Author Mila Popić MBZ: 354525
Mentor Miroslav Akmadža (mentor)
Committee member Vladimir Gajger (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 202910
Committee member Mario Jareb (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 225660
Committee member Mijo Korade (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-06-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94(497.5) - History of Croatia
Abstract Na djelovanje Katoličke crkve u Jugoslaviji nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata u najvećoj mjeri su utjecale promijenjene društveno-političke okolnosti, koje je bitno određivala jednostranačka vlast Komunističke partije Jugoslavije, zasnovana na ideologiji s ateističkim svjetonazorom. To je dovelo u težak položaj kako Crkvu u cjelini, tako i njezine institucije, među kojima su važno mjesto zauzimale ženske redovničke družbe. U pogledu brojnosti članica, teritorijalne rasprostranjenosti, kao i razgranatosti djelatnosti, najutjecajnija ženska redovnička zajednica na tom području u predratnom, ratnom i poratnom vremenu bila je Družba sestara milosrdnica svetog Vinka Paulskog sa sjedištem u Zagrebu. Ova je Družba, u skladu sa svojim pravilima, svoju prisutnost ostvarivala na odgojno-prosvjetnom i zdravstveno-karitativnom polju djelujući u brojnim vlastitim ili državnim institucijama. Revolucionarni zakoni doneseni u Demokratskoj Federativnoj Jugoslaviji (Federativnoj Narodnoj Republici Jugoslaviji) od 1945. do 1952. godine i politička praksa koja je iz njih proizlazila teško su pogodili Družbu. Državna zabrana pristupa službama koje je Družba dotad obavljala te oduzimanje njezine imovine na najmanju moguću mjeru sveli su materijalnu osnovicu potrebnu za ostvarivanje redovničkog života. Družbu je pogađalo i opće negativno ozračje koje je u društvu stvarano prema Katoličkoj crkvi, njezinim službenicima, ustanovama, a posebice ženskim redovima koji su se u novonastaloj situaciji teško snalazili. Postojeći materijal na kojem se temelji ova dizertacija potvrđuje da je za komunističke vlasti Družba, kao dio Katoličke crkve, bila značajan ideološki protivnik, a u isto vrijeme i izvor materijalnih posjeda. Naime, narav i obim Družbinih djelatnosti zahtijevali su i znatne materijalne posjede, u službi tih istih djelatnosti. Sustavna režimska difamacija Družbe u javnosti započela je već na samom početku nastupa nove vlasti sudskim procesima, prijekim sudovima, ubijanjima i namještenim povezivanjem Družbe s ustaškim režimom. Daljnji koraci vlasti, u kontekstu cjelokupnog odnosa prema Katoličkoj crkvi, odnosili su se na mjere poduzimane s ciljem uklanjanja Družbe iz javnog života. To se činilo onemogućivanjem njezina djelovanja, ali i pokušajima utjecanja na samu narav redovničkog života kao takvoga. Analizom pojedinih tematskih cjelina ove dizertacije, utvrđeno je nekoliko smjerova državne represije usmjerene prema Družbi. Prvi se odnosi na sustavno obezvrjeđivanje Družbe u javnosti te njezino uklanjanje iz društvenog života, što se činilo osobito namještenim suđenjima. Drugi je materijalno osiromašenje Družbe, utemeljeno na različitim zakonima kojima su oduzimani njezini materijalni posjedi. Treći je promjena unutarnje strukture i poslanja koja se provodila također umanjivanjem utjecaja članica Družbe u javnosti zabranom odgojnog te prosvjetnog djelovanja članica, a potom uvjetovanjem njihova djelovanja u državnim službama građanskim odijelom, a uz to nastojanjem oko što veće kontrole članica. Analizom odnosa jugoslavenskog komunističkog režima prema Družbi, u razdoblju od 1945. do 1952., može se doći do zaključka da je represija vlasti koja se događala na razini cijele Crkve bila dosljedno primjenjivana i prema Družbi. Ona je na koncu rezultirala potiskivanjem sestara iz javnog života kao i smanjenjem intenziteta njezine djelatnosti, što se posebno očitovalo na odgojno-prosvjetnom području. Također, represivni postupci državne vlasti uvjetovali su i promjenu Družbine djelatnosti posebno u pogledu odgojno-prosvjetnog djelovanja u vezi kojeg je provedena prekvalifikacija. Istraživački cilj ovoga rada bio je kritičkom raščlambom dostupnog arhivskog gradiva, ali i već objavljenih izvora, novina, časopisa i dosadašnjih historiografskih dostignuća ocijeniti način na koji se odvijao odnos komunističke vlasti i Družbe te doći do realnih pokazatelja represivnog stava vlasti prema Družbi, koji se očitovao u promjeni naravi njezine djelatnosti od 1945. do 1952. godine, kao i u promjeni nekih dotadašnjih oblika života u Družbi kao takvoj. S obzirom na navedene oblike njezine djelatnosti, i način na koji je odgovorila novonastaloj situaciji Družba može poslužiti kao ogledan primjer za uvid o postupanju vlasti prema ostalim ženskim redovničkim kongregacijama na cijelom području tadašnje države.
