Title The Effects Of Hyperoxic Recovery Following High Intensity Interval Training In Hypoxia On The Blood Oxygen Transport System And Aerobic Capacities
Title (english) Učinci oporavka u hiperoksiji nakon intervalnog treninga visokog intenziteta u hipoksiji na transportni sustav za kisik i aerobne sposobnosti
Author Girgis Kalim Asaf
Mentor Lana Ružić (mentor)
Committee member Branka Matković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Leko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Jakopović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-04-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Sports experts and coaches have been continuously looking for new approaches and methods to improve athletic performance across different sports. Out of the methods proposed are the hypoxic and the hyperoxic training methods, which have recently gained popularity. Hyperoxia was previously used in special clinics; however, it has become easily accessible to athletes with the development of ‘on-the-spot’ equipment. The proposed study aims at determining the potential impact of added hyperoxic conditions during recovery and post-high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in hypoxic conditions. The study posed two hypotheses: a combination of intermittent high intensity hypoxic training and recovery in hyperoxia significantly improves the aerobic capacity than when recovering in normoxia and a combination of intermittent high intensity hypoxic training and recovery in hyperoxia significantly improves the oxygen transport parameters than when recovering in normoxia. The study’s sample included 49 athletes, aged 18 to 20. Athletes were divided into three groups adhering to the intervention protocol as follows: (1) Hypo+Hyper group (N=16) which performed HIIT in hypoxia with a recovery protocol 15 minutes at FiO2=0.40, (2) Hypo group (N=16) which performed HIIT in hypoxia followed by recovery in normoxia, and (3) a control group (N=17) which performed their everyday activities. Each of the four weeks, the intensity of the HIIT and continuous training is increased by 5%. HIIT hypoxia exercise protocol consists of six bouts of one minute at 80 to 95% of HRmax, each week at higher rate, respectively, followed by 2 minutes at 60% of HRmax. The study adopted a quantitative approach through recording athletes’ blood samples pre- and post- intervention to measure red blood cell parameters related to oxygen transport as well as the aerobic capacity measured by the all-out treadmill test. The intervention lasted for four weeks with three sessions of training per week. The most evident changes recoded among the groups within the aerobic endurance parameters pertain to the hyper-hypo group. At maximal exertion the significant changes were observed in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the maximal speed reached as Hypo-Hyper group had a larger increase as opposed to control group as expected (p < 0.05 and p <0.01, respectively) as well as opposed to Hypo group (p<0.01). Significant changes at anaerobic threshold involved significant increase in oxygen uptake when Hypo-Hyper group was compared to controls (P<0.05) while in only Hypo group that effect was not confirmed. As for hematological parameters, the most important change pertain to significant hemoglobin increase within the Hypo+Hyper group as opposed to the control group (p<0.01). The significant difference in hemoglobin between the Hypo group and controls was not noted. The study contributes to the body of knowledge regarding the effects of such a design on aerobic endurance parameters and the effects of HIIT training in hypoxia and hyperoxia recovery and concludes that the optimal training method for short periods like 4 weeks is that of the high intensity interval training group with hyperoxia recovery (HIIT+O2), accepting both hypotheses proposed by this doctoral dissertation. Indeed, a combination of intermittent high intensity hypoxic training and recovery in hyperoxia significantly improves the aerobic capacity and the oxygen transport parameters than when recovering in normoxia.
Abstract (english) Sportski stručnjaci i treneri kontinuirano traže nove pristupe i metode za poboljšanje atletskih performansi u različitim sportovima. Od predloženih metoda su popularne su od nedavno i hipoksična i hiperoksična metoda treninga, koje. Hiperoksija se ranije koristila u posebnim zdravstvenim institucijama međutim, s razvojem opreme 'na licu mjesta' postala je lako dostupna sportašima. Ovo istraživanje je imalo za cilj utvrditi potencijalni utjecaj intervalnog treninga visokog intenziteta (HIIT) u hipoksičnim uvjetima u slučaju oporavka u hiperoksiji. Postavljene su dvije hipoteze: kombinacija HIIT treninga u hipoksiji s oporavkom u hiperoksiji značajno poboljšava pokazatelje aerobne izdržljivosti u usporedbi s istim protokolom uz oporavak u normoksiji, te također poboljšava hematološke pokazatelje sustava za prijenos kisika. Uzorak ispitanika uključivao je 49 aktivnih mladih muškaraca u dobi od 18 do 20 godina podijeljenih u tri skupine ovisno o protokolu intervencije kako slijedi: (1) Hypo+Hyper skupina (N=16) koja je izvodila HIIT u hipoksiji s protokolom oporavka 15 minuta pri FiO2=0,40n; ( 2) Hypo skupina (N=16) koja je izvodila HIIT u hipoksiji nakon čega je uslijedio oporavak u normoksiji i (3) kontrolna skupina (N=17) koja je obavljala svoje svakodnevne aktivnosti. Intervencija je trajala 4 tjedna uz 3 treninga tjedno. U svakom od četiri tjedna, intenzitet treninga povećavao se za 5%. Protokol vježbanja HIIT hipoksije sastoji se od šest sesija trajanja jednu minutu pri 80 do 95% HRmax (ovisno o tjednu), nakon čega slijede 2 minute pri 60% HRmax. Najvažnije promjene zabilježene među skupinama unutar pokazatelja aerobne izdržljivosti odnose se na Hyper-Hypo skupinu. Pri maksimalnom naporu uočene su značajne promjene u maksimalnom primitku kisika (VO2max) i maksimalnoj postignutoj brzini tračanja i Hypo-Hyper skupina je imala očekivano veći porast u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu (p < 0,05 i p <0,01), kao veći od Hypo grupe (p<0,01). Promjene na anaerobnom pragu uključivale su značajno povećanje primitka kisika u Hypo-Hyper skupini u usporedbi s kontrolom (P<0,05), dok u Hypo skupini taj učinak nije potvrđen. Što se tiče hematoloških parametara, najvažnija promjena odnosila se na značajno povećanje koncentracije hemoglobina u Hypo+Hyper grupi u usporedbi s kontrolnom (p<0,01) dok takva razlika između Hypo skupine i kontrolne nije potvrđena. Ovo istraživanje pridonosi saznanjima o učincima upravo ovakvog dizajna treninga na pokazatelje aerobne izdržljivosti. Prihvaćajući obje hipoteze predložene ovom doktorskom disertacijom zaključuje se da je optimalna metoda treninga od istraživanih, posebno za kratka razdoblja poput 4 tjedna, ona uz HIIT trening u hipoksiji uz oporavak u hiperoksiji.
High-intensity interval training
normobaric hypoxia
oxygen transport
aerobic performance
Keywords (english)
intervalni trening visokog intenziteta (HIIT)
normobarična hipoksija
transport kisika
aerobna izvedba
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:460678
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 87 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2022-11-21 11:28:15