Title Utjecaj različitih programa tjelesnoga vježbanja na motorička znanja i sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) Effect of different physical excercise programs on motor skills and abilities of preschool children
Author Danijela Gudelj Šimunović
Mentor Sanja Šalaj (mentor)
Committee member Dragan Milanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maja Horvatin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Biljana Trajkovski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-12-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Glavni cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinke programa fine motorike u odnosu na program krupne motorike (višestrani program) na tjelesnu aktivnost, motorička znanja i sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi. Parcijalni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učinke programa vježbanja na cjelokupan razvoj djeteta. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 151 dječaka i djevojčica od 5 do 7 godine, te njihovi roditelji i odgojiteljice iz dva nasumično izabrana dječja vrtića u gradu Zagrebu. U uzorak su ušla samo djeca, roditelji i odgojitelji koji su odradila inicijalno i finalno mjerenje (N=120). Dječji vrtići su izabrali po tri grupe koje su sudjelovale u istraživanju. U eksperimentalnoj grupi 1 (N=43) provodio se višestrani program vježbanja, u eksperimentalnoj grupi 2 (N=44) program fine motorike a treća grupa bila je kontrolna (N=33). Na samom početku istraživanja roditelji su ispunili “Netherlands Physical Activity Questionnaire” (NPAQ), upitnik o tjelesnoj aktivnosti i sedentarnim aktivnostima njihova djeteta. Također roditelji i odgojitelji vrtićkih grupa čija su djeca sudjelovala u istraživanju su ispunili „Parent's Evaluations of Children's Developmental Status“ (PEDS), vezan za procjenu razvojnog statusa djece. Za vrednovanje motoričkih znanja i sposobnosti djece predškolske dobi uključene u istraživanje korištene su dvije baterije testova „Test of Gross Motor Development – Second Editon“ (TGMD-2) i „Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency – SeconEdition (BOT-2). Mjerenje sa svim navedenim upitnicima i testovima je provedeno na početku i na kraju eksperimentalnog postupka.
Rezultati su pokazali da su djeca u eksperimentalnoj grupi 1, nakon provedene intervencije višestranog programa, ostvarila značajno bolje rezultate u testovima za procjenu motoričkih znanja (ukupnom motoričkom kvocijentu TGMD-2 testa i standardiziranim lokomotornim znanjima TGMD-2 testa). U navedenoj grupi nisu ostvareni značajni efekti u motoričkom indeksu BOT-2 testa, već isključivo brojčani napredak. Nakon provedene intervencije fine motorike u eksperimentalnoj grupi 2 nisu ostvareni značajno bolji rezultati u testovima za procjenu finih motoričkih znanja (fina motorička integracija i fina motorička preciznosti BOT-2 testa). Kontrolna grupa ostvaruje napredak u motoričkom indeksu BOT-2 testova između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja. Razina tjelesne aktivnosti se nije značajno mijenjala ni u jednoj grupi između dvije točke mjerenja. Naime, značajan pad sedentarnih aktivnosti zabilježen je samo u grupi fine motorike nakon finalnog mjerenja. Nadalje, niti jedna grupa ne bilježi značajne promjene u razvojnom statusu djece procjenom odgojitelja. Procjenom roditelja zabilježene su značajne promjene u razvojnom statusu djece, točnije utvrđen je pad razine zabrinutosti nakon provedenih intervencija u grupi višestranog programa
i programa fine motorike. Ovo istraživanje je omogućilo vrednovanje učinka dvaju različitih programa (višestranog program i programa fine motorike) na motorička znanja i sposobnosti djece, te na razinu tjelesne aktivnosti, sedentarnih aktivnosti te cjelokupnog razvoja djece predškolske dobi.
Abstract (english) The main goal of this research was to determine the effects of the fine motor skills program in relation to the gross motor skills program (multilateral program) on physical activity, motor skills and abilities of preschool children. The partial goal of this research was to determine the effects of the exercise program on overall child development. The study involved 151 boys and girl aged 5 to 7, and their parents and educators from two randomly selected kindergartens in the city of Zagreb. The sample included only children, parents and educators who completed the initial and final measurements (N=120). Each kindergarten chose three groups that participated in the research. A multilateral exercise program was implemented in experimental group 1 (N=43), a fine motor program in experimental group 2 (N=44) and the third group was a control group (N=33). At the very beginning of the research, parents completed the "Netherlands Physical Activity Questionnaire" (NPAQ), a questionnaire about their child's physical activity and sedentary activities. Also, parents and educators of kindergarten groups that children participated in the research completed the "Parent's Evaluations of Children's Developmental Status" (PEDS), related to the assessment of children's developmental status. The motor skills and abilities of preschool children included in the research were tested by two sets of tests "Test of Gross Motor Development - Second Edition" and "Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency - Second Edition "(BOT-2). The measurement with all the mentioned questionnaires and tests was conducted on at the beginning and at the end of the experimental procedure.
The results showed that the children in experimental group 1, after the intervention of the multilateral exercises program, achieved significantly better results in tests for assessing motor skills (gross motor quotient of the TGMD-2 test and standardized locomotor skills of the TGMD-2 test). In the mentioned group, there were no significant effects in the motor index of the BOT-2 test, but only a numerical improvement. After the fine motor intervention in experimental group 2, no significantly better results were achieved in the tests for assessing fine motor skills (fine motor integration and fine motor precision of the BOT-2 test). The control group makes progress in the motor index of the BOT-2 tests between the initial and final measurements. The level of physical activity did not change significantly in any group between the two measurement points. Namely, a significant decrease in sedentary activities was registered only in the fine motor skills group after the final measurement. Furthermore, no group recorded significant changes in the children's developmental status as assessed by educators. The assessment of the parents recorded significant changes in the developmental status of the
children, more specifically, a decrease in the level of concern was determined after the interventions in the group of the multilateral exercises program and the fine motor program. This research enabled the evaluation the effect of two different programs (a multilateral exercises program and a fine motor program) on children's motor skills and abilities, as well as on the level of physical activity, sedentary activities, and the overall development of preschool children.
fina motorika
razvojni status
višestrani program
Keywords (english)
fine motor skills
developmental status
multilateral exercise program
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:347481
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti iz znanstvenoga područja društvenih znanosti, znanstvenoga polja kineziologije (doktor/doktorica znanosti iz znanstvenoga područja društvenih znanosti, znanstvenoga polja kineziologije)
Type of resource Text
Extent 117 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2024-12-19 11:03:54