Title Utjecaj orhidektomije na izvanorbitalnu suznu žlijezdu štakora
Title (english) Effect of orchiectomy on extra orbital lacrimal gland of the rat
Author Gordan Grahovac MBZ: 272164
Mentor Davor Ježek (mentor)
Committee member nije dostupno (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-06-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Dosadašnja provedena istraživanjima na izvanorbitalnoj suznoj žlijezdi štakora nisu
proučavala kako muške spolne žlijezde (testisi) utječu na histološku građu i funkciju
izvanorbitalne suzne žlijezde štakora.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je proučiti morfologiju izvanorbitalne suzne žlijezde štakora, zatim
utvrditi kako starenje i orhidektomija utječe na ovu žlijezdu.
Tijekom istraživanja korišteni su spolno zreli mužjaci štakora stari tri mjeseca (soja Fisher).
Eksperimentalne grupe životinja podijeljene su u tri skupine. Kontrolnoj skupini životinja
nije učinjena ni jedna vrsta kiruškog zahvata, lažnoorhidektomiranoj skupini simuliran je
operativni zahvat orhidektomije, a orhidektomiranoj skupini životinja učinjena je obostrana
Nakon određenog vremenskog razdoblja (3 dana, 14 dana, 30 dana, 60 dana i 90 dana)
životinje su žrtvovane, a njihove izvanorbitalne suzne žlijezde su fiksirane u 5,5 %
glutaraldehidu i Bouinu. Tkivo fiskirano u 5,5 % glutaraldehidu je postfiksirano u 1% OsO4 i
uklopljeno je u smolu Durcopan i rezano na polutanke i ultratanke rezove, dok je tkivo
fiksirano u Bouinu uklopljeno u parafin i rezano na debljinu od 4 μm.
Kvalitativna analiza tkiva žlijezde izvršena je uz pomoć binokularnog svjetlosnog
mikroskopa Nikon Alphaphot (Nikon, Japan) i transmisijskog elekstronskog mikroskopa
JEOL JEM-1400 (JEOL, Japan). Za kvantitativnu (stereološku) analizu na svjetlosnoj
mikroskopskoj razini korišten je mnogonamjesni testni sustav po Weibelu s 42 testne točke, a
na elektronsko mikroskoposkoj razini korišten je program STEPanizer (Anatomski institut
Sveučilišta u Bernu, Švicarska). U elektronskom programu digitalne slike dobivene
transmisijskim elektronskom mikroskopom obrađivane se testnim sustavom po Weibelu s 64
testne točke.
Žljezdani acinusi izvanorbitalne suzne žlijezde mužjaka štakora su serokmukozni acinusi koji
se sastoje od svijetlih i tamnih stanica u svim ispitivanim skupinama životinja. Sa starenjem
jedinki dolazi do nakupljanja lipidnih kapljica u citoplazmi stanica acinusa. Tu pojavu
nazivamo „harderizacijom“. „Harderizacija“ se ne primjećuje u životinja koje su
Orhidektomija uzrokuje smanjenje dužine intralobularnih odvodnih kanala žlijezde dok se u
kontrolnoj skupini životinja ta promjena ne primjećuje sa starenjem životinje. Orhidektomija
također uzrokuje smanjenje volumena jezgre stanica acinusa 30. dana nakon orhidektomije
(p< 0,005), dok se volumen jezgri stanica ne mijenja kod životinja unutar prvih 6 mjeseci
Volumen hrapave endoplazmatske mrežice acinusnih stanica žlijezde orhidektomiranih
jedinki pokazuje statistički značajno smanjenje od 14. dana nakon orhidektomije pa sve do
kraja eksperimenta (90 dana). Volumen hrapave endoplazmatske mrežice acinusnih stanica
žlijezde kontrolnih skupina životinja statistički se značajnije ne mijenja tijekom istraživanja.
Volumen sekretnih zrnaca acinusnih stanica žlijezde kontrolne skupine životinja se povećava
tijekom istraživanja dok u orhidektomiranih jedinki volumen sekretnih zrnaca istraživane
žlijezde je stalan.
