Author Ivona Močenić
Mentor Igor Prpić (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Lah Tomulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Radenka Kuzmanić-Šamija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Olivera Koprivnjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 61 - Medical sciences
Abstract Ciljevi istraživanja: Utvrditi postoji li povezanost učestalosti konzumiranja 150
g hrane morskoga podrijetla kod trudnica sa statusom bakra, cinka i selena iz
krvi pupkovine i krvi majke. Primjenom ultrazvuka mozga analizirati utjecaj
bakra, cinka i selena na anatomske karakteristike maloga mozga (širina i
dužina) novorođenčadi te analizirati razlike navedenih karakteristika s obzirom
na spol. Kod iste skupine djece u dobi od 18 mjeseci prenatalno izložene
masenim udjelima bakra, cinka i selena usporediti motoričke, kognitivne i
jezične karakteristike te analizirati s obzirom na spol. Utvrditi postojanost
utjecaja dodatnih čimbenika na anatomske karakteristike maloga mozga
(tjelesna masa majke prije trudnoće, prirast na tjelesnoj masi majke u trudnoći,
visina majke i oca, paritet, edukacija i dob majke, status zaposlenosti majke,
stanovanje u ruralnoj sredini, spol, unos alkohola i pušenje majke u trudnoći,
prehrambene navike majke). Na temelju rezultata istraživanja sastaviti
preporuke za pravilnu prehranu trudnica, a u svezi učestalosti konzumiranja 150
g hrane morskoga podrijetla kod trudnica.
Ispitanici i metode: Dvjesto dvadeset i sedam majki i njihove djece bilo je
uključeno u istraživanje, a za koje su tijekom prethodnih istraživanja prikupljeni
podaci o učestalosti konzumiranja 150 g hrane morskoga podrijetla kod
trudnica. Kod cijele skupine ispitanika određeni su maseni udjeli bakra, cinka i
selena u krvi majke i u krvi pupkovine. U 49 novorođenčadi koristili su se
dostupni podaci iz prethodnih istraživanja transfontanealne neurosonografije
mozga učinjene trećeg dana života novorođenčeta kojom su se mjerile
anatomske karakteristike maloga mozga ( širina i dužina) kao i rezultati Bayleytesta neuropsihološkog testiranja u dobi od 18 mjeseci u 160 djece, a u svrhu
određivanja kognitivnih, motoričkih i jezičnih funkcija mozga.
Rezultati: Učestalost konzumiranja 150 g hrane morskoga podrijetla kod
trudnica doprinosi nižim masenim udjelima bakra i cinka u krvi trudnica i
novorođenčadi, a ne utječe na masene udjele selena. Učestalost konzumiranja 150 g hrane morskoga podrijetla kod trudnica nije bila povezana s veličinom
maloga mozga niti psihomotornim razvojem u dobi od 18 mjeseci. Nije bilo
povezanosti masenih udjela bakra, cinka i selena sa širinom maloga mozga.
Niži maseni udjeli selena i cinka u krvi trudnica bili su povezani s većom
dužinom maloga mozga. Dužina maloga mozga pokazivala je slaba do
umjerena pokazateljska svojstva za prepoznavanje djece čije su majke imale
sniženu razinu cinka i selena u krvi. U multivarijatnom modelu utvrdili smo kako
su maseni udio selena u krvi majke i maseni udio cinka u krvi pupkovine,
nezavisno jedan od drugog, povezani s manjom dužinom maloga mozga. Širina
maloga mozga (koja nije pokazivala značajnih korelacija s masenim udjelima
mikroelemenata) negativno je povezana s psihomotornim razvojem djece i to
izraženije u djece muškog spola. Dužina maloga mozga nije pokazivala
korelacija s psihomotornim razvojem. Niži maseni udio bakra u krvi pupkovine i
viši maseni udio cinka u krvi majke bili su povezani s boljim psihomotornim
razvojem djece u ukupnom uzorku djece. Postoje spolne razlike, kako u
psihomotornom razvoju u dobi od 18 mjeseci, tako i u korelacijama
mikroelemenata s psihomotornim razvojem. Nismo utvrdili statistički značajne
povezanosti širine i dužine maloga mozga s parametrima od interesa, kao niti s
drugim zabilježenim parametrima (P>0,05 za sve analize).
