Author Josipa Dragičević
Mentor Tihomil Maštrović (mentor) MBZ: 86221058039
Committee member Branka Tafra (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 02084925913
Committee member Dubravka Zima (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 44257861115
Committee member Hrvojka Mihanović Salopek (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 137991
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-06-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Croatian Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 82 - Literature. Comparative literature
Abstract Rad Hrvatske knjiţevnice 19. stoljeća i njihova recepcija u hrvatskoj književnoj historiografiji donosi pregled književnica koje su djelovale tijekom književno-stilskih razdoblja romantizma i realizma u hrvatskoj književnosti i koje su pisale hrvatskim jezikom. Za razliku od prethodnih razdoblja zamjetan je veći broj ţena koje sudjeluju u književnoj produkciji toga doba, pa su se na temelju članaka iz devetnaestostoljetne periodike pokušale utvrditi društvene okolnosti u okviru kojih žene književno djeluju, njihov društveno-kulturni poloţaj te motivi i poticaji za književni rad. U radu su u zasebnim poglavljima obrađene književnice: Ana Vidović, Dragojla Jarnević, Ana Vrdoljak, Jagoda Brlić, Milka Pogačić i Ivka Kralj, a analize njihovih opusa pokazale su da je njihov književnopovijesni značaj veći od onoga određenoga spolom, što je prethodno zamijećeno kao temeljni diskurs njihova predstavljanja u hrvatskoj književnoj historiografiji. Tako možemo govoriti o uvođenju novih motiva i tema te njihovoj originalnoj obradi u okviru onodobne hrvatske književnosti i to mahom kod svih književnica, o Ani Vidović kao autorici prvoga romantičnoga spjeva ili Dragojli Jarnević kao autorici jednoga od prvih romana u novijoj hrvatskoj književnosti, o činjenici da su prve uspjele u nakani pridobivanja čitateljske publike, ispunivši time jednu od najvažnijih zadaća svoga doba, prve u epske forme uvode nove teme, drugačije od uobičajenih hajdučko-turskih (Vidović i Jarnević), okreću se i suvremenim temama i prvim pokušajima psihologizacije likova (Jarnević), tematiziraju ţensko pitanje u okviru društveno općeprihvaćenih rodnih uloga (Jarnević, Brlić, Pogačić, Kralj), ali i prepoznaju djecu kao značajnu čitateljsku publiku i okreću se književnosti za djecu (Jarnević, Pogačić). U radu je posebna pozornost posvećena analizi recepcije navedenih književnica u hrvatskoj književnoj historiografiji, koja je pokazala nepostojanje usustavljenoga korpusa književnica, izostanak većine njih iz književnopovijesnih sinteza, nesuglasja u interpretacijama, ali i brojne faktografske i interpretativne netočnosti koje su se u radu pokušale ispraviti.
Abstract (english) The study Hrvatske knjiţevnice 19. stoljeća i njihova recepcija u hrvatskoj knjiţevnoj historiografiji / Croatian female authors in the 19th century and their reception in Croatian literary historiography brings a survey of women writers active in Croatian literature during the literary-stylistic periods of Romanticism and Realism and who were writing in Croatian language. As opposed to previous periods, a higher number of women taking part in the literary production of that time is noticeable. Therefore, based on the nineteenth-century periodical articles, this study attempts to determine social circumstances providing the framework for the literary activity of women, their social and cultural position as well as their motives and incentives for literary work. Separate chapters are dedicated to Ana Vidović, Dragojla Jarnević, Ana Vrdoljak, Jagoda Brlić, Milka Pogaĉić and Ivka Kralj, and analyses of their opuses have indicated that their literary-historical significance is larger than the one defined by sex, which has been previously noticed as the underlying discourse of their representation in Croatian literary historiography. Thus we can talk about the introduction of new motifs and themes and their original elaboration within the scope of the then Croatian literature and in the work of basically each and every female writer, about Ana Vidović as the authoress of the first romantic epic poem or Dragojla Jarnević as the authoress of one of the first novels in modern, 19th century Croatian literature, about the fact that they were the first to succeed in the intention to win over the reading audience, completing by this one of the most important tasks of their time. They were the first to introduce new topics in epic forms (Vidović and Jarnević), turning also to then contemporary themes and first attempts at character psychologization (Jarnević), thematizing the woman question within the context of socially ingrained gender roles (Jarnević, Brlić, Pogaĉić, Kralj), at the same time recognizing children as important reading public and turning to children's literature (Jarnević, Pogaĉić). In the book, a special emphasis is directed at the analysis of the reception of the mentioned women writers in Croatian literary historiography, showing the lack of a systematized corpus of female writers, the absence of most of them from literary-historical syntheses, discrepancies in interpretations, but also many factual and interpretative inaccuracies which this study attempted to correct.
hrvatske književnice
19. stoljeće
hrvatska književna historiografija
hrvatski književni časopisi
Keywords (english)
Croatian women writers
the 19th century
Croatian literary historiography
Croatian literary magazine
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:379218
Promotion 2017-05-17
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study in croatology Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filologija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies
Created on 2017-09-19 09:48:26