljednja tri desetljeća izrazito se intenziviraju istraživanja invazivnih vrsta, a fokus se najčešće stavlja na proučavanje invazivnih vrsta i njihovih staništa, utvrñivanje utjecaja na autohtone vrste i zajednice, te mogućnosti kontrole. Sustavna istraživanja invazivne flore Hrvatske započeta su relativno nedavno, stoga Hrvatska uglavnom oskudijeva znanstvenim radovima ove tematike. U ovom radu istražene su potencijalne alelopatske sposobnosti pojedinih invazivnih vrsta, povezanost načina rasprostranjivanja i okolišnih čimbenika, razina fenoplastičnosti i utjecaj na CSR strategije, te odnos izmeñu CSR strategija invazivnih vrsta i prostorne heterogenosti staništa. Kod pojedinih invazivnih vrsta uočen je trend inhibicije nicanja i rasta klijanaca pšenice i gorušice, odnosno postojanje alelopatskog potencijala. Istraživanje na Medvednici pokazalo je da okolišni uvjeti mogu utjecati pojavljivanje odreñenih tipova rasprostranjivanja, te da su anemohorne invazivne biljke češće rasprostranjene u područjima s većom nadmorskom visinom, dok antropohorne biljke češće dolaze u područjima s većom duljinom putova i cesta. Na primjeru vrste Erigeron annuus utvrñeno je da pojedine morfološke osobine pokazuju veliku fenotipsku plastičnost, kao i da različite populacije mogu imati različitu CSR strategiju. Osim toga, na primjeru Medvednice je utvrñeno da brojnost invazivnih vrsta raste sa raznolikošću staništa i vrsta, a opada sa nadmorskom visinom. U analizi zavisnosti CSR strategija o heterogenosti staništa izostala je očekivana veza izmeñu većeg udjela vrsta ruderalne strategije s većom heterogenošću staništa.
Abstract (english) Invasions by alien biota are nowadays recognized as one of the major threats to global biodiversity. Accordingly, intensive studies of invasive species are continuously being performed during the last three decades, mainly focusing on invasive species traits and habitats, their impact on resident species and communities, and their efficient management. Until recently, there was no systematic research of the invasive flora of Croatia; therefore scientific literature on Croatian invasive plants is rather scarce. This study aimed to detect allelopathic potential of selected invasive species, to find connection between dispersal types of invasive flora and environmental factors, to detect the level of fenotypic plasticity and its impact on CSR strategies of invasive plants, and to explain the relationship between the occurrence of CSR strategies and habitat heterogeneity. As a result, inhibition of seedling emergence and growth of white mustard and wheat, i.e. allelopatic potential, was found in some cases. Study of Mt. Medvednica has shown that environmental factors can influence the occurrence of dispersal types, whereas anemochory was more common in higher altitudes, and anthropochory was more common in areas with more paths/roads. The example of Erigeron annuus has shown that some morphological traits are largely plastic, and different populations can have different CSR strategies. In addition, the analysis on Mt. Medvednica has shown that the number of invasive species is higher in areas with greater habitat and species diversity, while higher altitudes support less invasive species. The analysis of CSR strategies in dependence of habitat heterogeneity did not confirm the expected connection between R-strategists and greater habitat heterogeneity.
CSR strategije
heterogenost staništa
Keywords (english)
invasive flora
phenotypic plasticity
CSR strategies
habitat heterogeneity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:217:565197
Study programme Title: Biology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje biologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje prirodnih znanosti, polje biologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of Science
Created on 2017-05-17 11:53:24