Zaključci: Učestalost konzumiranja 150 g hrane morskoga podrijetla kod
trudnica utječe na razine bakra, cinka i selena u krvi majke i pupkovine, ali ne
utječe na dužinu i širinu maloga mozga i psihomotorni razvoj djece u dobi od 18
mjeseci. Ovim istraživanjem možemo zaključiti kako dužina maloga mozga
može biti dobar biomarker za otkrivanje prenatalne izloženosti cinku i selenu, ali
ne i bakru. Rezultati povezanosti prenatalnog ekspozoma bakra, cinka i selena i
prehrane trudnica namirnicama morskoga podrijetla s veličinom maloga mozga
novorođenčeta i psihomotornim razvojem djece u dobi od 18 mjeseci ne utječu
na dosadašnje smjernice da trudnice tijekom trudnoće konzumiraju jednu do
dvije porcije ribe ili namirnica morskoga podrijetla tjedno.
Abstract (english) Objectives: Determine if there is a connection frequency of consumption of 150
g seafood in pregnant women with the status of copper, zinc and selenium from
umbilical cord blood and maternal blood.
Analyze the influence of copper, zinc and selenium on the anatomical
characteristics of the cerebellum (width and length) of newborns using brain
ultrasound and analyze differences characteristics with respect to sex. In the
same group of children at 18 months of age prenatal exposed to copper, zinc
and selenium mass fractions, compare motor, cognitive, and linguistic
characteristics and analyze to sex. Determine the influence of additional factors
on the anatomical characteristics of the cerebellum (maternal weight before
pregnancy, maternal weight growth in pregnancy, maternal and paternal height,
parity, maternal education and age, maternal employment status, rural housing,
sex, alcohol intake and maternal smoking in pregnancy). Based on the results of
the study, make recommendations on the eating habits of the mother during
pregnancy with regard to consumption of seafood.
Patients and methods: Two hundred and twenty-seven mothers and their
children were included in the survey, for which data on frequency of
consumption 150 g seafood in pregnant women were collected during previous
research. Copper, zinc and selenium mass fractions in maternal and umbilical
cord blood were determined in the entire group of subjects. Previous studies
have used transfontaneal neurosonography data from the third day of life of the
newborn in 49 children to measure anatomical features of the cerebellum (width
and length) as well as the results of the Bayley Neuropsychological Test at the
age of 18 months in 160 children for the purpose of determining the cognitive,
motor and language functions of the brain.
Results: Frequency of consumption 150 g seafood in pregnant women
contributes to lower mass fractions of copper and zinc in the blood of pregnant
women and newborns, and does not affect selenium mass fractions. Frequency
of consumption 150 g seafood in pregnant women was not associated with cerebellar size or psychomotor development at 18 months of age. There was no
correlation between copper, zinc and selenium mass fractions with cerebellar
width. Lower mass fractions of selenium and zinc in the blood of pregnant
women were associated with greater cerebellar length. The length of the
cerebellum showed weak to moderate predisposing properties for recognizing
children whose mothers had low levels of zinc and selenium in their blood. In a
multivariate model, we found that the mass fraction of selenium in maternal
blood and mass fraction of zinc in umbilical cord blood were independently
associated with shorter cerebellar lengths. Cerebellar width ( which did not
show significant correlations with micronutrient mass fractions) was negatively
associated with psychomotor development in children, more pronounced in
male children. The length of the cerebellum did not show a correlation with
psychomotor development. Lower mass fractions of copper in umbilical cord
blood and higher mass fractions of zinc in maternal blood were associated with
better psychomotor development of children in the total sample. There are
gender differences, both in psychomotor development at the age of 18 months
and in the correlations of micronutrients with psychomotor development. We did
not find statistically significant correlations of cerebellar width and length with
parameters of interest, as well as with other recorded parametars ( P>0,05 for
all analyzes).
Conclusion: Frequency of consumption 150 g seafood in pregnant women
affects the levels of copper, zinc and selenium in maternal blood and in
umbilical cord blood, but does not affect on the cerebellar length and width and
the psychomotor development at 18 months of age. Our research suggests that
cerebellar length may be a good biomarker for detecting prenatal exposure to
zinc and selenium, but not to cooper. The results of the association of prenatal
exposure of copper, zinc and selenium and the diet of pregnant women with
seafood with the size of the newbornꞌs cerebellum and psychomotor
development at the age of 18 months do not affect current guidelines for
pregnant women to consume one to two serving of fish or seafood per week.
hrana morskoga podrijetla
mali mozak
prenatalna izloženost
psihomotorni razvoj
Keywords (english)
prenatal exposure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:528826
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2022-07-08 12:45:34