Author Ana Terezija Jerbić Radetić
Mentor Olga Cvijanović Peloza (mentor)
Mentor Željka Perić Kačarević (komentor)
Committee member Sanja Zoričić Cvek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dragana Gabrić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Ćabov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Anatomy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-03-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences Anatomy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 611 - Anatomy
Thesaurus (MESH - Medical Subject Headings )
Bone Matrix
Bone Regeneration
Abstract Ciljevi istraživanja: analizirati dinamiku cijeljenja kritično velikog defekta kalvarije štakora nakon primjene novog biomaterijala životinjskog podrijetla Cerabone-a s magnezijem u odnosu na komercijalni životinjski biomaterijal Cerabone, njegovu mješavinu s autolognom kosti, devitalizirani dentin i autologni štakorski dentin.
Materijali i metode: Analizirani su uzorci koštanog tkiva kalvarije štakora i serum. Izražaj upalnih, protektivnih i osteoinduktivnih čimbenika te njihovih unutarstaničnih glasničkih molekula određen je imunohistokemijski. Razina biljega koštane pregradnje, upalnih i protektivnih citokina u serumu određena je ELISA-om. Vrijednosti 2D parametara koštanog tkiva određeni su histomorfometrijski, a 3D parametri određeni su micro-CT-om. Kvantitativna analiza broja makrofaga određena je metodom dvostruke imunofluorescencije. RT-PCR analizom određen je izražaj RUNX-2, OC, SOST i RANK. Rezultati su analizirani parametrijskim ili neparametrijskim testovima za nezavisne uzorke, ovisno o raspodjeli podataka. Vrijednosti dobivene statističkom obradom podataka smatrane su statistički Rezultati: vrijednosti obujma kosti mjerene mikro-CT-om i histomorfometrijom povećavale su se s rastućim vremenskim intervalima. Skupina Dentin štakorski imala je najveće vrijednosti promatranog parametra. Najveće vrijednosti koštanog obujma su utvrđene u skupini Cerabone s magnezijem. TNF-α je pokazao najveću tkivnu ekspresiju u skupini Cerabone s magnezijem, dočim je ista ekspresija za OSX, BMP 2/-4, BMP-7, TGF-β, SMAD-1/-5/-8, SMAD-2/3, HO-1 i COX-2 bila najveća u skupini Dentin štakorski. Izražaj VEGF-a bio je najveći u skupini Dentin. Omjer M1/M1MNGC makrofaga i M2/M2MNGC makrofaga se značajno povećao u kasnim fazama cijeljenja u skupinama Dentin i Dentin štakorski, dočim je u skupinama Cerabone i Cerabome s magnezijem taj porast utvrđen 15. dan cijeljenja. Analizom genske ekspresije SOST a utvrđen je razmjeran odnos s obujmom kosti u skupinama Dentin i Dentin štakorski, dočim ta ista, ali i serumska koncentracija VEGF-a i RANK-a je bila obrnuto proporcionalna s obujmom kosti u skupini Dentin. Serumska koncentracija HO-1 bila je obrnuto proporcionalna s obujmom kosti u skupinama Cerabone +ak, Dentin i Kontrola, dočim je genska ekspresija RUNX-2 bila razmjerna s obujmom kosti u skupinama Cerabone i Dentin. značajnima ako je P<0,05.
Zaključci: Najoptimalniji biomaterijal u cijeljenju koštanog defekta kalvarije štakora je Dentin štakorski. Novi biomaterijal životinjskog podrijetla Cerabon s magnezijem pokazuje bolja osteokonduktivna svojstva u odnosu na komercijalni životinjski biomaterijal Cerabone i njegovu mješavinu s autolognom kosti.
Abstract (english) Objectives: to analyze the healing dynamics of a critically large rat calvarial defect after the application of the new biomaterial of animal origin Cerabone with magnesium, in comparison to the commercial animal biomaterial Cerabone, its mixture with autologous bone, devitalized dentin and autologous rat dentin.
Materials and methods: Rat calvarial bone tissue and serum were analysed. Expression of inflammatory, protective and osteoinductive factors and their intracellular messenger molecules was determined by immunohistochemistry. Bone remodeling markers, inflammatory and protective cytocines were determined by ELISA. 2D parameters of bone tissue was determined by histomorphometry, while #D parameters were determined by micro-CT. Quantitative analysis of macrophages was done by double immunofluorescence. Expression of RUNX-2, OC, SOST and RANK were determined by RT-PCR. Results were statisticaly analysed with parametric and non-parametric tests. Statistical significance was set at p<0,05.
Results: bone volume was measured by micro-CT and histomorphometry increase with increasing time intervals and that rat dentin had the highest values of the observed parameter. Comparing the representatives of the Cerabone group, the highest bone volume values were found in the Cerabone with magnesium group. The same trend was observed in the mentioned groups for the thickness and number of bone trabeculae. TNF-α showed the highest tissue expression in the Cerabone group with magnesium, while the expression was the same for OSX, BMP-2/-4, BMP-7, TGF-β, SMAD-1/-5/-8, SMAD-2/3, HO-1, while COX-2 was the largest in the Rat dentin group. Expression of VEGF was the highest in the group of dentin. The ratio of M1/M1MNGC to M2/M2MNGC macrophages significantly increased in the late stages of healing in the Dentin and Rat dentin groups, while in the Cerabone and Cerabome with magnesium groups this increase was determined on the 15th day of healing. Gene expression of SOST showed a proportional relationship with bone volume in the Dentin and Rat dentin groups, while the same, but also the serum concentration of VEGF and RANK was inversely proportional to bone volume in the Dentin group. The serum concentration of HO-1 was inversely proportional to the bone volume in the Cerabone with autologous bone, Dentin and Control groups, while the gene expression of RUNX-2 was directly proportional to the bone volume in the Cerabone and Dentin groups
Conclusions: The most primal biomaterial in the healing of the bone defect of the rat calvaria is Rat dentin. The new biomaterial of animal origin Cerabon with magnesium shows better osteoconductive properties compared to the commercial animal biomaterial Cerabon and its mixture with autologous bone.
regeneracija kost
Keywords (english)
bone regeneration
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:960350
Promotion 2023
Project Number: IP-2020-02-7875 Title: Usporedba reparacijskog odgovora koštanog tkiva upotrebom dentina, ksenogenog biomaterijala i autologne kosti Acronym: MgXBiomBone Leader: Olga Peloza Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
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File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2023-06-07 07:14:38