Title Kineziološka aktivnost i samoprocjena kvalitete života studenata prema području znanosti
Title (english) Kinesiological activity and self-assessment of student life quality by field of science
Author Sergio de Privitellio
Mentor Mirna Andrijašević (mentor)
Committee member Lana Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavle Miklić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Romana Caput-Jogunica (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-04-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Uvod: U kontekstu ovog istraživanja, koncept kvalitete života je krovni pojam koji supsumira kineziološku aktivnost, prehrambene navike, samoprocjenu zdravlja i zadovoljstva životom. Studenti su informirani o pozitivnim utjecajima tjelesne aktivnosti na zdravlje i kvalitetu života, no prema rezultatima istraživanja, veći postotak studenata osim obvezne nastave tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture prve dvije godine studija ne sudjeluje redovito u programima tjelesnog vježbanja izvan nastave, te je utvrđen trend pada razine tjelesne aktivnosti na višim godina studija.
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost kinezioloških aktivnosti i kvalitete života studenata prema znanstvenim i umjetničkim područjima znanosti.
Metoda: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 1170 studenata preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija Sveučilišta u Rijeci upisanih u akademskoj godini 2017./2018. Angažman u kineziološkim aktivnostima i samoprocjena pojedinih domena kvalitete života utvrđena je putem anonimnog upitnika dizajniranog od kompilacije mjernih instrumenata - upitnika koji se primjenjuju u empirijskim istraživanjima za populaciju studenata.
Rezultati: Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrdili su dosadašnje znanstvene spoznaje o studentskoj populaciji; nezadovoljavajuća razina angažmana u kineziološkim aktivnostima te značajna razlika u angažmanu kineziološkim aktivnostima prema spolu i prema području znanosti. Utvrđeno je da su studenti u kineziološkim aktivnostima prosječno angažirani 4 sata, a studentice 2 sata tjedno. Utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike u angažmanu u kineziološkim aktivnostima prema području znanosti za studente tehničkog i biotehničkog područja znanosti. U uzorku studenata najvažniji faktor pri odabiru hrane bila je njezina senzorna privlačnost vezana uz izgled, cijenu i dostupnost hrane. Studenti koji su više angažirani u kineziološkim aktivnostima pokazuju višu razinu pozitivnih emocionalnih stanja, ne percipiraju opće zadovoljstvo životom i vlastitim postignućem više od drugih.
Diskusija: Prva hipoteza istraživanja je potvrđena te je utvrđeno kako su studenti tehničkog i biotehničkog područja više angažirani u kineziološkim aktivnostima od studenata ostalih područja znanosti. Druga hipoteza nije potvrđena jer nije utvrđena razlika u angažmanu u kineziološkim
aktivnostima između studenata preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija. Treća hipoteza prema kojoj studenti biomedicinskog područja znanosti imaju višu razinu motivacije za izbor zdrave hrane od studenata ostalih područja znanosti nije potvrđena. Četvrta hipoteza o povezanosti angažmana u kineziološkim aktivnostima i kvaliteti života studenata djelomično je potvrđena budući da studenti angažirani u kineziološkim aktivnostima doživljavaju više pozitivnih raspoloženja i emocija, no to nema značajan utjecaj na njihovu percepciju općeg zadovoljstva životom i vlastitim postignućima.
