Title "Slaboga u vjeri prigrlite" (Rim 14,1) : Egzegeza Rim 14
Title (english) "Accept the one whose faith is weak" (Rom 14:1) : Exegesis on Rmans 14
Author Monika Prša
Mentor Mario Cifrak (mentor) MBZ: 257586
Committee member Taras Barščevski (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 358612
Committee member Božidar Mrakovčić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 289233
Granter University of Zagreb Catholic Faculty of Theology (Department of the Holy Scripture of the New Testament) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Theology Exegesis
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 272 - Roman Catholic church
Abstract Autorica u ovom radu istražuje tekst Rim 14. U analizi upotrebljava povijesno-kritičku metodu. Cilj istraživanja je razumijevanje pojmova jaki i slabi u vjeri i njihova identifikacija, otkrivanje čimbenika koji utječu na njihovo otuđenje unutar zajednice te razrada Pavlove upute dane 14. poglavljem. Budući da je 14. poglavlje Poslanice Rimljanima sastavljeno od perikopa 14,1-12 i 14,13-23 rad je podijeljen na dva poglavlja. Oba poglavlja sadrže pet jednako strukturiranih potpoglavlja u kojima se iznosi delimitacija, tekstualna kritika, diskurzivna semantička analiza, lingvističko-sintaktička analiza i egzegeza perikopa. Prvo poglavlje pokazalo je da se perikopa 14,1-12 bavi odnosima unutar zajednice, specifično između članova koje Pavao naziva slabima u vjeri i članova koje naziva jakima. Zbog različitih uvjerenja u pogledu konzumacije hrane i svetkovanja dana među članovima zajednice dolazi do sukoba i narušenih odnosa. Pavao ih opominje i poziva na međusobno prihvaćanje. Drugo poglavlje rada pokazuje da se Pavao u perikopi 14,13-23 poglavito obraća jakima. Potiče na prihvaćanje slabih te ukazuje da je kršćanska sloboda vezana uz odnos prema Bogu kojim se određuje međusobno vladanje. Rezultati istraživanja Rim 14 pokazuju da pozadina problematike jakih i onih koji slabe u vjeri stoji u suprotstavljenom shvaćanju opravdanja po vjeri u odnosu na obdržavanje židovskoga Zakona. Takvo shvaćanje najprije se vidi u činjenici da Pavao određenu skupinu članova rimske zajednice naziva sintagmom koja opisuje njihov proces slabljenja u vjeri a koja se razumijeva kroz poveznicu s Abrahamom u Rim 4 gdje je prikazan kao lik jake vjere i stavljen kao uzor rimskim kršćanima. Zatim po uvjerenjima rimskih kršćana koja se odnose na pitanja konzumacije hrane i svetkovanja posebnih dana čiji su ključ razumijevanja redci 14,14.20. U njima Pavao tvrdi da je sve čisto te time ukazuje da se prijepori vode zbog djela zajednice koja i dalje nastavlja s praksom židovskog zakona. Pavlov nagovor unutar 14. poglavlja također uvodi u misao opravdanja po vjeri kada podsjeća članove zajednice na kršćanski identitet i pragmatično djelovanje. S obzirom na navedenu problematiku smatramo da je poslanica prvenstveno prigodni spis koji odgovara na konkretne probleme rimskih kršćana podijeljenih na slabe ili judeokršćane i jake ili poganokršćane. Zbog toga što je Pavao zaokupljen problemom slabih i jakih većim tekstualnim opsegom smatramo da je problem bio većega razmjera i da je postojao veći broj članova zajednice, premda ne i većina, koji je naglašavao obdržavanje židovskih odredbi.
Abstract (english) Introduction
In this paper, the author investigates the text of Rom 14 through the historical-critical method. The aim of this research is to understand the terms of strong and weak in faith and to identify them, discover the factors influencing their alienation within the community, and interpret Paul’s exhortation given in this chapter. Since the Rom 14 consists of two pericopes 14:1-12 and 14:13-23 the paper is divided into two chapters. Both chapters contain five equally structured subchapters in this order: delimitation, textual criticism, semantic discourse analysis, linguistic-syntactic analysis, and exegesis of pericope.
Romans 14:1-12
The first chapter shows that pericope 14,1-12 deals with relationships within the community, specifically between the members that Paul calls weak in the faith and the members he calls strong. Due to different beliefs regarding food consumption and the celebration of the day, there are conflicts and disturbed relationships among community members. Paul admonishes them and calls for mutual acceptance.
Romans 14:13-23
The second chapter of this research paper shows that Paul in pericope 14:13-23 mainly addresses the strong. He encourages the acceptance of the weak and points out that Christian freedom is linked to a relationship with God that determines mutual behavior.
The results of the study of Romans 14 show that the background to the problem of the strong and the weak in faith lies in the opposing understanding of justification by faith in relation to the observance of Jewish law. Such an understanding is first seen in the fact that Paul names a certain group of members of the Roman community with phrase weak in faith that describes their process of weakening in faith which is understood through a connection with Abraham in Rome 4 where he is portrayed as a figure of strong faith and set as a model for Roman Christians. Then according to the beliefs of Roman Christians relating to issues of food consumption and the celebration of special days whose key to understanding are verses 14:14.20. In them, Paul claims that everything is pure, thus indicating that the controversy is over the part of the community, which continues to practice Jewish laws. Paul’s exhortation within chapter 14 also introduces the thought of justification by faith when he reminds community members of Christian identity and pragmatic action.
Given the above issues, we consider that the Epistle to the Romans is primarily an occasional letter that responds to the specific problems of Roman Christians who are divided into weak in faith or Jewish Christians and strong or Gentile Christians. Because Paul was preoccupied with the problem of weak-strong situation in a larger textual scope, we believe that the problem was larger in scale and that there were a large number of community members, though not the majority, who emphasized observance of Jewish laws.
Apostol Pavao
Rim 14
slabi u vjeri
čisto – nečisto
opravdanje po vjeri
Keywords (english)
Apostle Paul
Rom 14
weak in faith
clean – unclean
justification by faith
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:222:848886
Promotion 2020
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Licentiate and Doctorate Study Programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija (magistar/magistra teoloških znanosti (licenc) / doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje teologija)
Catalog URL https://kbf-test.zaki.com.hr/pagesResults/bibliografskiZapis.aspx?¤tPage=1&searchById=1&sort=0&age=0&spid0=1&spv0=monika+pr%c5%a1a&mdid0=0&vzid0=0&selectedId=113065461
Type of resource Text
Extent str. 98; 30cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of the Catholic Faculty of Theology University of Zagreb
Created on 2020-12-02 07:56:27