Title Akutni i kronični utjecaj različitih vrsta opterećenja na izvedbu bilateralnoga vertikalnoga skoka s obzirom na mehanički profil sila – brzina
Title (english) Acute and chronic effects of different types of loads on bilateral vertical jump performance with regard to the force – velocity profile
Author David Zubčić
Mentor Vlatko Vučetić (mentor)
Committee member Ljubomir Antekolović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavle Mikulić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nejc Šarabon (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-10-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Uvod: Evaluacija F-v profila vertikalnoga skoka sve je učestalija u procesu dijagnostike, a ispitivanje učinaka usmjerenog treninga na temelju takve vrste dijagnostike provedeno je u nekoliko studija dosad. Međutim, pregledom literature je utvrđeno da ne postoji istraživanje koje je na ispitanicima iste vrste F-v profila provjeravalo utjecaj različitih vrsta opterećenja na izvedbu vertikalnoga skoka. Stoga, temeljni cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio evaluirati akutni i kronični utjecaj dvije različite vrste opterećenja na izvedbu bilateralnoga vertikalnoga skoka kod ispitanika deficitarnih silom u F-v profilu.
Metode: U istraživanju akutnih učinaka je sudjelovalo osamnaest ispitanika koji su bili podvrgnuti provedbi dvije vrste predopterećenja. Jedan protokol se odnosio na izvedbu stražnjeg polučučnja s opterećenjem u vrijednosti 85% od jednog maksimalnog ponavljanja (1RM) i označavao je predopterećenje u smjeru sile, dok se u drugom izvodio skok iz čučnja s rasterećenjem od 25% tjelesne mase te je označavao predopterećenje u smjeru brzine. U ovome dijelu istraživanju analizirala se vršna visina u skoku iz čučnja pri inicijalnom mjerenju te 1'30'', 4', 6'30'' i 9' nakon provedbe predopterećenja. Jednosmjernom i dvosmjernom ANOVOM za ponovljena mjerenja provjeravala se postavljena hipoteza. Ukupno trideset ispitanika, jedankobrojno podijeljenih u dvije grupe, participiralo je u istraživanju kroničnih učinaka. Grupa sila je tijekom sedmotjednog programa treninga izvodila stražnji polučučanj s opterećenjem u vrijednosti 80 – 85% 1RM, dok je grupa brzina tijekom jednakog perioda provodila treninge skokova iz čučnja s rasterećenjem od 25% tjelesne mase. Razlike u izvedbi vertikalnoga skoka između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja unutar protokola testirane su t – testom za zavisne uzorke ili Wilcoxonovim testom sume rangova. Značajnost interakcije faktora vrijeme mjerenja i program treninga ispitivana je 2 x 2 miješanim ANOVA modelom.
Rezultati: Jednosmjernom ANOVOM je utvrđena statistička značajnost tijekom protokola predopterećenja u smjeru brzine, s naglaskom na značajnoj nižoj vrijednosti visine skoka iz čučnja u 9.' nakon provedbe predopterećenja u komparaciji s inicijalnim mjerenjem. Suprotno tome, unutar protokola predopterećenja u smjeru sile nisu zabilježene značajnosti. Dvosmjernom ANOVOM je notirana značajnost interakcije faktora vrijeme mjerenja i protokola predopterećenja, no Bonferroni testom nisu pronađene statističke značajnosti između analiziranih parova. U istraživanju kroničnih učinaka primjetne su neznačajne promjene u svim kinematičkim i kinetičkim varijablama vertikalnoga skoka kod grupe brzina. Također, kod spomenute grupe nije došlo do značajnih promjena u F-v profilu. Grupa sila bilježi suprotne trendove, pa su u većini kinematičkih i kinetičkih varijabli primjetne značajnosti, s naglaskom na poboljšanjima. Navedena poboljšanja su popraćena značajnom optimizacijom mehaničkog F-v profila. Vrijedi istaknuti velik učinak provedenog treninga na promjenu u vršnoj visini skoka iz čučnja, vršnoj snazi skoka iz čučnja, vršnoj snazi skoka iz čučnja s pripremom te srednji učinak na promjenu u vršnoj visini skoka iz čučnja s pripremom.
