Title (english) Rad ne sadrži naslov na drugom jeziku.
Author Mia Krapić
Mentor Felix Martinus Wensveen (mentor)
Mentor Tamara Turk Wensveen (komentor)
Committee member Astrid Krmpotić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Klobučar-Majanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Kelava (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Histology and Embryology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Immunology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Thesaurus (MESH - Medical Subject Headings )
Adipose Tissue
Herpesviridae Infections
Immune System
PPAR gamma
Abstract Objectives: In context of metabolic disease, adipocytes were shown to pathologically interact with the immune system. When becoming obese, these cells drive inflammation in adipose tissue, which alters local and systemic regulation of metabolism. However, how adipocytes interact with immune cells in context of viral infection is largely unknown. Our objective was to investigate the impact of virus-induced activation of the immune system on adipose tissue metabolism and the underlying benefit of these changes to the organism. Materials and methods: Mice were infected with murine cytomegalovirus (mCMV) as a model of human infection. To determine the impact of mCMV infection on adipose tissue physiology, density of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) was measured by x-ray and adipocyte size by histology. To investigate the impact of immune-adipocyte interactions in vitro, we made use of the 3T3-L1 model. Lipid content was quantified histologically with Oil red O staining or by flow cytometry after BODIPY staining, upon treatment with different cytokines. The impact of IFNγ on key metabolic genes was determined by micro-array and confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. The role of specific immune cells, cytokines and stress receptors was determined through antibody-mediated neutralization or by using genetic mouse models. Mass spectrometry was used to determine the lipidomic profile of mouse plasma after infection. Finally, to determine the impact of lipids on the immune system, we made use of the A20 B cell line. Cells were characterized with flow cytometry and Seahorse analysis upon treatment with fatty acids. Results: Upon mCMV infection, VAT transiently decreases in size and density, with a maximum effect after 3 days. Adipocytes increase expression of ligands for the activating NK cell receptor NCR1. NK cells are activated through NCR1 and produce high amounts of IFNγ. This cytokine directly targets adipocytes and downregulates the key transcription factor PPARγ and its target genes. The result is adipocyte size reduction, and release of fatty acids such as oleic acid into the bloodstream. This effect was prevented if mice were deficient for NCR1, IFNγ, or the IFNγ receptor on adipocytes and if NK cells were depleted using antibodies. Serum levels of oleic acid were increased in particular, and this fatty acid promotes ATP production and increases activation of A20 B cells in vitro. Importantly, in animals deficient for IFNγ, B cell activation was significantly reduced.
Conclusion: Infection causes activation of NK cells in VAT, which induces lipid release by adipocytes following direct stimulation by IFNγ. The increase in systemic lipids promotes the activation of B cells. Our findings provide a physiological explanation for the interactions between the immune system and adipose tissue in the context of inflammation. A better understanding of these mechanisms of metabolic regulation by the immune system can be highly beneficial for comprehension and treatment of infection-induced complications in the context of the metabolic disease.
Abstract (english) Ciljevi: U kontekstu metaboličkih bolesti, adipociti patološki među-djeluju s imunim sustavom. Kod pretilosti, ove stanice potiču upalu u masnom tkivu, koje djeluje na lokalnu i sistemsku regulaciju metabolizma. Kako adipociti među-djeluju s imunim stanicama u kontekstu virusne infekcije je još uvijek nepoznato. Naš je cilj bio istražiti utjecaj virusom aktiviranog imunog sustava na metabolizam masnog tkiva i prednosti ovih promjena za organizam. Materijali i metode: Miševi su inficirani s mišjim citomegalovirusom (mCMV) kao modelom infekcije u ljudi. Kako bi odredili utjecaj mCMV infekcije na fiziologiju masnog tkiva, gustoća visceralnog masnog tkiva je određena rendgenom, a veličina adipocita histologijom. Utjecaj među djelovanja adipocita i imunih stanica in vitro odredili smo 3T3-L1 staničnim modelom. Sadržaj lipida kvantificiran je histološki s Oil red O bojenjem ili protočnom citometrijom BODIPY bojenjem, nakon tretmana s različitim citokinima. Utjecaj IFNγ na ključne metaboličke gene bio je mjeren DNA-čip metodom i potvrđen metodom lančane reakcije polimerazom u stvarnom vremenu. Uloga specifičnih imunih stanica, citokina i receptora određena je neutralizacijom s anti tijelima ili genetičkim mišjim modelima. Masena spektrometrija korištena je za analizu lipida u mišjoj krvnoj plazmi nakon infekcije. Na kraju, kako bi odredili učinak lipida na sustav, koristili smo A20 staničnu liniju. Stanice su analizirane s protočnom citometrijom i Seahorse analizom nakon tretmana s masnim kiselinama. Rezultati: Nakon mCMV infekcije, visceralno masno tkivo prolazno smanjuje veličinu i gustoću, a maksimalni učinak vidljiv je 3. dan. Adipociti povećavaju ispoljavanje liganada za aktivirajući receptor NK stanica NCR1. NK stanice se aktiviraju pomoću NCR1 i proizvode velike količine IFNγ. Ovaj citokin direktno cilja adipocite i smanjuje ispoljavanje ključnog transkripcijskog faktora PPARγ te gena pod njegovim utjecajem. Rezultat je smanjenje veličine adipocita i otpuštanje masnih kiselina poput oleinske kiseline u krvotok. Ovaj učinak spriječen je kod miševa kojima nedostaje NCR1, IFNγ, ili IFNγ receptor na adipocitima, te ako su NK stanice uklonjene anti-tijelima. Razine oleinske kiseline u serumu bile su značajno povećane, a ova masna kiselina potiče proizvodnju ATP-a i povećava aktivaciju A20 B stanica in vitro. Kod životinja kojima nedostaje IFNγ, aktivacija B stanica bila je značajno smanjena. Zaključak: Infekcija uzrokuje aktivaciju NK stanica u visceralnom masnom tkivu, što potiče otpuštanje lipida iz adipocita nakon direktnog učinka IFNγ. Porast sistemske razine lipida potiče aktivaciju B stanica. Naši rezultati objašnjavaju fiziološki utjecaj među-djelovanja imunog sustava i masnog tkiva u kontekstu upale. Bolje razumijevanje mehanizama metaboličke regulacije pomoću imunog sustava može biti važno za razumijevanje i tretiranje komplikacija uzrokovanih infekcijom u kontekstu metaboličkih bolesti.
Adipose tissue
Immune system
PPAR gamma.
Keywords (english)
Imuni sustav
Masno tkivo
PPAR gamma.
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:994113
Promotion 2023
Project Number: IP-2016-06-8027 Title: Preuređivanje memorije: Manipuliranje T-staničnom memorijom u svrhu unapređenja učinkovitosti cjepiva Title: Rewriting memory; Manipulation of T cell memory to enhance vaccine efficiency Acronym: T-MEMORY Leader: Felix Martinus Wensveen Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2023-10-26 08:04:51