Title Elucidaction of molecular and functional properties properties of master regulators of NK Cell activation
Title (english) Istraživanje molekularnih i funkcionalnih svojstava glavnih regulatora aktivnosti stanica NK
Author Vanna Imširović
Mentor Vedrana Jelenčić (mentor)
Committee member Astrid Krmpotić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dora Višnjić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Pero Lučin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedrana Jelenčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-05-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Thesaurus (MESH - Medical Subject Headings )
Immunity, Innate
Killer Cells, Natural
Abstract Objectives: Natural killer (NK) cells are part of innate immunity and play an important role in early immunological defense against different types of infections as well as tumors. On their cell surface they express a range of activating and inhibitory receptors through which they can eliminate potentially dangerous cells while sparing healthy ones. It is believed that NK cell activation is achieved by shifting the balance of signals, received through activating and inhibitory receptors, towards activation. However, recently it has been questioned whether this system is sensitive enough, and if there is an additional requirement for a “master signal” to reach full NK cell activity. Our hypothesis is that CD16, NKG2D and NCR1 are these “master regulators”, whose triggering is essential for NK cells to gain full activation, and our objective was to investigate the dependence of NK cell activation on these three receptors. Materials and methods: Triple knock out (TKO) mice lacking CD16, NKG2D and NCR1 receptors were generated. Phenotypic analysis of NK cells was done in the spleen, bone marrow, kidney, liver and blood of mice. To determine the impact of triple deficiency on the functionality of NK cells in vitro, proliferation assay as well as stimulations with different cytokines and through different receptors, were done. Using various tumor targets, killing capacity as well as cytokine production of TKO NK cells was analyzed in co-cultivation assay. Next, mice were inoculated with RMA-S lymphoma and B16 melanoma to test the functionality of TKO NK cells in vivo. Furthermore, B16 tumor infiltrating NK cells (TANKs) were analyzed. To investigate how TKO mice control viral infections a model of murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV) was used. Finally, to confirm that the findings were NK cell intrinsic, we generated and analyzed mixed bone marrow chimeras. Results: Phenotypic analysis revealed a more mature phenotype of NK cells in the periphery, whereas there were no changes in the number and frequency of NK cells. Alternations in the receptor expression as well as hyper-responsiveness through NK1.1 receptor were present. In vitro killing of RMA-S, B16 and YAC-1 tumor targets was comparable to the wild type controls, while in vivo TKO mice had a significant defect in the control of B16 melanoma. Analysis of B16 TANKs revealed that TKO NK cells were less activated and produced lower amounts of Perforin and IFNγ. The latter is known to be an important cytokine for the control of B16 melanoma. mCMV
infection resulted in higher viral titers in the lungs and spleen, indicating a compromised control of mCMV. Conclusion: Although the results of this work show that CD16, NKG2D and NCR1 receptors are not the “master regulators” of NK cell activity, the analysis of TKO mice revealed incredible compensatory mechanisms of NK cells. The lack of three important activating receptors: CD16, NKG2D and NCR1 results in worse control of viral infection, as well as certain tumors, but this deficiency is mostly compensated, so the development and activation of NK cells is largely comparable to that of control animals. The observed compensation is a result of change in the level of expression as well as the activity of individual receptors on NK cells. The obtained knowledge provides a deeper insight into the biology of NK cells, indicating their incredible plasticity and ability to compensate, which can potentially be useful in the further development of NK cell dependent immunotherapie
Abstract (croatian) Ciljevi: Stanice prirodne ubojice (NK) dio su urođenog imuniteta i igraju važnu ulogu u ranoj imunološkoj obrani od različitih vrsta infekcija, kao i tumora. Na svojoj površini izražaju niz aktivacijskih i inhibicijskih receptora putem kojih mogu eliminirati potencijalno opasne stanice, a poštedjeti zdrave. Trenutna dogma nalaže da se aktivacija stanica NK postiže pomicanjem ravnoteže signala, primljenih preko aktivacijskih i inhibicijskih receptora, prema aktivaciji. Međutim, javlja se pitanje dovoljne osjetljivosti ovog sustava te postoji li dodatna potreba za “glavnim signalom” za postizanje potpune aktivnosti stanica NK. Naša hipoteza je da su CD16, NKG2D i NCR1 ti "glavni regulatori", čije je aktiviranje ključno, a cilj nam je bio istražiti ovisnost aktivacije stanica NK o ova tri receptora. Materijali i metode: Generirani su miševi kojima nedostaje izražaj CD16, NKG2D i NCR1 receptora (TKO miševi). Fenotipska analiza stanica NK učinjena je na stanicama izoliranima iz slezene, koštane srži, bubrega, jetre i krvi miševa. Kako bi se utvrdio utjecaj trostrukog nedostatka na funkcionalnost stanica NK in vitro, napravljen je test proliferacije kao i stimulacije različitim citokinima te putem različitih receptora. Korištenjem različitih tumorskih staničnih linija u testu kokultivacije, analizirana je sposobnost ubijanja kao i proizvodnja citokina od strane TKO stanica NK. Kako bi se testirala funkcionalnost stanica NK in vivo, miševi su inokulirani s limfomom RMA-S i melanomom B16. Analizirane su B16 tumor infiltrirajuće stanice NK (TANKs). Da bismo istražili kako TKO miševi kontroliraju virusne infekcije, korišten je model mišjeg citomegalovirusa (mCMV). Konačno, kako bismo potvrdili da su saznanja intrinzična za stanice NK, generirali smo i analizirali kimere miješane koštane srži. Rezultati: Analiza fenotipa pokazala je zreliji fenotip stanica NK na periferiji, dok promjena u broju i frekvenciji stanica NK nije bilo. Prisutne su bile promjene u ekspresiji receptora kao i hiper-reaktivnost receptora NK1.1. In vitro ubijanje RMA-S, B16 i YAC-1 tumorskih meta bilo je usporedivo s kontrolama divljeg tipa, dok su in vivo miševi TKO pokazali značajan nedostatak u kontroli melanoma B16. Analiza TANK B16 otkrila je da su TKO stanice NK manje aktivirane te da proizvode manje količine perforina i IFNγ. Poznato je da je potonji citokin važan za kontrolu melanoma B16. Infekcija mCMV-om rezultirala je višim titrom virusa u plućima i slezeni, što ukazuje na oslabljenu kontrolu mCMV-a. V Zaključak: Iako rezultati ovoga rada pokazuju da receptori CD16, NKG2D i NCR1 nisu “glavni regulatori” aktivnosti stanica NK, analiza miševa TKO otkrila je nevjerojatnu razinu kompenzacijskih mehanizama stanica NK. Nedostatak tri važna aktivacijska receptora: CD16, NKG2D i NCR1 rezultira lošijom kontrolom virusne infekcije, kao i određenih tumora, no ipak ovaj nedostatak većinom biva kompenziran te su razvoj i aktivacija stanica NK uvelike usporedivi s onima kontrolnih životinja. Uočena kompenzacija posljedica je promjene u razini ekspresije kao i aktivnosti pojedinih receptora na stanicama NK. Dobivena saznanja daju dublji uvid u biologiju stanica NK, ukazujući na njihovu nevjerojatnu plastičnost i sposobnost kompenzacije, što potencijalno može biti korisno u daljnjem razvoju imunoterapija ovisnih o stanicama NK.
Innate immunity
killer cells natural (NK)
NK cell activation
Keywords (english)
urođena imunost
stanice NK
aktivacijski receptori
aktivacija stanica NK
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:922691
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2024-10-17 12:08:39