Author Tomislav Škrbić
Mentor Damir Barbarić (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Labus (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Stanislav Tuksar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Pećnjak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Croatian Studies Zagreb
Defense date and country 2015-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 14 - Philosophical systems and points of view
Abstract U radu se pokušalo što obuhvatnije izložiti osnovne postavke filozofije umjetnosti Ivana Fochta. S obzirom na nepostojanje opširnijih monografskih radova o Fochtovu filozofskom djelu, nastojalo se njegova estetička stajališta dovesti u vezu te usporediti s relevantnim stajalištima hrvatske i europske estetičko-filozofske misli. Stoga se očekivani znanstveni doprinos prvenstveno odnosi na uspostavu interpretacijskih osnova kako za buduće vrednovanje, tako i za buduća tumačenja Fochtova djela. U metodskom smislu rad počiva na analitici izvornih Fochtovih tekstova, ali i odgovarajuće klasične i recentne sekundarne literature. Iz razmatranja koja su u radu provedena proizašla su četiri bitna i nosiva određenja Fochtove ontologije umjetnosti. Prvo: ispostavilo se da je Fochtova estetika u metodološkom pogledu objektivizam, tj. da polazi od forme i strukture estetskog predmeta (formalna estetika). Na pozadini ideje o slojevitoj strukturi estetskog predmeta (npr. N. Hartmann, R. Ingarden) Focht izvodi svoj nacrt strukture prema kojemu estetski predmet ima tri osnovna plana (materijalno-fizikalni, predmetno-prikazivački i duhovno-metafizički). Drugo: u ontološkom pogledu Fochtova estetika zagovara esencijalizam, odnosno stav da estetske forme prethode egzistenciji estetskog predmeta. Polazeći od idealnog karaktera umjetnosti Focht ne prihvaća, dokraja, fenomenologijsko razlikovanje idealnog estetskog predmeta i realnog umjetničkog djela, jer smatra da je moment modalnosti presudno određen upravo idealnim karakterom umjetnosti. Treće: Fochtova estetika prožeta je gnoseološkim realizmom koji polazi od stava da estetske forme postoje objektivno, odnosno, da nisu proizvod svijesti estetskog subjekta. Iz gnoseološkog realizma proizlazi i shvaćanje da estetski predmet bitno uvjetuje estetski akt. Tako bi se moglo reći da Focht u gnoseologijskom pogledu zastupa jedan osebujan spoj platonizma, tj. fenomenologije, i dijalektičkog materijalizma. Četvrto: Fochtova je ontologija umjetnosti zasnovana na ontološkom monizmu i gnoseološkom dualizmu. Ontološki monizam je najočitiji u konstitutivnoj analizi estetskog predmeta, tj. u Fochtovu nacrtu strukture umjetničkog djela. Dočim se gnoseološki dualizam na poseban način očituje u Fochtovu shvaćanju umjetničke spoznaje kao dijalektičkog odnosa subjekta i objekta. Zaključno valja napomenuti da ontologija umjetnosti Ivana Fochta sadržava teoretska dostignuća koja u cijelosti mogu podržavati sud o izvornosti njegovog pristupa estetskom fenomenu. Izlazak iz područja umjetnosti u područje prirode i prirodno lijepog, kako bi se još više približilo metafizičkom smislu identiteta materije i duha, ono je što u konačnici preostaje kao krajnji rezultat Fochtove filozofije umjetnosti. Ključne riječi: Ivan Focht, ontologija umjetnosti, estetski predmet, estetski akt, objektivacija
Abstract (english) The paper attempts to expound the basic postulates of Ivan Focht’s philosophy of art as comprehensively as possible. Given the absence of more extensive monographs on Focht’s philosophical work, efforts are made to correlate his aesthetic standpoints and to compare the same with relevant standpoints of both Croatian and European aesthetic-philosophical thought. Accordingly, the expected scientific contribution pertains primarily to the establishment of an interpretive basis for both the future evaluation and future interpretations of Focht’s works. Methodologically, the paper is based on an analysis of Focht’s original texts, but also on relevant classical and recent secondary literature. The author’s considerations presented in the paper have resulted in four essential and underlying designations of Focht’s ontology of art. First, it turns out that, methodologically speaking, Focht’s aesthetics is objectivism, i.e. that it sets forth from the form and structure of aesthetic objects (formal aesthetics). Drawing on the idea that the structure of aesthetic objects is layered (e.g., N. Hartmann, R. Ingarden), Focht drafts his structure scheme, according to which aesthetic objects have three basic plans (the material-physical, the objective-display, and the spiritual-metaphysical plan). Second, in ontological terms, Focht’s aesthetics advocates essentialism, i.e. the view that aesthetic forms precede the existence of aesthetic objects. Starting from the ideal character of art, Focht does not accept fully the phenomenological distinction between ideal aesthetic objects and real works of art because he believes that the moment of modality is crucially determined by exactly the ideal character of art. Third, Focht’s aesthetics is permeated by gnoseological realism which takes the position that aesthetic forms exist objectively or that they are not the product of the consciousness of aesthetic subjects. It is also from gnoseological realism that the understanding that aesthetic acts are conditioned significantly by aesthetic objects stems. Correspondingly, it could be said that, in gnoseological terms, Focht represents a distinctive amalgam of Platonism, i.e. phenomenology, and dialectical materialism. Fourth, Focht’s ontology of art is based on ontological monism and gnoseological dualism. His ontological monism is most obvious in the constitutive analysis of aesthetic objects, i.e. in Focht’s scheme of the structure of works of art, while his gnoseological dualism is revealed in a special way in Focht’s understanding of artistic cognition as a dialectic relationship between subject and object. In conclusion, it should be noted that Ivan Focht’s ontology of art contains theoretical achievements that can fully support the judgment on the authenticity of his approach to the aesthetic phenomenon. Exiting the field of art and entering the realm of nature and the naturally beautiful – so as to draw closer to the metaphysical sense of the identity of matter and spirit – is what ultimately remains as the final result of Focht’s philosophy of art.
Ivan Focht
ontologija umjetnosti
estetski predmet
estetski akt
Keywords (english)
Ivan Focht
ontology of art
aesthetic objects
aesthetic acts
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:111:301451
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Doctoral Programme in Philosophy Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filozofija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, područje humanističkih znanosti, polje filozofija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of University of Zagreb, Centre for Croatian Studies
Created on 2019-05-06 14:14:43