Title Utjecaj multimodalne analgezije metamizolom na poslijeoperacijsku bol i ranu rehabilitaciju u bolesnika nakon ugradbe totalne endoproteze koljena
Title (english) The influence of multimodal analgesia with metamizole on the postoperative pain and early rehabilitation in patient with total knee replacement
Author Darija Granec
Mentor Domagoj Delimar (mentor)
Committee member nije dostupno (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-05-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract UVOD: Bol glavni je ograničavajući faktor rane rehabilitacije nakon ugradnje totalne endoproteze (TEP) koljena. Bol nakon ugradnje TEP-a koljena opisuje se kao umjereno jaki i jaki te zahtijeva korištenje jakih analgetika u liječenju bola. Multimodalna analgezija podrazumijeva kombinaciju dvaju ili više lijekova koji će utjecati na centralnu i perifernu komponentu bola, a s ciljem bolje kontrole bola uz manje nuspojava lijekova. Dok su tijekom 24 do 48 sati poslijeoperacijski ispitane razne metode analgezije, podaci o optimalnoj kombinaciji lijekova tijekom prva četiri tjedna rehabilitacije i utjecaj na rehabilitaciju su nedostatni. -----
CILJ: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati utjecaj multimodalne analgezije metamizolom na poslijeoperacijski bol u usporedbi prema multimodalnoj analgeziji s meloksikamom tijekom prva četiri tjedna rehabilitacije nakon ugradnje TEP-a koljena. Specifični ciljevi bili su utvrditi ima li razlike među skupinama ispitanika u funkcionalnom ishodu i zadovoljstvu bolesnika te ispitati korelaciju intenziteta bola i veličine poslijeoperacijskog hematoma s postignutim opsegom pokreta koljena tijekom 28 dana rehabilitacije. -----
MATERIJALI I METODE: Istraživanje je bilo prospektivno randomizirano otvoreno. Uključeni su bolesnici hospitalizirani zbog operacije ugradnje TEP-a koljena radi uznapredovalog osteoartritisa. Svi bolesnici dobivali su redovito od prvog poslijeoperacijskog dana (POD1) do POD20 oksikodon u terapijskoj dozi s time da je jedna skupina dobivala meloksikam, a druga skupina metamizol u terapijskim dozama. Kao dodatni analgetici korišteni su paracetamol i tramadol na zahtjev bolesnika tijekom cijelog ispitivanog razdoblja. Na pregledu prije operacije zabilježeni su opći demografski podaci o bolesniku, intenzitet bola u mirovanju, aktivnosti i tijekom noći, razina zadovoljstva, fleksija i ekstenzija koljena te opseg koljena. Te varijable mjerene su svakodnevno tijekom rehabilitacije. Bilježena je i ukupna količina dodatnih analgetika tijekom ispitivanog razdoblja. Prije operacije i nakon 4 tjedna rehabilitacije ispunjeni su specifični upitnici (WOMAC, KSS) i izmjerena hodna pruga (6MWT). -----
REZULTATI: Između rujna 2013. godine i prosinca 2014. godine uključeno je 135 bolesnika. Podaci su analizirani za njih 127 podijeljenih u dvije ispitivane skupine, 63 u skupini s metamizolom i 64 u skupini s meloksikamom. Tijekom 4 tjedna svakodnevno mjeren intenzitet bola je u obje ispitivane skupine usporediv i smanjuju se proporcionalno s vremenom. Fleksija i ekstenzija, nakon inicijalno uzlazne dinamike, gube postignute vrijednosti krajem prvog i početkom drugog tjedna da bi krajem drugog tjedna ponovno počele rasti. Bol tijekom prva dva tjedna nakon operacije u najvećoj mjeri utječe na postizanje fleksije, ali tek od desetog dana rehabilitacije nadalje. Naši rezultati upućuju da je upravo progresija veličine poslijeoperacijskog hematoma povezana s gubitkom postignutog opsega pokreta koljena. Nakon 4 tjedna rehabilitacije nismo našli razlike u postignutom funkcionalnom ishodu, intenzitetu bola niti u razini zadovoljstva među promatranim skupinama bolesnika. -----
ZAKLJUČAK: Poslijeoperacijski bol tijekom prva 4 tjedna rehabilitacije nakon ugradnje TEP-a koljena jednako dobro je liječen multimodalnom analgezijom metamizolom u usporedbi s multimodalnom analgezijom s meloksikamom, čime je potvrđena hipoteza. Dobra kontrola bola i mjere prevencije krvarenja u području koljena mogu ubrzati oporavak tijekom rehabilitacije unutar prvih mjesec dana nakon operacije ugradnje TEP-a koljena.
Abstract (english) INTRODUCTION: Pain is a major limiting factor of early rehabilitation after total knee replacement (TKR). Pain after TKR is described as severe and very severe and it requires the use of strong analgesics in the treatment of pain. Multimodal analgesia involves a combination of two or more drugs that will treat the central and peripheral component of pain, with the aim of better control of pain with less side effects of the medication. Data regarding the optimal drug combination regimen during the first four weeks of rehabilitation in patients after TKR are insufficient. -----
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study is to demonstrate equally effective control of the acute postoperative pain and functional outcome in patients receiving metamizole as compared to meloxicam in multimodal analgesic regimens during the first four weeks of rehabilitation after TKR. The specific objective were to determine whether the differences between the groups in the functional outcome and patient satisfaction, and to test the correlation of the pain intensity and the size of the postoperative hematoma with the knee motion range during the 28 days of rehabilitation. -----
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective open randomized study included patients hospitalized for the TKR because of severe knee osteoarthritis. From the first postoperative day (POD1) to POD20, all patients regularly received oxycodone in therapeutic dose, with one group receiving meloxicam, and the other group metamizole in therapeutic doses. As an additional analgesic, paracetamol and tramadol were used at the patient's request throughout the whole study period. At the examination before surgery were recorded the general demographic dana of the patient, the intensity of pain at rest, in activity and during the night, the level of general satisfaction, flexion and extension of the knee and the suprapatellar knee circumference. These variables are measured daily during rehabilitation. The total amount of additional analgesics was recorded during the study period. Prior to surgery and after 4 weeks of rehabilitation, specific questionnaires (WOMAC, KSS) and the length of the walk (6MWT) were measured. -----
RESULTS: In our study 135 patients were included between September 2013. and December 2014. Data were analyzed for 127 divided into two study groups, 63 in metamizole and 64 in the meloxicam group. During the 4 weeks, daily measured pain intensity in both groups was comparable and were reduced proportionately over time. The flexion and extension after initial upward dynamics lost the achieved values at the end of the first and at the beginning of the second week to restart again at the end of the second week. Pain during the first two weeks after surgery largely affects the achievement of flexion, but only after 10th day of rehabilitation. Our findings indicate that postoperative hematoma progression is associated with loss of knee movement. After 4 weeks of rehabilitation, we did not find differences in the achieved functional outcome, the intensity of pain or the satisfaction level between the observed groups of patients. -----
CONCLUSION: Postoperative pain during the first 4 weeks of rehabilitation after TKR was equally well treated in patients receiving metamizole as compared to meloxicam in multimodal analgesic regimens, which was confirmation of the hypothesis. Proper pain control and bleeding prevention measures in the knee area can accelerate recovery during the first month of rehabilitation after TKR.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:123332
Study programme Title: Biomedicine and Health Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstva (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstva)
Type of resource Text
Extent 104 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Dr Med - University of Zagreb School of Medicine Digital Repository
Created on 2023-05-05 08:28:27