Title Razlike u tjelesnom samopoimanju adolescenata u Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Bosni i Hercegovini
Title (english) Differences in physical self-concept among adolescents in Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Author Gordana Kević
Mentor Mirna Andrijašević (mentor)
Mentor Benjamin Perasović (komentor)
Committee member Lana Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčica Bartoluci (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vatroslav Horvat (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-12-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Uvod: Tjelesno samopoimanje, kao značajnu komponentu općeg pojma o sebi, većina autora definira kao subjektivnu prezentaciju tjelesnog izgleda popraćenu tjelesnim iskustvima uz utjecaj sociokulturnog okruženja, poglavito u adolescenciji (Majdak & Kamenov, 2011; Pokrajac-Bulian i ostali, 2004). Istraživanja su pokazala da je tjelesno samopoimanje važan moderator tjelesne aktivnosti i vježbanja (H. W. Marsh & Perry, 2005; Peart i ostali, 2005) te da ima značajan utjecaj na razvoj aktivnog i zdravog načina života (H. W. Marsh i ostali, 2006). Osim pozitivnog utjecaja na tjelesno samopoimanje, tjelesno vježbanje i sport predstavljaju bitne faktore u postizanju optimalnog stanja psihofizičkog zdravlja, što potvrđuju istraživanja širom svijeta (Jurakić & Andrijašević, 2007).
Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi generalne razlike u tjelesnom samopoimanju adolescenata istog spola u glavnim gradovima triju država: Hrvatske, Srbije i Bosne i Hercegovine. Pod-ciljevi rada bili su: ispitati da li postoje spolne razlike u tjelesnom samopoimanju adolescenata u različitim državama; utvrditi razlike u tjelesnom samopoimanju ispitanika s obzirom na sportski staž, odnosno da li se ispitanici bave sportom ili ne; ispitati da li postoje razlike u tjelesnom samopoimanju ispitanika ovisno o tome da li se bave individualnim ili timskim sportom.
Metode: U svrhu prikupljanja podataka primijenjen je „Upitnik tjelesnog samopoimanja“ PSDQ (Marsh i ostali, 1994, prema Radisavljević-Janić, 1996) od 78 čestica. Anketiranje sudionika provedeno je na prigodnom uzorku od ukupno 1012 učenika osmih razreda u šest osnovnih škola, u Republici Hrvatskoj (n=298), Bosni i Hercegovini (n=321) i Srbiji (n=393).
Rezultati su pokazali da između adolescenata s područja RH, BiH i Srbije postoje dosljedne i očekivane razlike u tjelesnom samopoimanju s obzirom na spol i s obzirom na (ne)bavljenje sportom. Tjelesno samopoimanje adolescenata je bolje od tjelesnog samopoimanja adolescentica. Tjelesno samopoimanje sportaša je bolje od tjelesnog samopoimanja nesportaša. Naposljetku, pokazalo se da se tjelesno samopoimanje sportaša koji se bave individualnim sportovima i sportaša koji se bave timskim sportovima ne razlikuje.
Zaključak: Usporedba tjelesnog samopoimanja adolescenata s obzirom na državu u kojoj žive (RH, Srbija i BiH) pokazala je da u tjelesnom samopoimanju adolescenata iz pojedinih država postoje određene specifičnosti, ali i da ne postoje jasni trendovi na način da bi adolescenti iz neke od navedenih država svoje tijelo sustavno doživljavali lošije ili bolje od adolescenata iz preostalih država.
Abstract (english) Introduction: Physical self-concept, as a significant component of the general self-concept, is defined by most authors as a subjective presentation of physical appearance accompanied by physical experiences influenced by sociocultural environment, especially in adolescence (Majdak & Kamenov, 2011; Pokrajac-Bulian et.al., 2004). Research has shown that physical self-perception is an important moderatorof physical activity and exercise (H. W. Marsh & Perry, 2005) and that it has a significant impact on developing an active and healthy lifestyle (H. W. Marsh et.al., 2006). In addition to the positive impact on physical self-perception, physical exercise and sports are important factors in achieving optimal mental and physical health, which is confirmed by research around the world (Jurakić & Andrijašević, 2007).
Goal: The main goal of this study was to determine the general differences in the physical self-concept of adolescents of the same gender in the capitals of three countries: Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sub-goals of the study were to examine are there gender differences in the physical self-concept of adolescents in different countries; to determine the differences in the physical self-concept of the respondents with regard to sports experience, ie whether the respondents engage in sports or not; and examine whether there are differences in respondents physical self-concept depending on whether they engage in individual or team sports.
Methods: For the purpose of data collection, the „Physical Self-Concept Questionnaire” PSDQ (Marsh et.al., 1994, according to Radisavljević-Janić, 1996) of 78 particles was used. The survey of participants was proven on a suitable sample of a total of 1012 eighth grade students in six primary schools, in the Republic of Croatia (n = 298), Bosnia and Herzegovina (n = 321) and Serbia (n = 393).
The results: The results showed that between adolescents from the territory of the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia there are consistent and expected differences in physical self-concept with regard to gender and with regard to (not) playing sports. The male adolescent's physical self-concept is better than the female adolescent's physical self-concept. The physical self-concept of an athlete is better than the physical self-concept of a non-athlete. Finally, it has been shown that the physical self-concepts of athletes engagedin individual sports and sports engaged in team sports do not differ.
Conclusion: The comparison of adolescents' physical self-concept with regard to the country in which they live (Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina) showed that there are certain specifics in the physical self-concept of adolescents from certain countries, but also that there are no clear trends their body is systematically perceived worse or better than adolescents from the remaining countries.
tjelesno samopoimanje
tjelesna aktivnost
međukulturne razlike
Keywords (english)
physical self-concept
physical activity
cross cultural
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:312064
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 134 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2022-02-02 13:51:11