Title Utjecaj društvenoga kapitala na uhranjenost studenata kasne adolescentne dobi u odnosu na tjelesnu aktivnost
Title (english) The impact of social capital on the nutritional status of students in late adolescence in relation to the level of physical activity
Author Maja Starčević
Mentor Iris Zavoreo (mentor)
Mentor Dragan Bagić (komentor)
Committee member Lana Ružić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Vidranski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Benjamin Perasović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Kinesiology Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 796/799 - Sport
Abstract Rad istražuje i nastoji utvrditi utjecaj društvenoga kapitala na uhranjenost studenata kasne adolescentne dobi u odnosu na tjelesnu aktivnost. U empirijskom ispitivanju sudjelovala su 1002 ispitanika, točnije tisuću i dvoje studentica i studenata kronološke dobi do 20 godina, koji pohađaju fakultete na području četiriju županija na istoku Hrvatske.
Podaci su prikupljeni tako što su ispitanicima mjerene dvije varijable, tjelesna masa i visina, kao i podaci prikupljeni upitnikom koji su dobrovoljno popunjavali.
Prema uhranjenosti, normalnu tjelesnu masu ima 738 ispitanika, pothranjen je 61 ispitanik, 180 ispitanika ima prekomjernu tjelesnu masu i 23 ispitanika je pretilo. Ispitivanje o učestalosti intenzivne tjelesne (sportske) aktivnosti kojom su se ispitanici bavili unatrag sedam dana pokazalo je najučestalije bavljenje košarkom.
Kategorijski podaci predstavljeni su apsolutnim i relativnim frekvencijama. Razlike kategorijskih varijabli testirane su Hi-kvadrat testom. Normalnost raspodjele numeričkih varijabli testirana je Shapiro-Wilkovim testom. Numerički podaci opisani su medijanom i interkvartilnim rasponom. Razlike numeričkih varijabli između dvije nezavisne skupine testirane su Mann-Whitneyevim U testom, a između tri i više nezavisnih skupina testirane su Kruskal-Wallisovim testom. U svrhu provjere faktorske strukture društvenog kapitala te opravdanosti formiranja triju domena društvenog kapitala na temelju skupa odabranih čestica, (k = 20) provedena je eksploratorna faktorska analiza metodom glavnih komponenata uz oblimin kosokutnu rotaciju. Logističkom regresijom ocijenjen je utjecaj više čimbenika na vjerojatnost da će ispitanici biti prekomjerne tjelesne mase / pretili, pothranjeni ili tjelesno neaktivni. Sve P vrijednosti su dvostrane. Razina značajnosti postavljena je na Alpha = 0,05. Za statističku analizu korišten je statistički program MedCalc Statistical Software version 18.2.1 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium).
Postoje značajne razlike u tome koji je obrok najznačajniji i najobilniji tijekom dana u odnosu na uhranjenost (najznačajnija im je večera). Potvrđena je i pretpostavka da pretili ispitanici značajno više konzumiraju konzerviranu i polugotovu hranu te fast food, dok svježe kuhanu hranu značajno više konzumiraju ispitanici normalne tjelesne mase, a imaju i najmanji broj obroka dnevno. Prema učestalosti i vrsti namirnica, najviše ispitanika jede ugljikohidrate i bjelančevine. Rezultati također pokazuju da su ispitanici koji su s obzirom na ekonomske prilike niže na ljestvici društvenog kapitala, slabo aktivni ili nisu uopće tjelesno aktivni, odnosno da se ne bave nikakvom redovitom tjelesnom aktivnošću. Tjelesno aktivni ispitanici značajno manje provode sjedilački način života.
Rezultati su pokazali da su tjelesno aktivni ispitanici ocijenili funkcioniranje svoje obitelji značajno višom ocjenom, značajnije češće djeluju i nastoje zajednički riješiti problem ako se pojavi. Ispitanici koji žive u kućanstvu s troje ili više od šest članova domaćinstva, značajno su neaktivniji, dok nema značajne razlike u tjelesnoj aktivnosti u odnosu na sredinu u kojoj žive. Društveni kapital susjedstva pokazao se na visokoj razini jer je većina ispitanika koji su tjelesno aktivni navela da značajno više sudjeluje u aktivnostima u susjedstvu u odnosu na tjelesno neaktivne ispitanike. Društveni kapital na fakultetu može se ocijeniti također visokom razinom na ljestvici društvenog kapitala jer rezultati pokazuju da se tjelesno aktivni ispitanici značajno više slažu s tvrdnjom kako studenti na njihovoj godini vjeruju jedni drugima te da studenti međusobno dobro surađuju u odnosu na tjelesno neaktivne ispitanike.
