Author Daria Kveštak
Mentor Stipan Jonjić (mentor)
Committee member Bojan Polić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Alemka Markotić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Natalia Kučić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Center for Proteomics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-01-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Cilj istraživanja: Infekcija MCMV-om kod novookoćenih miševa inducira snažan upalni
odgovor u mozgu koji dovodi do aktivacije mikroglije i infiltacije urođenih imunosnih stanica.
Imunosne stanice luče proupalne citokine, poput TNFα, koji uzrokuje promjene u razvoju
malog mozga. Tretman inficiranih miševa glukokortikoidima ili neutralizacija TNFα smanjuje
upalu i korigira parametre postnatalnog razvoja malog mozga, što ukazuje da je upalni odgovori
domaćina na infekciju MCMV-om, a ne citopatski učinak virusa odgovoran za opažene
promjene u razvoju malog mozga. Naši preliminarni rezultati ukazuju na ulogu stanica NK u
neuroinflamaciji nakon prirođene infekcije MCMV-om. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja odrediti
ulogu stanica NK u aktivaciji mikroglije i promjenama u razvoju malog mozga.
Materijali i metode: Kako bismo odredili utjecaj infekcije MCMV-om na mikrogliju, proveli
smo RNA-seq analizu te analizu fenotipa navedenih stanica protočnom citometrijom. Dodatno,
proveli smo imunohistokemijsku analizu kako bismo utvrdili može li MCMV inficirati
mikrogliju. Kako bismo odredili ulogu stanica NK u neuroinflamaciji, prvo smo odredili
kinetiku infiltracije stanica NK u mozak i izvršili analizu fenotipa navedenih stanica protočnom
citometrijom te odredili njihovu tkivnu lokalizaciju imunohistokemijom. Također, utvrdili smo
čimbenike odgovorne za privlačenje stanica NK u mozak. Kako bismo odredili ulogu stanica
NK i IFN-γ u promijenjenom razvoju malog mozga, uklonili smo stanice NK ili smo
neutralizirali IFN-γ in vivo ili koristili miševe kojima nedostaje receptor za IFN-γ na
rezidentnim stanicama mozga i mjerili debljinu EGL-a te izražaj gena u signalnom putu SHH.
Dodatno, koristili smo test virusnih čistina kako bismo utvrdili ulogu stanica NK i IFN-γ u
kontroli infekcije MCMV-om u mozgu.
Rezultati: Pokazali smo da aktivirane stanice NK/ILC1 ne sudjeluju u kontroli virusne
replikacije u mozgu, već posreduju imunopatologiju. Imunopatologiji prethodi aktivacija
mikroglije i proizvodnja CXCL9 i CXCL10, kemokina koji privlače stanice NK/ILC1 u mozak
miševa na način ovisan o CXCR3. IFN-γ kojeg izlučuju aktivirane stanice NK/ILC1 glavni je
čimbenik koji doprinosi promijenjenom razvoju malog mozga.
Zaključak: Ovo istraživanje pokazalo je da nezrele stanice NK/ILC1 posreduju
imunopatologiju u mozgu nakon prirođene infekcije MCMV-om. Stoga ovo istraživanje daje
važan doprinos razumijevanju patogeneze prirođene infekcije HCMV-om, te se može iskoristiti
za dizajniranje novih terapijskih ciljeva.
Abstract (english) Objectives: MCMV infection in newborn mice induces a strong inflammatory response which
leads to the activation of microglia and infiltation of innate immune cells. These immune cells
can further produce proinflammatory cytokines, such as TNFα which can then exacerbate
cerebellar developmental problems. This is underscored by the finding that the treatment of
infected animals with glucocorticoids or blocking of TNFα attenuates neuroinflammation and
limits deficits in cerebellar development indicating that host inflammatory responses to MCMV
infection, rather than the cytopathic effect of virus on infected cells, are important drivers of
deficits in cerebellar development. The exact mechanisms and critical components involved
are, however, largely unknown. Our preliminary results indicate the role of NK cells in
neuroinflammation following congenital MCMV infection. Therefore, the aim of this study is
to determine the role of NK cells in activation of microglia and altered cerebellar development.
Material and methods: To gain more insight into the impact of MCMV infection on the
microglia we performed RNA-seq and phenotype analysis of these cells by flow cytometry. In
addition, we performed immunohistochemical analysis to determine whether microglia can be
infected with MCMV. To determine the role of NK cells in neuroinflammation we first
determined the kinetics of NK cell infiltration in the brain and performed phenotype analysis
of these cells by flow cytometry and their tissue localization by immunohistochemistry. We
also determined factors responsible for recruitment of NK cells to the brain. To determine the
role of NK cells and IFN-γ in altered cerebellar development we depleted NK cells or neutralize
IFN-γ in vivo or use mice that lack IFN-γ receptor on brain resident cells and measure EGL
thickness and expression of genes in SHH pathway. In addition, we used the plaque assay to
determine the role of NK cells and IFN-γ on the control of MCMV infection in the brain.
Results: Here, we show that activated newborn NK and ILC1 cells mediate immunopathology
instead of controlling the infection and limiting tissue damage. Immunopathology is preceded
by activation of microglia and production of CXCL9 and CXCL10, chemokines that recruit
NK/ILC1 cells to the brain of MCMV-infected newborns in a CXCR3-dependent manner. IFNγ released by highly activated, brain infiltrating NK/ILC1 cells is a major contributing factor to
the altered cerebellar development.
Conclusions: This study is the first to demonstrate the immune-pathogenic action of immature
newborn NK/ILC1 cells in the brain following congnital MCMV infection. Thus, this study
provides an important contribution to understanding the pathogenesis of cHCMV infection,
which can be harnessed to design novel therapeutic targets.
Interferon gama
Stanice NK
Keywords (english)
Interferon gamma
NK cell
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:563978
Promotion 2022
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Project Number: IP-2018-01-4435 Title: NK stanice u patogenezi kongenitalne infekcije citomegalovirusom Title: NK Cells in Pathogenesis of Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection Acronym: NKconCMV Leader: Ilija Brizić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: HRZZ Funding stream: IP
Project Number: uniri-biomed-18-297 Title: Uloga tkivno-rezidentnih CD4+ limfocita T u mozgu kongenitalno inficiranih miševa Title: The role of brain-resident CD4+ T cells in congenitally infected mice Leader: Ilija Brizić Jurisdiction: Croatia Funder: NadSve Funding stream: Nema
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Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2022-08-10 06:55:01