Title Studij međudjelovanja komponenata u polimernim mješavinama poli(vinil-klorid)/poli(etilen-oksid)
Author Miće Jakić
Mentor Nataša Stipanelov-Vrandečić (mentor)
Committee member Ivka Klarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marica Ivanković (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 127321
Committee member Nataša Stipanelov-Vrandečić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split Faculty of Chemistry and Technology (Division of Engineering and Chemistry) Split
Defense date and country 2014-02-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering in Material Development
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 66 - Chemical technology. Chemical and related industries
Abstract Istraživana su međudjelovanja u mješavinama amorfnog poli(vinil-klorida) (PVC) i kristalastog poli(etilen-oksida) (PEO) različite molekulske mase u otopini, taljevini i čvrstom stanju. Istraživana je i toplinska postojanost mješavina bez i s dodatkom poli(etilen-glikola) (PEG). Podatci dobiveni viskozimetrijskim mjerenjima ukazuju da su PVC i PEO različitih molekulskih masa u otopini mješljivi u svim omjerima, pri čemu se interakcije (međudjelovanje) u mješavini smanjuju povećanjem molekulske mase PEO-a. Analizom spektara istraživanih mješavina snimljenih infracrvenom spektroskopijom s Fourierovom transformacijom (FT-IR) nije potvrđeno postojanje vodikove veze α-vodikovog atoma iz CHCl skupine PVC-a i kisikovog atoma iz PEO-a, kao ni utjecaj molekulske mase PEO-a na interakcije istraživanih mješavina. Nisu uočene značajnije promjene na FTIR spektrima koje bi ukazivale na utjecaj dodatka PEG-a na interakcije u istraživanim mješavinama. Temeljem postojanja dvaju staklišta koja odgovaraju staklištima čistih polimera i činjenici da dodatak PVC-a značajno ne snižava talište i kristalište, kao ni stupanj kristalnosti PEO-a u mješavini, može se zaključiti da su PVC i PEO različite molekulske mase djelomično mješljivi, ali samo pri znatnom udjelu PVC-a u mješavini. Nadalje, na osnovi postojanja dvaju staklišta na spektrima dobivenim dinamičko mehaničkom analizom (DMA) istraživanih mješavina koji se međusobno približavaju, može se potvrditi da su PVC i PEO različite molekulske mase djelomično mješljivi. Dodatak PVC-a mješavini PVC/PEO poboljšava njena mehanička svojstva. Dodatak PEG-a u mješavine PVC/PEO rezultira djelomičnom mješljivosti u cijelom području istraživanih sastava, a uočene interakcije su izraženije kod mješavina s PEO-om veće molekulske mase. Rezultati toplinske i termooksidacijske razgradnje istraživanih polimera i njihovih mješavina pokazali su da je PEO toplinski stabilniji od PVC-a i da se dodatkom PEO-a poboljšavaju toplinska i termooksidacijska stabilnost istraživanih mješavina. Dodatak PEG-a pogoršava toplinsku stabilnost mješavina PVC/PEO, odnosno ubrzava proces dehidrokloriranja PVC-a. Međutim, kod mješavina s PEO-om veće molekulske mase uočeno je da se dodatkom PEG-a poboljšava toplinsku stabilnost. Proces dinamičke termogravimetrijske (TG) razgradnje svih istraživanih mješavina odvija se po Avrami-Erofeevom kinetičkom modelu. Izračunate su konstante brzine (k) procesa dinamičke TG razgradnje istraživanih mješavina, a njihova ovisnost oeksperimentalnim temperaturama razgradnje ukazuje na toplinsku stabilnost mješavina. Dodatak PEO-a stabilizira sustav, što je u skladu sa zaključcima analize izotermne i dinamičke TG razgradnje u inertu. Dodatak PEG-a također snižava odgovarajuće vrijednosti konstante brzine reakcije.
Abstract (english) The interaction of amorphous poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) in a blend with a semicrystalline poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) of different molecular weights in solution, melt and solid state were investigated. The thermal stability of the blends and the effect of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) addition on the thermal stability, were invetigated as well. The results obtained by dilute solution viscosimetry measurements indicated that PVC and PEO of different molecular weights are miscible in the solution in all proportions, and that interactions in the blends decreases with the increase of PEO molecular weight. Analysis of the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) spectra of the investigated blends has not confirmed the existence of hydrogen bonds, as well as the effect of PEO molecular weight. There were no significant changes in the FT-IR spectra that would indicate the effect of PEG addition on interaction in the investigated blends. Based on the existence of two glass transition temperatures, which corresponds to the PVC and PEO glass transition temperatures and the small depression of the PEO melting and crystallization temperature, as well as the degree of crystallinity, it can be concluded that PVC and PEO of different molecular weight are only slightly miscible in the melt at elevated PVC content. Furthermore, based on the existence of two glass transition temperatures in the spectra that are approaching each other, obtained by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), it can be confirmed that the PVC and PEO of different molecular weight are partially miscible. PVC addition improves the mechanical properties of the blends. PEG addition resulted in partially miscibility and observed interactions are more pronounced in blends of PEO with higher molecular weight. Results of thermal and thermooxidative degradation of the investigated polymers and their blends showed that PEO is thermally more stable than PVC and that PEO addition improved thermal and thermooxidative stability of the blends. PEG addition deteriorates thermal stability of investigated blends and can accelerate the dehydrochlorination of PVC, respectively. However, PEG addition into blends of PEO with higher molecular weight improved the thermal stability of investigated blends. The process of non-isothermal thermogravimetry (TG) degradation of the investigated blends occurs through mechanism like those represented by the Avrami-Erofeev kinetic model. Rate constant (k) of the non-isothermal degradation were calculated, indicating blendthermal stability. The addition of PEO reduces the rate constant what is in accordance with results obtained from TG and DTG curves. PEG addition reduces the rate constant, as well.
kinetička analiza
mješavine PVC/PEO(/PEG)
toplinska i termooksidacijska razgradnja
Keywords (english)
kinetic analysis
PVC/PEO(/PEG) blends
thermal and thermooxidative degradation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:167:142292
Study programme Title: Chemical engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje kemijsko inženjerstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje kemijsko inženjerstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Faculty of chemistry and technology
Created on 2017-12-13 21:18:06