Zaključak: Rezultati grupe brzina u istraživanju kroničnih učinaka, kao i rezultati protokola predopterećenja u smjeru brzine pri istraživanju akutnih učinaka, potkrjepljuju hipotezu da dominantno izvođenje podražaja koji su oprečni deficitarnoj komponenti mehaničkog F-v profil mogu prouzrokovati nepromjenjivost u izvedbi ili čak izazvati pogoršanje. Hipotezu o efikasnosti programa treninga usmjerenog ka razvoju deficitarne komponente F-v profila uvelike argumentiraju rezultati grupe sila u istraživanju kroničnih učinaka, dok evidentirani akutni učinci predopterećenja u smjeru sile pokazuju samo blagi potencijal za takvo što, nipošto snažne indikacije.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Evaluation of the F-v profile of the vertical jump has become increasingly common in the diagnostic process, and examination of the effects of targeted training based on this type of assessment has been conducted in several studies up to today. However, by reviewing the literature it has been found that there is no study of the influence of different types of loads on the performance of a bilateral vertical jump examined on subjects of the same type of F-v profile. Therefore, the basic goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of two different types of loads on the performance of squat jumps in subjects deficient in force in the F-v profile.
Methods: Eighteen subjects participated in the part of research concerning acute effects. All subjects were tested in two different protocols. One protocol referred to the performance of a half back squat with a load of 85% of one maximum repetition (1RM) and indicated a pre-load in the direction of force. During another protocol subjects performed a squat jump with an unloading of 25% of body weight and that indicated a preload in the direction of velocity. Peak height of squat jump was analyzed during the initial measurement and 1'30 '', 4 ', 6'30' 'and 9' after the pre-load. The set hypothesis was tested with one-way and two-way ANOVA for repeated measurements. A total of thirty subjects, equally divided into two groups, participated in the study of chronic effects. During the seven-week training program, the force group performed a half back squat with a load of 80-85% 1RM, while the velocity group performed squat jumps with an unloading of 25% of body weight during the same period. Differences between initial and final measurements within the protocol were tested by t - test for dependent samples or Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The significance of the interaction of the measurement time factor and the training program was examined with a 2 x 2 mixed ANOVA model.
Results: Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA during the pre-load protocol in the direction of velocity, with an emphasis on a significantly lower value of squat jump height at 9' after the pre-load performance in comparison with the initial measurement. In contrast, no significance was observed within the pre-loading protocol in the force direction. The significance of the interaction between the measurement time factor and the preloading protocol was noted with two-way ANOVA, but the Bonferroni test did not find statistical significance between the analyzed pairs.
In the study of chronic effects, non-significant changes in all kinematic and kinetic variables of the vertical jump at the velocity group are noticeable. Also, in the mentioned group there were no significant changes in the F-v profile. The group of forces records opposite trends, so in most kinematic and kinetic variables they are of noticeable significance, with an emphasis on improvements. These improvements are accompanied by significant optimization of the mechanical F-v profile. It is worth noting the large effect of the training on the change in the peak height of the squat jump, the peak force of the squat jump and the peak power of the countermovement jump. Medium effect on the change in the peak height of the squat jump with preparation. Additionally, a medium effect on the change in peak height of countermovement jump squat was observed.
Conclusion: The results of the velocity group in the study of chronic effects, as well as the results of the pre-loading protocol in the direction of velocity in the study of acute effects, support the hypothesis that dominant performance of stimuli contrary to the deficient component of mechanical F-v profile may cause invariance or even a decrease in performance. The hypothesis of the effectiveness of a training program aimed at developing a deficient component of the F-v profile is largely argued by the results of force group in the study of chronic effects, while recorded acute effects of pre-load in the direction of force show only slight potential for such strong indications.
F-v profil
vertikalni skok
usmjeren trening
akutni učinci
kronični učinci
Keywords (english)
F-v profile
vertical jump
targeted training
acute effects
chronic effects
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:598599
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 145 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2022-11-21 11:05:17