Abstract (english) After the end of the Second World War, the field of activity of the Catholic Church in Yugoslavia was in utmost case determined by changed socio-political conditions, which were essentially set by the one party Communist government based on atheistic ideology. The situation brought the Catholic Church in a difficult position, as well as its institutions among which women religious congregations had a prominent place. Regarding its presence in sociopolitical life via widespread educational, health-care and charitable services one of the most important religious congregations in Yugoslavia before, during and after the War was the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul – Zagreb. The revolutionary laws enacted from 1945 to 1952 and political practice based on them struck the Congregation forcibly. Since by these laws the regime forbade its activities and confiscated its properties the material basis of the Congregation, which was necessary for the life of its members, was thus completely reduced. Moreover, the Congregation was struck as well by the general negative atmosphere produced in the public towards the Catholic Church, its ministers, and institutions and especially towards women religious congregations which did not manage to cope well with the new situation. The available resources, which form the basis of the dissertation, testify that the Congregation, as the institution of the Catholic Church, was a major ideological opponent for the state authorities. In addition to this, it was the source of material possessions for the state. In other words, the character and range of the Congregation's activities required considerable possessions used to run these activities. Regarding the afore mentioned range of Congregation’s activities it was thus necessary to depreciate it and devalue its importance, which was done at the very beginning of the period by many mock trials, killings caused by applying martial laws, and by linking the Congregation with the Ustacha regime. Further steps taken by the state, in the context of the relationship towards the Catholic Church as a whole, were related to the measures taken to remove the Congregation from the public life by disabling its activities, but also by an effort to influence the religious life as such. The analysis of the topic was acquired by highlighting a few topics dealing with the relationship between the Congregation and the state on macro and micro level. In other words, in the correspondence accomplished between the Congregation's superiors and the State Authorities, and by analysing events that took place in smaller communities. In this regard, the synthesis of both levels shows the ideological predominance of the conflict and the regular cruelty of the state’s measures shown towards the members of the Congregation. During the respective period, the analysis of particular topics showed a few directions that the state took in order to enforce repression towards the Congregation. The first deals with the systematic defamation of the Congregation and its removal from social life done by mock trials. The second comprises of material impoverishment of the Congregation based on a variety of laws by which its possessions were taken. The third relates to the change of the internal structure (mission) enforced by reducing the influence of its members in public life, by forbidding its educational mission, enforcing laicisation and trying to acquire a greater control of members. In the analysis of the relationship of the Yugoslav communist regime and the Congregation, from 1945 to 1952, it could be seen that the repression of the state towards the Church as a whole was consistently applied to the Congregation as well. In the end, it resulted in the suppression of the members and the reduction of its activities, especially in the field of education. Furthermore, the repressive activities also caused a transformation of its mission, especially in the field of education, because of which retraining was made. However, the crucial point is that with the process of the Congregation’s negation, what happened in fact was affirmation: its members showed flexibility and they succeeded to become adapted to the new situation and continue being present among the people but in different ways. This dissertation analyses the influence of the laws on the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul – Zagreb presented as a model showing the life of women religious congregations in Yugoslavia after the Second World War. Regarding previously mentioned scope of its activities, the Congregation may serve as the example for the relations of the government towards the other women religious congregations in Yugoslavia.
Družba sestara milosrdnica svetog Vinka Paulskog – Zagreb
komunistički režim
Keywords (english)
The Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul – Zagreb
religious life
Communist regime
health care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:355154
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctroal study in history Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies
Created on 2017-09-20 06:56:11