Volumenska gustoća acinusa se tijekom starenja i nakon orhidektomije statistički značajno
smanjuje (p< 0,005 ), međutim pokazuje izrazitu varijabilnost tijekom cijelog istraživanja.
Volumen acinusa je u orhidektomiranoj skupini životinja manji nego u kontrolnim skupinama
životinja tijekom cijelog istraživanja. Volumenska gustoća vezivnog tkiva izvanorbitalne
suzne žlijezde je stalna u kontrolnim skupinama životinja, no u orhidektomiranoj skupini
životinja dolazi do statistički značajnog pada 90. dana nakon orhidektomije.
Temeljem gore navedenih rezultata može se zaključiti da postoji značajna povezanost između
sjemenika i izvanorbitalne suzne žlijezde štakora.
Abstract (english) Current research did not examine influence of the testicles on the histological appearance and
function on the extra orbital lacrimal gland of the rat.
Aim of this research was to evaluate the morphology of extra orbital lacrimal gland of the rat
and how aging and orchiectomy influence on this gland.
For this research we have used male rats of the three months old (Fischer strain). The
experimental animals were divided into three experimental groups. Control group was not
subjected to any kind of surgical procedure, in false orchiectomy group we have simulated
surgical procedure of orchiectomy and in orchiectomy group we performed bilateral
After certain period of time (3 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days and 90 days) the animals were
sacrificed and their extra orbital lacrimal gland were fixed in 5,5 % glutaraldehide and
Bouine. Tissue fixed in 5,5 % glutaraldehide was processed in 1 % OsO4 and embedded in
Durcopan resin and cut on half thin and ultra-thin sections, while the tissue fixed in Bouine
was embedded into paraffin and sectioned on 4 μm sections.
Quantitative analysis of the tissue was performed with the use of light microscope Nikon
Alphaphot (Nikon, Japan) and electron microscope Jeol JEM-1400 (JEOL, Japan). For the
qualitative stereological analysis of the light microscope pictures we have used Weibel
testing system with 42 testing points, and for the analysis of the electronic microscopic
pictures we have used STEPanizer program (Institute of anatomy, Bern, Switzerland). In the
STEPanizer program the digital images retrieved by the electron microscope were tested with
Weibel testing system with 64 testing points.
Extra orbital gland acini of the male rat are seromucose acini that are composed of light and
dark cells in all examined animal groups. With the aging of the animals we have noticed
accumulation of the lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of acini cells. That phenomenon we call
harderization. We have not noticed harderization in the group of orchidectomized animals.
Orchiectomy is causing shortening the length of the intralobular excretory ducts. This
phenomenon is not noticed in control group of the animals and is not induced with the aging
of the animals. Orchiectomy also causes decrement of the nucleus volume of the acinar cells
30 days after orchiectomy (p<0,005), while the volume of the nuclei of the acini cells of the
control groups of the animals does not change in the first six months of life.
Rough endoplasmatic reticulum volume of the acini of the orchiectomy animals showed
statistical significant reduction 14 days after orchiectomy and through all days after that.
Rough endoplasmatic reticulum volume of the acini of the control group did not show any
statistical significant variation.
Volume of the secretory granules of the acini of the control group showed significant
increment through all experiment while the volume of the secretory granules is stable in
orchiectomy group through all experiment.
Volume density of the acini has significantly decreased with the aging and after orchiectomy
(p<0,005), but it showed pronounced variability during experiment. Volume of the acini of
the orchiectomy animals is less then in control group of animals. Volume density of the
connective tissue is constant in control group of the animals, but in orchiectomy group shows
marked decrement after 90 days after orchiectomy.
We have showed with our experiment that there is significant connection between extra
orbital lacrimal gland and testicles of the rat.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:964370
Study programme Title: Biomedicine and Health Sciences Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstva (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstva)
Type of resource Text
Extent 114 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Dr Med - University of Zagreb School of Medicine Digital Repository
Created on 2023-05-05 07:35:23