Title Modeliranje pokazatelja onečišćenja komunalne otpadne vode grada Splita
Title (english) Modelling pollution indicators of municipal wastewater of Split
Author Mladen Perišić
Mentor Marijana Čurlin (mentor) MBZ: 206600
Mentor Marija Bralić (komentor)
Committee member Davor Rušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Kliškić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Pero Dabić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Bralić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Čurlin (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 206600
Granter University of Split Faculty of Chemistry and Technology (Division of Engineering and Chemistry) Split
Defense date and country 2013-01-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering Environmental Protection in Chemical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 66 - Chemical technology. Chemical and related industries
Abstract Upravljanje kvalitetom vode danas je najvažnija aktivnost zaštite okoliša. Indikatori kvalitete vode određuju se prema klasifikaciji, gdje je uzeta u obzir integracija parametara kvalitete vode i Pravilnika o kvaliteti vode. U ovom radu provedena je karakterizacija i klasifikacija pokazatelja onečišćenja komunalne otpadne vode grada Splita na osnovi rezultata mjerenih parametara dobivenih svakodnevnim monitoringom na ispustima šireg područja kroz period od 4 godine. Temeljem dobivenih eksperimentalnih podataka provedena je osnovna statistička analiza određivanja srednjih vrijednosti, medijana, standardne devijacije, minimalnih i maksimalnih vrijednosti, te njihovih međusobnih korelacijskih koeficijenata. Dobivene su izrazito visoke koncentracije za kloride i sulfate kao i za ukupnu suspendiranu tvar te za kemijsku potrošnju kisika (KPK) koji nekoliko puta prelaze maksimalno dozvoljenu koncentraciju (MDK). Medijan vrijednosti bile su za sva onečišćenja niže od njihovih srednjih vrijednosti osim za biološku potrošnju kisika (BPK5) i pH. Najviša vrijednost koeficijenta varijacije dobivena je za N-NO2 na Lokacijama 2 i 3, a za deterdžente na Lokaciji 1. Najmanji koeficijent varijacije zabilježen je za pH vrijednost na svim lokacijama. Provedena je prostorna i vremenska karakterizacija pokazatelja onečišćenja korištenjem različitih kemometrijskih tehnika (klaster analiza CA, faktorske analize FA, analize glavnih komponenata PCA). Prostorna klaster analiza pokazala je podjelu klastera u dvije grupe; klaster I formira Lokacija 2 i 3, a klaster II Lokacija 1. Prema vremenskoj klasifikaciji promatrano razdoblje moguće je podijeliti na razdoblje 2006.-2007. i razdoblje 2008.-2009. Provedene statističke analize poslužile su kao baza za dva linearna modela. Izrađeni su viševarijantni linearni model (MLR) i model lokalne linearne regresije (PLR) za predviđanje najznačajnijih pokazatelja onečišćenja KPK i BPK5 s devet nezavisnih varijabli. Dobiveni regresijski koeficijenti viševarijantnog linearnog modela iznose R2 = 0,306 – 0,448, dok regresijski koeficijenti za model lokalne linearne regresije iznose R2 = 0,534 – 0,683. Indeks kvalitete otpadne vode grada Splita određen je na temelju pravila neizrazite logike, koja predstavljaju kvalitetu vode putem jezičnih pojmova. Nakon primarne obrade, kvaliteta vode na Lokaciji 1 ocjenjena je kao „dobra“ sa stupnjem pripadnosti 0,476, dok za druge dvije lokacije prema stupnju pripadnosti (0,981 i 0,351) kvaliteta vode je ocjenjena kao „korektna“.
Abstract (english) Water quality management is the most significant environmental activity today. Water quality indicators were estimated according to classification, where the integration of water quality parameters and Water Quality Regulations were taken into consideration. In this paper, the quality of primary treated urban wastewater, discharged at three locations into the Adriatic Sea, is described based on the results of measured parameters obtained daily monitoring on drain locations wider Split area over a period of 4 years. Experimental data were analyzed by basic statistical methods for determination of mean and median values, standard deviations, minimal and maximal value of the measured parameters and their mutual correlation coefficients. The results obtained showed extremely high concentrations for chlorides, sulphates, total suspended solids and for chemical oxygen demand (COD) which several times exceed the maximum allowed concentration (MAC). Median values were lower for all pollutants from their mean values except biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and pH. The highest value of the coefficient of variation was obtained for N-NO2 at Locations 2 and 3, and for detergents at Location 1. The lowest coefficient of variation was recorded for pH value at all locations. Different chemometric techniques such as cluster analysis (CA), factor analysis (FA) and principal component analysis (PCA) were established to investigate spatial and temporal characterization of pollution indicators. Spatial cluster analysis showed the distribution of clusters in two groups; cluster I is formed by Locations 2 and 3 and cluster II is formed by Location 1. The observed time period can be divided in the period 2006-2007 and the period 2008-2009 according temporal classification. The statistical analyses were used as bases for two linear models. Multivariate linear regression model (MLR) and piecewise linear regression (PLR) were made to predict the most important pollution indicators COD and BOD5 with 9 independent variables. The obtained regression coefficients for multivariate linear model amounts R2 = 0.306 – 0.448, while regression coefficients for piecewise linear regression model amounts R2 = 0.534 – 0.683. Municipal wastewater quality index in the city of Split, based on the fuzzy set rules that represent water quality via linguistic terms. After primary treatment, water quality, at Location 1 was estimated as “good” with the highest degree of membership of 0.476, while at other two locations regarding to highest degrees of membership (0.981 and 0.351), water quality was estimated as “fair”.
Komunalna otpadna voda
pokazatelji onečišćenja
statistička analiza
klaster analiza
faktorska analiza
analiza glavnih komponenata
pravila neizrazite logike
Keywords (english)
municipal wastewater
pollution indicators
statistical analysis
cluster analysis
factor analysis
principal component analysis
fuzzy set rules
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:167:510967
Study programme Title: Chemical engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje kemijsko inženjerstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje kemijsko inženjerstvo)
Type of resource Text
Extent str. 126
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of chemistry and technology
Created on 2018-01-09 10:52:30