Title Reorganizacijski procesi u fetalnoj prednjoj i srednjoj regiji cingularne vijuge čovjeka
Title (english) Reorganizational processes in human fetal anterior cingulate and midcingulate region
Author Mihaela Bobić Rasonja
Mentor Nataša Jovanov Milošević (mentor)
Committee member Miloš Judaš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Milan Radoš (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Petanjek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Neuroscience
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 612 - Physiology
Abstract Prenatalni razvoj prednje (ACC) i srednje (MCC) regije cingularne vijuge izuzetno je složen proces kojim se uspostavljaju funkcionalne veze za ostvarivanje i oblikovanje emocija, ponašanja, donošenje odluka, regulaciju autonomnih funkcija i druge. Već u dobi od 12 tjedana nakon začeća (TNZ) cingularno područje diferencira se od susjednog primordija hipokampalne formacije i budućeg neokortikalnog palliuma po tanjoj stijenci i izražaju sastavnica ECM-a. Rastući aksoni cinguluma primjećuju se u rahlom ECM-u od 13 TNZ-a, a s 15 TNZ-a čine jasno oblikovan snop. Ventralni dio cingularne vijuge od 20 TNZ-a pokazuje napredniju diferencijaciju u odnosu na dorzalni dio cingularne vijuge. Zbog toga su, sve do 31 TNZ-a, vidljivi ventro-dorzalni gradijenti u diferencijaciji staničnih (neurona i glijalnih stanica) i izvanstaničnih elemenata. Od 25 TNZ-a, usporedno sa smanjenjem fetalnog hidriranog ECM-a, dolazi do reorganizacije i raslojavanja kortikalne ploče cingularne vijuge. U dobi od tri postnatalna mjeseca jasno se mogu identificirati Von Economo-neuroni. Razlike u strukturnoj organizaciji cingularnog u odnosu na neokortikalni dio fetalnog telencefalona vjerno se oslikavaju magnetskom rezonancijom, specifičnošću obrasca krivulja intenziteta signala. Točni vremenski okviri tijekom kojih se događaju najvažniji diferencijacijski i reorganizacijski procesi u cingularnom području važni su za praćenje razvitka moždane kore i dizajniranje dijagnostičkih (metodom MR) i terapijskih pristupa u osjetljivih skupina - poput prijevremeno rođene djece, djece s perinatalnim ozljedama mozga i djece koja pokazuju odstupanja od normalnog razvoja.
Abstract (english) Prenatal development of the anterior (ACC) and mid- (MCC) cingulate region is a complex process that results in the establishment of functional networks implicated in emotional regulation, cognition, behavior, decision-making, autonomic functions and other. Already at 12 postconceptional weeks (PCW), the cingulate area can be discriminated from the neighbouring hippocampal primordium and neocortex by its thinner telencephalic wall and the expression of extracellular matrix (ECM) markers. Growing fibers of the cingulum bundle are visible at 13 PCW and form a delineated bundle by 15 PCW. Starting at 20 PCW, ventral part of ACC and MCC shows advanced differentiation in comparison to its dorsal part. This starts a ventro-dorsal gradient of cellular (neuronal and glial) and extracellular components, visible until 31 PCW. Concomitantly with the reduction of dispersed fetal ECM (starting at 25 PCW), reorganization and lamination of the cingulate cortical plate take place. Von Economo neurons were found in ACC at the age of 3 postnatal months. Structural differences between fetal cingulate and neocortical telencephalic wall can be tracked using magnetic resonance (MR) signal intensity profiling. Knowledge on the exact time frames of differentiation and reorganizational processes in the cingulate area is crucial not only for the basic understanding of cortical development, but also for further development of diagnostics (MR) in prematurely born children, children with perinatal brain injury and those who show developmental discrepancies.
cingularne vijuge
prenatalni razvoj
razvoj moždane kore
Keywords (english)
cingulate gyri
prenatal development
development of the cerebral cortex
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:105:662451
Project Number: DOK-2015-10-3939 Title: Razvoj karijera mladih istraživača - izobrazba novih doktora znanosti Leader: Nataša Jovanov Milošević Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: DS
Project Number: IP-2013-11-7379 Title: Histološka, MRI i analiza genske ekspresije reorganizacijskih procesa u medijalnom (limbičkom) zidu ljudskog mozga tijekom razvitka Title: Histological, MRI and gene expression analysis of the reorganizational processes in the medial (limbic) wall of developing human cerebrum Acronym: MEDCEREB Leader: Mario Vukšić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Project Number: IP-2019-04-3182 Title: Moždani izvanstanični matriks u razvitku i perinatalnoj hipoksiji Title: Brain extracellular matrix in development and in perinatal hypoxia Acronym: BRAINECM Leader: Nataša Jovanov Milošević Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Project Number: KK. Title: Eksperimentalna i klinička istraživanja hipoksijsko-ishemijskog oštećenja mozga u perinatalnoj i odrasloj dobi Leader: Miloš Judaš Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: EK
Project Number: CA16118 Title: European network of brain malformations Acronym: Neuro-MIG Leader: Grazia M.S. Mancini Jurisdiction: eu Funder: EK
Study programme Title: Neuroscience Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
Extent 108 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Dr Med - University of Zagreb School of Medicine Digital Repository
Created on 2021-10-25 08:31:50