Title Utjecaj specifičnog treninga disanja na parametre natjecateljske uspješnosti biciklista nacionalnog ranga
Title (english) The influence of a specific respiratory training on parameters of competitive success in nationally ranked cyclists
Author Branimir Štimec
Mentor Davor Šentija (mentor)
Committee member Lana Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dražan Dizdar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Marković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Plavec (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 159962
Committee member Mario Kasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-10-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Sports Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport 612 - Physiology
Abstract Uvod: Neka istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost da se specifičnim treningom disanja mogu unaprijediti sposobnosti biciklista, međutim, drugi radovi nisu potvrdili vrijednost treninga disanja te o tome ne postoji jedinstveni stav.
Cilj: Cilj istraživanja je ispitati utjecaj 8-tjednog specifičnog treninga dišne muskulature, provođenog istovremeno sa standardnim biciklističkim treningom, na dinamičke plućne kapacitete, ekonomičnost vožnje bicikla te parametre za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta i natjecateljske uspješnosti.
Metode: Uzorak ispitanika čini 30 biciklista nacionalnog ranga razvrstanih slučajnim odabirom u eksperimentalnu i kontrolnu grupu. Obje grupe provele su klasični biciklistički trening u trajanju od osam tjedana, a eksperimentalna grupa provodila je dodatno i specifičan trening dišne muskulature: 1) trening voljne kontrole disanja, 2) trening jačanja dišne muskulature. Prije i nakon eksperimentalnog postupka svi su ispitanici proveli mjerenje dinamičkih plućnih kapaciteta i tri testa
– dva laboratorijska testa na biciklergometru: 1) test s konstantnim opterećenjem od 150 W u trajanju od 10 min za procjenu ekonomičnosti vožnje bicikla (C150); 2) progresivni test opterećenja za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta (GXTVO2max); te jedan terenski test: 3) maksimalni test vožnje bicikla na biciklističkoj pisti dužine 4 km za procjenu natjecateljske uspješnosti (t4km). Statistička značajnost razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja u eksperimentalne i kontrolne skupine testirana je t- testom za zavisne uzorke, a razlika između grupa ANOVA za ponovljena mjerenja (p < 0,05).
Rezultati: U odnosu na inicijalno mjerenje (I), nakon provedenog trenažnog programa i treninga dišne muskulature u eksperimentalnoj skupini u finalnom mjerenju (F) ispitanika utvrđeno je: 1) značajno kraće vrijeme vožnje u terenskom testu (t4km_I = 393,4 ± 19,1 : t4km_F = 386, 1 ± 12,9 (s) p < 0,05; 2) značajno viša maksimalna voljna ventilacija (MMV_I = 184, 1 ± 31 : MMV_F = 1 99,8 ± 33,3 (l) p < 0,05); 3) bolja ekonomičnost vožnje bicikla pri opterećenju od 150 W (C150_I = 0,198 ± 0,044 : C150_F = 0,182 ± 0,038 (ml/kg/min/W) p < 0,05); 4) značajno više vrijednosti parametara za procjenu aerobnog kapaciteta pri anaerobnom pragu (ANP_I = 304,7 ± 43,1 : ANP_F= 326,0 ± 32,5 (W) p < 0,05) i pri maksimalnom intenzitetu (Wmax_I = 353,3 ± 44 : Wmax_F = 378,6 ± 31,5 (W) (p < 0,05). Kod kontrolne skupine ispitanika nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike za sve navedene parametre.
Zaključak: Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da specifičan trening disanja usmjeren na poboljšanje tehnike disanja i jačanje dišne muskulature (kroz 8 tjedana uz klasični biciklistički trening) dovodi do poboljšanja vremena na biciklističkoj pisti na 4 km, do povećanja maksimalnog voljnog volumena, povećanja ekonomičnosti vožnje bicikla pri 150 W te povećanja vrijednosti anaerobnog praga i maksimalnog intenziteta.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Some researches point to possibility of improving a cyclist's abilities with a specific breathing training, but other works have not confirmed value of a breathing training and there is no common attitude towards that.
Aim: The aim of the research is to test influence of the specific respiratory muscles training over the period of 8 weeks, conducted at the same time with standard cycling training, on dynamic lung capacities, cycling economy and parameters for evaluation of aerobic capacity and competitive success.
Methods: The sample of respondents consists of 30 cyclists of the national rank sorted randomly into experimental and control group. Both groups have conducted a standard cycling training over the period of eight weeks and the experimental group has additionally conducted a specific respiratory muscles training: 1) training for voluntary control of breathing, 2) training for strengthening the respiratory muscles. Before and after the experimental procedure all respondents have conducted a measurement of dynamical lung capacity and three tests, two laboratory tests on bicycle ergometer: 1) a test with a constant burden of 150 W during the period of 10 minutes in order to estimate cycling economy (C150), 2) a progressive test of the burden in order to estimate the aerobic capacity (GXT VO2max) and one field test: 3) a maximal test of a bicycle ride on a 4 km long cycling track in order to estimate competitive success (t4km). Statistically significant difference between the initial and final measurement in the experimental and control group have been tested with the t-test for dependent samples and the difference between grups ANOVA for repeated measures (p < 0,05).
Results: In comparison to the initial measurement (I), after the conducted training programme and the respiratory muscles training the following has been determined among the respondents from the experimental group in the final measurement (F): 1) significantly shorter cycling time in the field test (t4km_I = 393,4 ± 19,1 : t4km_F = 386,1 ± 12,9 (s) p < 0,05); 2 ) significantly higher willing ventilation (MMV_I = 184,1 ± 31 : MMV_F = 199,8 ± 33,3 (l) p < 0,05); 3) better cycling economy with the burden of 150 W (C150_I = 0,198 ± 0,044 : C150_F = 0,182 ± 0,038 (ml/kg/min/W) p < 0,05);
4) significantly higher values of the parameters for evaluation of aerobic capacity at the anaerobic threshold (ANP_I = 304,7 ± 43,1 : ANP_F = 326,0 ± 32,5 (W) p < 0,05) and maximum intensity (Wmax_I = 353,3 ± 44 : Wmax_F = 378,6 ± 31,5 (W) (p < 0,05). At the control group of the respondents no statistically significant differences for the mentioned parameters have been determined.
Conclusion: The results of this research point to the fact that a specific breathing training directed to improvement of breathing technique and strengthening of respiratory muscles (over the period of 8 weeks together with a standard cycling training) time improvement on the 4 km long cycling track, leads to increase of maximum willing volume, increase in cycling economy at 150 W, increase in the value anaerobic threshold and and maximum intensity.
ekonomičnost vožnje bicikla
progresivan test opterećenja
anaerobni prag
maksimalne vrijednosti
biciklistički trening
specifičan trening dišne muskulature
Keywords (english)
cycling economy
progressive burden test
anaerobic threshold
maximum values
cycling training
specific respiratory muscles training
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:347333
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2016-03-17 15:31:28