Author Miroslav Kota MBZ: 76374444272
Mentor Stjepan Matković (mentor)
Committee member Zlatko Matijević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stjepan Ćosić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Bušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-12-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 94 - History of individual countries
Abstract Na temelju obilne građe i to u pravilu do sada neobjavljenih dokumenata iz arhivskih fondova, upotpunjeno sa saznanjima iz nevelike literature koja se posebno odnosi na područje interesa, disertacija se bavi do sada malo poznatom Središnjom defenzivnom doglasnom službom. Uz pomoć literature iz opće povijesti, političke, gospodarske, vojne, diplomatske i povijesti međunarodnih odnosa te raspada Austro-Ugarske, rad Službe stavljen je u odgovarajući kontekst domaćih i međunarodnih okolnosti.
Načelno se poštivao kronološki red te su predstavljena i analizirana saznanja o osnutku same Službe, njenoj organizaciji i tajnoj djelatnosti, usmjerenoj na borbu protiv uhodarstva čime se željelo ojačati bojnu spremnost Austro-Ugarske, čuvati njenu državnu sigurnost i jačati ratni moral stanovništva, kako pred rat, tako i tijekom samog rata, sve do njegovog završetka, kad prestaje s radom. Sama služba bila je decentralizirana na četiri službe neovisne jedna od druge i to prema teritorijalnom djelokrugu – Cislajtanija, Translajtanija, banska Hrvatska i Bosna i Hercegovina, koje su koordinativno bile povezane preko Evidenzbureaua Glavnog stožera.
Služba je djelovala u složenim okolnostima koje su predstavljene u tezi. Cijelo vrijeme rata, zahvaljujući dualizmu i činjenici neraspuštanja Sabora na vlasti je sigurnosno problematična Hrvatsko-srpska koalicija čija sastavnica je suspektna austrijskom dijelu Monarhije i vojnim vlastima zbog mogućeg protumonarhijskog djelovanja, pojačanih okolnošću da se Kraljevina Srbija našla u ratu s Austro-Ugarskom. U zemlji su na snazi iznimne mjere, Vladom predsjeda ban Skerlecz, Tiszin štićenik, kasnije unionist Mihalovich, a istovremeno Služba za svoj rad funkcionalno odgovara Evidenzbureau. Zbog spomenutih okolnosti dolazi i do sukoba vojnih i civilnih vlasti. U tezi su predstavljene i mjere zaštite tajnosti podataka tj. informacijske sigurnosti, a djelomično i kriptografije, kao i metode obavještajnog rada same Službe. Opširno su prikazane i analizirane aktivnosti Službe - vođenje evidencije osoba sumnjivih ili osuđenih zbog uhodarstva, što je prošireno i na sve političke sumnjive osobe te izrada elaborata o političkoj situaciji ili pojavama, kao i analiza zaplijenjene državne dokumentacije u Srbiji po njenoj okupaciji, koja dokazuje da je prije rata Koalicija postupala po uputama iz Beograda. Služba je prikupljala podatke koji su se odnosili na uhodarstvo, samostalno ili u asistenciji pograničnog redarstvenog satništva, oružništva i redarstva te je njen središnji ured u Zagrebu formalno potpuno ravnopravno održavao neposrednu veze sa ostalim središnjim uredima u Beču, Budimpešti i Sarajevu, što je predstavljalo reformsku novinu u Monarhiji.
Znanstveni doprinos doktorskog rada je sveobuhvatno istražena problematika djelovanja klasične tajne političke policije i njene uloge na društvene strukture, političke odnose, gospodarstvo te vojnu spremnost tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata u banskoj Hrvatskoj.
Abstract (english) Using numerous sources, many of which were previously unpublished archived documents, as well as the limited writing done on this topic, this dissertation explores the rarely discussed Central Counterintelligence Service. Drawing on the fields of political, economic, military and diplomatic history as well as the history of international relations and the disintegration of Austria-Hungary, the work done by the Service is contextualized within its proper local as well as foreign circumstances.
This dissertation mostly follows a chronological sequence of events in order present and analyse known information about the founding of the Service, its organisation, and its secret involvement in the fight against espionage. Its purpose was to strengthen the combat readiness of Austria-Hungary, protect its state, and raise public morale before and during the War, after which the Service was disbanded. The Service itself was decentralized into four independent services according to territory – Cisleithania, Transleithania, Banal Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. These sub-services were coordinated through the Evidenzbureau, as the branch of the Army Headquarters.
The complexities of the setting the Service functioned within are presented in the thesis. For the duration of the War, the dualism and the failure to abolish the Parliament ensured the questionably secure Croat-Serb Coalition remained in power. The Austrian part of the Monarchy found this Coalition suspect as they felt it might be guilty of working against the Monarchy, and these suspicions were not lessened by the Kingdom of Serbia waging war against Austria-Hungary. The country was in a state of emergency. Ban Skerlecz, a protégé of Istvan Tisza, was overseeing the government and was eventually replaced by Mihalovich, a unionist. All the while, the Service responded to Evidenzbureau. All these factors led to a conflict between the military and the civil powers. The thesis also explores the measures taken to ensure security of information, the partial cryptography, and the methods used by the Service's intelligence. The Service activities are described and analysed in great detail: the keeping of a list of persons suspected or accused of espionage, which then expanded to include every politically suspicious person, the written documentation on the political situation and occurrences, and the analysis of the state documentation confiscated from Serbia upon its occupation, which proved that prior to the War the Coalition's orders came from Belgrade. The Service collected information related to espionage, be it individual or with the assistance of border patrol, gendarmerie or police. Its headquarters in Zagreb were formally on the same level as the other headquarters in Vienna, Budapest and Sarajevo, which they were in regular communication with. This was novel for the Monarchy.
The scientific contribution of this thesis is in the comprehensive analysis of the workings of a classic secret political police and the effects it had on social structures, political relations, and combat readiness during the World War I in Banal Croatia.
Key words: World War I, Banal Croatia, Central Counterintelligence Service, Evidenzbureau, Austria-Hungary, Zagreb
Prvi svjetski rat
banska Hrvatska
Središnja defenzivno doglasna služba
Keywords (english)
World War I
Banal Croatia
Central Counterintelligence Service
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:730343
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctroal study in history Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje povijest)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies
Created on 2020-03-02 10:54:19