Zaključak: U istraživanju je utvrđena statistički značajna povezanost između područja znanosti i broja sati koje studenti provedu u kineziološkim aktivnostima tijekom tjedna. Ovim istraživanjem potvrđeni su rezultati prethodnih istraživanja u kojima su studenti tehničkih, a u ovom istraživanju i studenti biotehničkih područja znanosti, prosječno više angažirani u kineziološkim aktivnostima nego studenti iz drugih područja znanosti. Analizirajući ukupni interes studenata za pojedine kineziološke aktivnosti prema području znanosti utvrđujemo najveći interes studenata za sportove s loptom, atletiku i sportove u prirodi, te se ovi rezultati mogu koristiti u kreiranju nastavnog plana i programa tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture na Sveučilištu u Rijeci. Analizom rezultata povezanosti zadovoljstva životom s područjem znanosti, studenti tehničkog područja znanosti izrazili su veću razinu pozitivnih afektivnih stanja i nižu razinu negativnih stanja od studenata iz drugih znanstvenih područja. Uzevši u obzir da su studenti tehničkog područja znanosti najviše angažirani u kineziološkim aktivnostima, možemo utvrditi kako se radi o konzistentnom rezultatu koji ide u prilog dosadašnjima rezultatima prema kojima studenti više angažirani u kineziološkim aktivnostima pokazuju veće svakodnevno zadovoljstvo životom.
Abstract (english) Introduction: In the context of this research, the concept “Quality of life” is a key term that subsumes kinesiological activity, eating habits, self-assessment of health and life satisfaction. Students were informed about the positive effects of physical activity on health and quality of life, but according to the results of the research, a higher percentage of students do not regularly participate in physical exercise programs above compulsory physical education in the first two years of study. Also, there is trend of dropping physical activity in senior years of study.
The aim of the research is to determine the connection between kinesiological activities and the quality of life of students according to scientific and artistic fields of science.
Method: 1170 undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Rijeka enrolled in the academic year 2017/18 participated in the research. Engagement in kinesiological activities and self-assessment of individual domains of quality of life was determined through an anonymous questionnaire designed from a compilation of measuring instruments - questionnaires used in empirical research for the student population.
Results: The results of this research confirm the current scientific knowledge about the student population: unsatisfactory level of engagement in kinesiological activity and a significant difference in kinesiological activity engagement is found by gender and by field of science. It was determined that male students are engaged in kinesiological activity on average 4 hours, and female students 2 hours per week. Statistically significant differences were found in the engagement in kinesiological activity according to the field of science for students of technical and biotechnical fields of science. In the sample of students, the most important factor in choosing food was its sensory appeal related to the appearance, price, and availability of food. Students who are more engaged in kinesiological activity show a higher level of positive emotional states, but do not perceive general satisfaction with life and their own achievement more than others.
Discussion: The first hypothesis of the research was confirmed: students of technical and biotechnical fields are more engaged in kinesiological activity than students involved in other sciences. Second hypothesis was not confirmed because there was no significant difference in engagement in kinesiological activity between undergraduate and graduate students. Third
hypothesis claimed biomedical students have higher levels of motivation while choosing healthy foods, when compared to the rest of the student body. This hypothesis was not confirmed. Fourth hypothesis mentioned the correlation between engagement in kinesiological activity and the quality of life. It was partially confirmed due to students engaged in kinesiological activity experiencing more positive moods and emotions, but this did not have a significant influence on their perception of their general life satisfaction and own accomplishments.
Conclusion: During the research there was a statistically significant correlation between the fields of science and the number of hours students spent perfoming kinesiological activity during the week. Moreover, the results of previous studies were confirmed during this research. In the mentioned studies the students studied technical sciences, unlike this research which included students of biotechnical sciences. In both cases, students of technical and biotechnical sciences were on average more engaged in kinesiological activity when compared to students in other fields of study. General student interest in specific kinesiological activities was analyzed and most students were interested in sports including a ball, athletics and nature sports. These results may be used when creating a curriculum and a program for physical education at the University of Rijeka. The Analysis of correlation between life satisfaction and the field of study, led to a conclusion that students of technical sciences have experienced a more positive and a low negative state of emotions when compared to students of other scientific fields of study. In conclusion, we can assume that the results of this study are consistent since students of technical fields of study were most engaged in kinesiological activities. This conclusion correlates to current results in which students highly engaged in kinesiological activities show a higher general life satisfaction.
kvaliteta života
područje znanosti
Keywords (english)
quality of life
field of science
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:658355
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 123 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2021-04-23 08:40:33