Ovo je istraživanje jedini dosadašnji doprinos o utjecaju društvenoga kapitala na uhranjenost adolescenata kasne dobi na istoku Hrvatske. Tako je znanstveni doprinos ovog istraživanja u novim i važnim informacijama o utjecaju redovite tjelesne aktivnosti na način života studenata. Rad također ukazuje na problem neaktivnosti te doprinosi podizanju svijesti o mogućnostima razvoja programa za kvalitetniji život i pravilnu prehranu studenata. Rad sugerira i mogućnost daljnjih istraživanja te suradnju s nadležnim institucijama u svrhu poboljšanja suradnje u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu, na način da se planira više redovite tjelesne aktivnosti u kurikulumu Ministarstva odgoja i obrazovanja, kako bi takva suradnja bila prepoznatljiva odgovornost za mlade ljude, posebno za njihovo tjelesno zdravlje.
Abstract (english) The paper investigates and seeks to determine the impact of social capital on the late adolescent students' nutrition in relation to physical activity. The empirical study involved 1002 respondents, students up to 20 years of age, attending faculties in four counties in the east of Croatia. Data were collected by measuring two variables, subjects' body weight and height, and through a questionnaire voluntarily completed by respondents. In relation to nutritional status, 738 subjects have normal body weight, 61 are malnourished, 180 are overweight and 23 are obese. Examination of the frequency of intense physical activity that the subjects had been engaged in for the past seven days showed the most frequent exercise in basketball.
Categorical data are represented by absolute and relative frequencies. Differences of categorical variables were tested by Chi-square test. The normality of the distribution of numerical variables was tested by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Numerical data are described by the median and interquartile ranges.
Differences in numerical variables between the two independent groups were tested by the Mann-Whitney U test and those between the three or more independent groups by the Kruskal-Wallis test. In order to verify the factor structure of social capital and to justify the formation of three domains of social capital on the basis of a set of selected particles (k = 20), an exploratory factor analysis was performed using the principal components method with
oblique angular rotation. Logistic regression assessed the impact of multiple factors on the likelihood that subjects would be overweight / obese, malnourished, or physically inactive. All P values are two sided. The significance level was set to Alpha = 0.05. Statistical program MedCalc Statistical Software version 18.2.1 (MedCalc Software bvba, Ostend, Belgium) was used for statistical analysis.
There are significant differences in terms of nutrition as to which meal is the most important and the most abundant during the day (their most important is dinner). It was also confirmed that obese subjects consumed much more canned and semi-prepared foods as well as fast foods, while subjects of normal body weight consumed more freshly cooked foods and also had the fewest meals per day. Considering the frequency and type of foods, the most respondents eat carbohydrates and proteins. The results also show that the respondents who are lower on the social capital scale due to their economic circumstances, are poorly active or not at all physically active, that is, they do not engage in any regular physical activity. Physically active subjects have a much less sedentary lifestyle.
The results showed that the respondents who were physically active rated their family functioning significantly higher, they are more likely to act and if the problem arises, they try to solve it jointly.
Respondents living in a household with three or more than six household members are significantly more inactive, while there is no significant difference in physical activity compared to the environment in which they live. Neighborhood social capital has proven to be high because most of those who are physically active stated that they were significantly more involved in neighborhood activities than those who were physically inactive. Social capital in college can also be rated high on the social capital ladder because the results show that compared to physically inactive respondents, significantly more physically active respondents agree with the statement that students in their year of study trust each other and cooperate well with each.
This research is the only contribution so far to the issue of the impact of social capital on the nutrition of late adolescents in eastern Croatia. New and important information about the impact of regular physical activity on students' lifestyles is a scientific contribution. The paper also points to the problem of inactivity and contributes to raising awareness of the possibilities of developing programs for a better quality of life and proper nutrition for students. It also suggests the possibility of further research and cooperation with relevant institutions in order to improve cooperation in the educational system, by planning more regular physical activities in the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, so that such cooperation would be a recognizable responsibility for young people, especially for their physical health.
društveni kapital
tjelesna aktivnost
pravilna prehrana
Keywords (english)
nutritional status
social capital
physical activity
healthy diet
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:117:286390
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: postgraduate doctoral study of kinesiology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje kineziologija)
Type of resource Text
Extent 89 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to authenticated users
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-09-18 08:02:38